View Full Version : worth getting theatrhythm FF?

Weimar Pluto Knight VII
10-07-2012, 11:27 PM
Well I was listening to a podcast when this came out and they were saying theatrhythm FF was really fun. I tried the demo and it seems pretty good. Is the general consensus here that it's good? Who can do those really hard versions of the song really well? I'm wondering if there's a way if I could hook my 3ds to my stereo b/c of the music. anybody else have trouble when it wants you to slide in a direction? I make an effort not to flick but it's really picky for me. Also is the DLC really expensive?

btw the name of the game I don't like b/c it's hard to spell lol

10-07-2012, 11:32 PM
I cannot speak for the rest of EoFF, but it is my new favourite game to play. I absolutely love it.

The DLC is reasonable, it's £0.90 per song, which ain't too bad. Make sure to buy songs you know you are going to enjoy, use youtube or something to test drive each song. What I really like about Theatrhythm is how jolly it is. It's a nice relaxing game. It's both easy and hard, you will definitely enjoy it.

I did use the demo, and I had an issue with the hold triggers with a slide at the end, it seemed to be hit and miss with me. Now that I have the full game, it is completely fine, and have no issues at all.

Hope this has somewhat helped!

Weimar Pluto Knight VII
10-08-2012, 12:00 AM
yea I like how in the demo you have FF8 and FF13 but everything is happy spritified and they say random stuff at the beginning like "we fight for um idk" lol

oh aren't they done with dlc with this game or will there be more? also I read there was another demo than the one I played. did they remove that one?

10-08-2012, 12:17 AM
I'm not sure about other demos, the one I had used two songs, "Man with the Machine Gun" and "Sunleth Waterscape". As for DLC, the 52 they have at the moment are the ones they have now. I'm not sure about any more, although if they did more that would be fantastic.

I love the random quotes!

"I suppose" "we fight" "dutifully" "...for Chaos?!"

Also, feel free to check out my un-official olympic game, here on this very here forum. I'm sure you'll have a blast!

Weimar Pluto Knight VII
10-08-2012, 12:19 AM
52? wow that's more than what the game is worth.

10-08-2012, 12:27 AM
Well if it's £0.90 per song, and there's 52 then... *busts out calculator*

That equals £46.80. So yeah, depending on where you got the game, it's more than enough to surpass the retail price of the game. Is it worth it? Depends. I only bought the songs I like on there, and if I have any loose change around, I'd slowly but surely buy the other songs.

10-09-2012, 09:07 AM
I like it but it can be very repetitive and some of the Chaos Notes have the same song over and over and over again...

I'll say get it if you can manage to get the DLC so your not sick of the songs.

10-09-2012, 09:15 AM
It is an awesome game. Very addicting. BTW, I rule at this game. :cool:

10-10-2012, 10:58 PM
It is an awesome game. Very addicting. BTW, I rule at this game. :cool:

My transition from Expert to Ultimate score was a messy one Fynn! My first few experiences with Ultimate BMS scores were not pretty. Strangely enough, I found the FMS Ultimates quite easy.

10-11-2012, 05:56 AM
I found the transition form beginner to expert to be harder. After one or two ultimate scores, I keep getting As and S.

10-11-2012, 03:32 PM
it looks kind of like elite beat agents but with final fantasy characters

only buy if you don't already own kid icarus!

Weimar Pluto Knight VII
10-11-2012, 03:36 PM
oops I already have kid icarus lol though I've only played a little of it. Wanna get around to play and beat the NES and game boy ones first.

10-11-2012, 04:11 PM
play through the entirety of it before purchasing anything else. don't bother with the old ones.

10-11-2012, 05:46 PM
I found the transition form beginner to expert to be harder. After one or two ultimate scores, I keep getting As and S.

Whenever I play an Ultimate BMS, I expect at least an A or above. I'm not a perfectionist, an A is more than enough for me.

Oh by the way, have you bought "The Castle" DLC? That is the hardest FMS I have ever played. It's beginning is killer!