View Full Version : Which FF World Would You Live In?

10-28-2012, 08:32 AM
Let's face it. A lot of the time, life is dull. Quite often, you wish you could have a different life someplace else.

Such a thing I've thought about for years as I played each FF game. Sometimes, I'd be taken to worlds that looked so amazing, I thought, What would life be like if our world were more like theirs? I thought so many times about living in various FF worlds if only to experience what goes on in them. It'd be a lot better and interesting than my life here, that's for sure.

So I thought I'd pose the question to all of you. If you could drop everything right now, pull up stakes, and move to one of the FF worlds for a better, more fun, more interesting life, what are top three to five worlds you could see yourself living in?

I'll say mine below, and I'll let others throw out theirs.

1. FF13: What can I say? I'm a techno freak who needs his technology, electricity, and Internet, and FF13's world had all of those in spades. Life seemed so easy in that futuristic world, and I'd have given anything to have a world like that. Not to mention the views and the settings in the wild were absolutely breathtaking. Plus, it'd be great living in a place where, basically, godlike machines give you all of your creature comforts. So yeah. Love the idea of living in this world. At least in Cocoon.

Of course, what would repel me from wanting to live here? Well, first of all, the idea of living in the monster-filled Gran Pulse. No, thank you. Also, the idea of living in a theocratic place such as Cocoon, where even the slightest mention of l'Cie can cause a worldwide panic. Or even a deadly Purge. Not to mention living where fal'Cie are basically plotting to exterminate you and everyone around you. . . .

2. FF8: FF8's world is a lot closer to what you'd imagine a current-day world to be, so I'd feel somewhat comfortable in this world. And why not? I'd have grown up learning to fight at an early age at a school designed for training soldiers. And even better, just the idea of actually living at, and attending, a moving, journeying school? Now, that would be an exciting life. Of course, I'd hope to attend Balamb Garden, since that place seemed to have a better, more homey feel to it, overall, compared to the stiffness of Galbadia Garden. I honestly don't know how Irvine could stand living there.

I actually can't think of any extreme downside to living in this world except for one thing: the concept of memory loss from using GFs. Probably could do without that. But aside from that, FF8's world floats my boat.

3. FF10: Not as much technology here (if at all), but I think I could adjust if I'd been born and raised there. What makes FF10's world attractive to me is the summoner pilgrimage aspect. I'd love to be a guardian to a summoner and travel to the various Spiran temples, seeing so much of the world. Just the idea of seeing places like Kilika, Luca, and Bevelle in person . . . wow.

Would there be a downside? But of course. Two, in fact. Threat of Sin, for one. And the one crucial thing that'd happen at the end of a pilgrimage. But you have to take the bad with the good, so . . .

Now, then. Those are my three choices. I'm eager to see what others would have to offer.

10-28-2012, 08:42 AM
FFVIII: For many of the reasons you yourself listed above. I really like card games and the best part of VIII was the card game.

FFIX: Also an awesome card game and some really beautiful cities.

FFT: I've always wanted to live in a sword and sorcery realm and this game actually had some great classes I'd want to live out.

10-28-2012, 01:30 PM

10-28-2012, 02:02 PM
8 seems like it'd be the best world, advances-wise, that doesn't actually face any risk of mass destruction.

10-28-2012, 03:44 PM

There are some absolutely magical places to visit, but I'm not entirely sure if it's the most livable place. The reliance on Mako is a downside, but necessary if you want to live somewhat comfortably. I must admit that I would absolutely love to live in a place like Cosmo Canyon. In fact, more than any other place, to be honest.


What a truly magical, straight out of a fairytale. So many wonderful places to settle down. From big city living of Lindblum, to the quiet farm life of Dali. There's a little something for everyone, and I see no reason why anyone would object to living in such a wonderful place.

10-28-2012, 04:00 PM

FFIX: Except for the fact that there are basically no humans and you are more likely to be a walking animal the scenery is absolutely gorgeous. I love more nature-y spaces and the colours are vibrant as well. So long as it's the Mist continent though.

FFVII: Some areas are really peaceful and Gold Saucer!



Agent Proto
10-28-2012, 05:54 PM
FFVIII is where it's at for me. Being that it's the most modern of the Final Fantasy settings.
I also wouldn't mind FFIX, granted it would be free of Mist if I ever decide to live there. I don't want to encounter monsters when it is foggy out.

10-28-2012, 06:29 PM
FFVIII because, as others have said (and as I've said in my thread about it), it's the closest to real life, and so wouldn't be such a surprise for me. Aside from that, maybe FFXIII? I am rather partial to a bit of technology, though the thought of crashing down to Pulse doesn't seem pleasant.

Quindiana Jones
10-28-2012, 06:56 PM
FFIX, partly because I'm becoming a cliché, but mostly because it's phenomenally beautiful in every single way. I would like to live in Dali.

FFXII as well, because it's awesome.

Del Murder
10-28-2012, 07:02 PM
FFXI. It's the most developed FF world in history and I really dig that. Also, it's pretty adventurer-friendly and I'm always up for an adventure.

10-28-2012, 07:38 PM
1. XI: It's already like a home to me. XD
2. VIII. This was actually my favorite setting in all the games. Loved the idea of being part of a military academy doing missions and yadayadayada.
3. X. Like you said, going on a pilgrimage would be fun. Heh.

10-28-2012, 11:34 PM
3. X. Like you said, going on a pilgrimage would be fun. Heh.
You apparently missed one part. The ending of the pilgrimage wouldn't be fun. . . .