View Full Version : How would famous FF characters fare in a Zombie outbreak?

11-11-2012, 07:31 PM
Edit: Actually, this might be better in the Writers Corner. Just you know, hint hint.

Drawing inspiration from this (http://www.cracked.com/article/163_how-7-iconic-movie-characters-would-do-in-zombie-attack) and Halloween (Look, I know it's way too late, but I just thought of the thread idea...) how would your favourite Final Fantasy characters fare in a zombie outbreak? Because I was formerly Balthier Rocks, I have decided to use Balthier as my example character. Now, I expect you guys to follow the following steps for imaginary success:

The Setup

Balthier is a former judge and famous sky pirate in Ivalice and is heading to the Glabados Ruins to recover the Cache with his Viera friend Fran. he draws near, and claims the Cache. However, doing this has activated the ruins defense system, and the moans of the zombies draws near...

Available Weapons

Well, Balthier has his trusty gun, but is painfully slow between fires. Fran meanwhile has her bare hands and her bow. Aside from that, nothing. I suppose if all else fails you could just throw the Cache at them.


Fran, but then she is prone to bouts of annoyance with the mist affecting her at often the most inopportune times (Looking at the battle with Vossler here...) however she is a capable companion.

Defensive Situation

The ruins themselves are quite well fortified, with a large expansive room which can be barricaded. The path to the Cache is also very linear so there's not a way to get pincered by the horde. Of course, to escape, the dynamic duo going to have to go through that same horde to escape through the only exit. Still, a war of attrition is possible, seeing how the two are never seen to eat or drink.

Mental And Physical Toughness

Both sky pirates are well used to life and death battles, and are physically fit; Balthier carried Vaan, which is no mean feat. However, Fran's tendency to breakdown through mist might affect their chances.

Final Verdict

They brought down the empire, fought the otherworldly espers and braved through hearing Vaan's voice. They'll be fine. Highlights include Fran braining a zombie with her wrench and Balthier's pithy one-liners adding some humor to the situation. They fight their way through the horde of zombies into the open, where Nono pilots the Strahl and leads them to safety.


Of course, they don't have to survive. If you hate that character, make them die, though you have to make sure they die in an interesting and believable way. I fully expect some interesting stories.

11-12-2012, 12:48 AM
Any character that has some sort of Fire-All magic ability is probably going to come out of this just fine. :p

11-12-2012, 12:57 AM
In this little story thing, I am assuming the characters have no possession of magic unless that character has it innately, like Terra, Celes or Yuna. Balthier can use magic, but he's never seen using it in cutscenes and I have to license him first anyway, so I assume he hasn't.