View Full Version : [Art] Artistic Interpretations

10-29-2012, 11:40 PM
This thread will be about artistic interpretations, reactions or feelings of the images posted here! Post your own interpretation of an image, post an interpretation of another image in the thread, whatever. If you have some work that you'd like people to discuss or explain their thoughts on what they see, post it!

It goes without saying that since we're interpreting and discussing artwork that the work posted probably doesn't belong to anyone in this thread.


The first thing I think of when I see this is curiousity. I wonder what's on the other side of those gates. Did someone just go through? Why are they opened like that? It makes me want to know more.

10-30-2012, 11:06 AM
It does have quite a supernatural feel to it. As if the wind suddenly unlocked the gate. Not being able to see around the rocks also creates that sense of mystery; just what is on the other side? Very nice.

Agent Proto
10-30-2012, 11:37 AM
First thing I noticed would be the open gate, mainly because it contrasts its surrounding. This brings up the question, "why is it open?" There are no immediate clues as to why, thus we're open to our own conclusions.

10-30-2012, 01:14 PM
No artistic interpretation in this post. Just psychotic observations and theories.

Stone steps going downhill from the camera's perspective. If you look closely at the base of the gate there is one of those pole things on the gate that stick into the ground. Though its hard to tell I think it is on the side of the higher ground. Implying that is the "inside" of the gate. There is also one at the top but I cant see where it might be attatched which is strange. Its possible that this is not a gate hand made for that arch, rather a modern generic gate placed into an old arch. I get a feeling from the structure of the gate and the lock and handle that it is not as old as the wall in which it is placed.

The floor stones dont go all the way downhill, which is further evidence that the camera side of the gate is the "inside"

The season is likely to be spring or summer. Except for the one rock in the top right corner, the moss seems to grow randomly rather than in any particular direction, so it's possible the area is shaded like a forest rather than it being overcast. edit: on further observation you can see moss on the left side of the stone steps, and not on the right, moss does seem to favour the right sides of objects in the picture. This would make sense if the sun were primarily on the left side of this image (the shade caused by the rock wall on the left causes the moss on the steps, and the sun causes the lack of moss on the left side of the top right rock. Therefore one might assume if this image is taken in the northern hemisphere the right side of the image is North, in the southern hemisphere it would be south. It is likely however that the area is NOT well shaded, more likely this image was taken when it was slightly overcast. However thats just speculation.
Unfortunately I lack the knowledge of botany and geology to determine which hemisphere this picture mightve been taken

Unfortulately without a larger resolution image the hinge is not visible so we cant tell if the gate swings both ways, but IF it did we can presume it was pushed from the 'outside' and someone was walking 'in'. (I find it less likely someone would pull open a two way gate.)

The concreting above that gate is uneven, dont know what thats about.

I know this isnt what the thread is about but maybe someone can use these theories to create a better "artistic" interpretation. I also hope someone might disprove some of my theories with keener observations and deductions

Ok Ive thought of an artistic interpretation: There is a sense of doubt and destination in the image, as I stated earlier this photo may have been taken from the inside of the gate, to someone who has just walked IN. This is a strange position from which to be viewing the gate. If the gate swung out, and the shot from was inside, the feeling would be "Time to leave". If they gate swung out and the shot was from outside the feeling would be "Looking back as you leave". If the gate swung in and the camera was from outside the feeling would be "Please come in". These are all common feelings one might feel, however, Looking back from the inside as the gate swings in gives a sense of "You are here now, why are you looking back?", which feels quite disturbing. Quite appropriate for the Halloween season really, even though I dont believe this image was taken in Autumn.

10-30-2012, 05:21 PM
It did cross my mind that the photo could be taken from "inside" whatever the inside is, though the "you are here now, why are you looking back?" sentiment you posed I did not think of.

It's quite interesting to see things from other perspectives! I really loved how you shredded the photo apart with your analysis.

12-12-2012, 06:13 PM
Reviving this.


All I can think of is a line from We Laugh Indoors (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l45ZmjkaOIk) that says "the days get darker and we wait."

Night Fury
12-12-2012, 09:06 PM
It reminds me of an old Arthur C Clarke book I had which dispelled mysteries and stuff, and one of them was about early ghost photos. It makes me think of that, not really artistic but I guess is makes me think of mystery and DEATH.

12-12-2012, 09:43 PM
It doesn't need to be an artistic thought that you share, really! <3

12-12-2012, 09:59 PM
In that case...looks like a filthy hippy waiting for some poor sap to stop and pick her up. She should get a job.

12-12-2012, 10:00 PM

Night Fury
12-12-2012, 10:09 PM

12-12-2012, 10:12 PM
I get reminded of those old ghost stories about a girl killed at the side of the road when she was running away somewhere and her ghost waits on unsuspecting drivers that pick her up.

12-15-2012, 02:19 PM
I've been waiting for someone to post a new pic.

When I zoomed in I found the girl looked a bit photoshoped as though she was pasted onto the background, just something about her level of detail seemed off.

Anyway she(?) has a case so obviously she is going somewhere as she doesnt seem like a highpowered business woman, however she is depicted standing, not walking and indeed the suitcase is on the floor so it's obvious she is waiting. The height of her dress and puffiness of her shirt heavily implies that olden days feel. Her shoes however are debatable but too blury to form any conclusion.

Now the truly odd thing I noticed about this picture is the bottom edge. It's slight lighter, at first I thought this was simple edge fading due to the "age" of the picture but you'll notice the left edge has no such effect, which means its more likely a light source (possibly a camera flash), which is odd considering the girl and suitcase has no shadow (which further pushes my photoshop theory). So either its just the camera flash or it's a car's headlights and she's about to be run over, at least if this image was taken in Europe or Australia where everyone drives on the left. (Probably not Australia by the look of those trees)

By the look of the clouds I think the sun may be to the right of the image, where the girl is facing, so she could be looking at a sunrise/set.

I tried to look at a history of road markings to see if those double painted lines might give me an indication of time period but that yielded no result other than probably post 50's

12-17-2012, 06:40 PM
When I zoomed in I found the girl looked a bit photoshoped as though she was pasted onto the background, just something about her level of detail seemed off.

I see what you mean, there's some weird artifacts around her, that does seem out of place.