View Full Version : Ultimate Final Fantasy Party.

Red Mage Coffman
11-02-2012, 06:15 PM
So, how about it? Your ultimate FF party. It can only contain 4 members, but they can come from ANY part of the series. A good example was the cliche party my friend told me. "Squall, cause he's awesome, Cloud, cause he's Cloud, Lightning, cause she is godlike in 13-2, and Sephiroth, cause his sword defies logic." Another friend tried to break my question by assigning classes to fan favorite characters, like Vivi as a warrior, or Tidus as a White Mage. While I wanted to punch him for trying to do this I thought it was reallly interesting, to some extent. So, what is YOUR ultimate party? And, if you want, why?

For starters, God from Final Fantasy Legends. Need I say more? Just don't bring chainsaws. He doesn't like those. Next, Sazh. Cause Sazh is just... Sazh. Then, Selphie from FF8. One of the most bearable characters in FF8. Okay, not really, but for me she amazing and awesome. Last, but not least, Auron. Cause any guy who fights enemies with a giant ass sword, carries around a jug of booze, and doesn't take trout from little piss ants like Tidus is always great in my book. Could this party take on Chaos and restore the Crystals to their former glory? Well, yeah.

Del Murder
11-02-2012, 07:24 PM
I think we've had this topic many times and my core 4 never changes:

Yuna (FFX version)

With the right materia setups, Cloud is one of the most overpowered characters in any game ever. KotR and Omnislash in particular can one-shot most anything.

The only character that may be more powerful is Yuna. The Sphere Grid creates some incredibly beefed up characters and ultimate weapons can break the damage limit. Combine that with her overpowered Aeons and it would really take an army to take her down.

Orlandeau is another character that breaks his game, especially with Excalibur's auto-haste. He pretty much can one-man most battles in FFT.

Terra is more of a personal pick since I like her character. She's not more powerful in her game compared to the other characters (any of them can do the devastating genji glove-offering or gem box-economizer combos) but her esper form does give her potential to have god-like abilities.

11-03-2012, 07:55 AM

Just cause they're my favorites.

11-03-2012, 06:54 PM
Cloud, Zack, Genesis, Sephiroth

Gunner Yuna, Terra, Lightning, Rydia

Kain Highwind, Cid Highwind, Freya, Kimahri

Garland, Leon, Cecil Harvey, Squall Leonheart

11-03-2012, 07:04 PM
Cloud, Yuna, Zidane and Squall. C:

Depression Moon
11-04-2012, 01:19 AM
Zidane, A quick hard-hitting thief and my personal favorite.

Squall, I like his design and he's well rounded.

Beatrix, Need someone who can heal the others and she can also hit pretty hard as well.

and Rydia. Black Magic and Summons a 2 for 1 special.

Forsaken Lover
11-04-2012, 07:56 PM
Edward, Kimahri, Zell and Amarant.

11-04-2012, 09:07 PM
Cloud, Cecil (Paladin), Kain, Squall

black orb
11-05-2012, 04:48 AM
>>> 4 Tidus..:luca:

11-07-2012, 05:30 AM
Cloud having access to all his limits
Zack... Cerebro Flavius Digitalis
Genesis because I like his red coat
Sephiroth... Supernova

Gunner Yuna because I like pistoleras, but I wouldn't mind having her other dresspheres
Terra the Esper Hybrid
Lightning because of her gun-sword
Rydia because of her Eidolons

Dragon Squad Kain Highwind, Cid Highwind, Freya, Kimahri

The Dark Knights Garland, Leon, Cecil Harvey, Squall Leonheart

11-13-2012, 11:26 PM
Beatrix, Yuna, Rydia, and Steiner.

Slightly biased towards two games in particular, but I think this squad gives a nice balance without being too reliant on a particular set-up (e.g. materia, etc).

Yuna gives the squad some great defensive and offensive capabilities. I think Del pretty much hit the nail on the head, particularly with the point that with her Aeons, she's effectively giving you an extra ten or so squad members to play with.

Beatrix is always the character I wished was a permanent fixture of FFIX. I'm not a big fan of White Mages of themselves - I tend to view them as a necessary evil rather than something I positively want to use - but Beatrix combines white magic with some great offensive skills. Plus she's generally quite cool.

I do, however, like Black Mages and I think Rydia would be my pick for this. I was going to go for Vivi originally, but felt that Rydia's summons gave her that extra edge over Vivi.

Steiner again wasn't my initial choice (I went for Auron), but felt that his sword skills gave him the edge over Auron. I wanted a physically strong tank character and I think he fits the bill. One thing that might've inclined me towards Vivi over Rydia would've been the sword magic, but I'm willing to entertain the notion that Rydia could do this too.

Possibly not the most exciting squad overall, but one I think that has real balance and would work together nicely, ticking all the necessary boxes for me.

FFIX Choco Boy
11-19-2012, 12:23 AM

The most underpowered party I could possibly think of.

11-25-2012, 07:27 PM
Del and I tend to have very similar setups and reasoning in these threads.

Cloud: Omnislash makes him absolutely ridiculous.
Orlandu: Probably the most dominating character in his respective game.
Terra: The most powerful magic-user in the series.
As for my fourth slot, if we're going any possible setup, I'd have to choose Ramza. With enough leveling up, FFT's job system can just be ridiculously broken.

Citizen Bleys
11-25-2012, 08:00 PM
Bartz, Lenna, Faris, Galuf as master freelancers.

What other FF game gives you access to all of the passives for every job?

11-26-2012, 03:47 AM
I came into this thread taking party literally thinking I would find discussions of how one room would be the dedicated Triple Triad room where shit would go down complete with betting and what songs would be blared out by the DJ etc. Cosplay would be mandatory for entry.