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View Full Version : New Info about PS3 version of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

10-12-2012, 11:14 PM

Recently we reported that Final Fantasy XIV’s development team just released some screenshots for the PS3 version (http://home.eyesonff.com/content/2017-ps3-screenshots-ffxiv-realm-reborn.html). Now, producer Naoki Yoshida and UI developer Hiroshi Minagawa released more details about the PS3 version and its development to a Japanese news site (http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/interview/20121011_565356.html), as well as information on new content for A Realm Reborn. An intrepid translator from the FFXIV forums provided an unofficial translation of the lengthy interview here ( http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/14967-Translations-%28JP-to-English%29?p=855465&viewfull=1#post855465) and here ( http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/14967-Translations-%28JP-to-English%29?p=855466&viewfull=1#post855466). It is long and often quite technical, so here’s the significant points that I saw:

According to Yoshida, the PS3 version is about 80% done, with mostly technical tweaks to go. The PS3 graphics settings are planned to be comparable to medium settings on the PC version, which is as high as they can go on a PS3 MMORPG as big as FFXIV. It will likely not ever be possible to have a full HD display on the PS3 version.

Minagawa and Yoshi-P both commented on changes to the UI and further development of the PS3 version. A lot of the changes to the UI are based on applying a global standard for MMO controls, at least to the keyboard and mouse. There will be some differences with the PS3’s UI from the PC version, such as menu placement and font customization, but the majority will be the same. A lot of work is currently being done making sure that playing with the PS3’s gamepad will be just as easy and effective as the keyboard.

There was also a question about what PS3 models will be able to play A Realm Reborn. Yoshi-P responded that current plan is for the FFXIV to require low enough storage to be playable on all PS3 models, though he conceded that he is getting some complaints from developers wanting to increase the storage requirements. The current resolution for the PS3 version is 1280x544 (which will be stretched to 1280x720), due to trying to keep the storage requirements low.

Yoshi-P confirmed that the PS3 and PC releases of ARR will be on the same date. The PS3 beta, however, will be delayed an undetermined time after the PC beta commences. Also, current PC users will be able to use their same account on the PS3 version, but will be required to actually buy the PS3 game.

In closing, Yoshi-P apologized to all PS3 players for the three-year delay in a PS3 version of Final Fantasy XIV, but he stated that he is confident that PS3 gamers will be satisfied with the finished product. Given the amount of time and work this release has taken, I would hope so, but the new information is still a relief.

This interview has also yielded some new content information for all versions of A Realm Reborn. Some quick highlights:

• New primals will be introduced, including Titan.
• Chocobos will be able to have battle gear equipped to them. Your chocobo’s level and how you have raised them will determine what gear can be equipped to it. There will apparently be different chocobo classes depending on how you raise them, which will impact what they can do in battle and what gear they can equip.
• A new dungeon will be introduced, targeted to levels 40-45.
• Amos from FFIII fame will make an appearance as a boss.
• According to another summary (http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/56060-A-Quick-Summary-of-the-recent-JP-Articles) of this and other interviews, all 1.x players will have the ability to remake their character’s appearance for A Realm Reborn once during the first six months after the launch.

It sounds like the PS3 version is well on track, though it is nice to finally have some information about it. And I am personally very excited to start raising chocobos!

But what do you all think? Discuss the new information about the PS3 version’s development and the new announced content in the comments.

Del Murder
10-13-2012, 04:58 AM
I'm slightly disappointed with the graphic downgrades of the PS3 but I probably won't notice.

10-13-2012, 07:12 AM
Their hands were really kind of tied on the PS3 graphics. The thing's a tank, but it's not going to accomplish what newer computers are able to do. I really like a lot of this news, especially about raid bosses always dropping a reward. That's totally an acceptable trade-off for longer cooldown times between running dungeons.

10-13-2012, 04:12 PM
Del: I think Ouch! is right in that the graphics are as good as possible for PS3 hardware. I'm not sure how much of a downgrade high -> medium settings are for the PC version (apparently the equivalent to the PS3 graphics settings), but then again I just went ahead and put all the settings on low right away just so the game would run as smooth as possible. I'm not exactly a graphics snob, so not the best one to critique them. :p

Del Murder
10-13-2012, 05:04 PM
I'm not one either, so I probably won't be bothered by it. I'm encouraged by the tweaks to the UI for PS3 to better fit that system.

10-13-2012, 05:25 PM
Will PS3 players be able to play with people who are playing on a PC?

10-13-2012, 05:31 PM
Yes. It's the same game on the same servers with the same players. The only differences with the PS3 game are all technical and due to hardware limitations and system differences (such as the tweaks to the UI).

10-13-2012, 11:23 PM
From what I've read of SE's statements, technically the PS3 could push a bit harder to make it look better, but it would come at a significant cost to performance, which is by far more important in an MMORPG.

10-19-2012, 02:26 PM
I'm often sad when I hear about the PS3 getting things like this, but not the Xbox. But then I remember that Japan hates the Xbox, and the PS3 is actually infinitely more powerful and so can actually handle things like this.

Ah well. :3

10-19-2012, 02:45 PM
Xbox also has it's own subscription fee which makes it difficult for SE.

Weimar Pluto Knight VII
10-19-2012, 03:02 PM
If I can get around to getting a super powerful pc I wanna get that version if it works, if not ill settle for the ps3 version which is what I would have done not long ago if it was out. I wonder if they'll port it to ps4 since I bet it will be out within 2 years.

10-19-2012, 03:58 PM
A Realm Reborn will need completely different (and lower) specs. So there may be no reason to buy a new computer. The old benchmark system is completely outdated.

10-19-2012, 04:28 PM
Will PS3 users pay a monthly fee as well?

10-19-2012, 04:32 PM
That is the stance they took with FFXI so probably. SE has too many dedicate servers and employees for a one time purchase fee.

10-19-2012, 04:56 PM
Will PS3 users pay a monthly fee as well?
I don't understand why you would think otherwise. They made Final Fantasy XI players on the Xbox 360 pay for a gold membership and Square Enix's monthly fee. Granted, that was mostly Microsoft's inflexibility and also the reason that FFXIV is not coming to the Xbox 360, as GoBo mentioned.

Del Murder
10-19-2012, 06:52 PM
Maybe she meant a monthly fee on top of the FFXIV fee for PS3 users. Which won't be the case.

10-19-2012, 07:12 PM
Maybe she meant a monthly fee on top of the FFXIV fee for PS3 users. Which won't be the case.

This is what I meant, thanks. :)