View Full Version : if final fantasy characters were real who would make the best friends???

11-15-2012, 04:49 AM
i feel like i would be great friends with sabin and wakka

11-15-2012, 05:11 AM
None of them. :colbert:

Red Mage Coffman
11-16-2012, 03:04 PM
I think I'd hate Squall, Tidus, and Seifer. I'd end up flirting endlessly with characters like Selphie and Rikku. As for best friends... Umm... Maybe... I guess I MIGHT be good friends with Vivi, Yuna, and Bartz. Even thought I hate Bartz.

11-16-2012, 11:35 PM
I reckon me and Regent Cid would get up to some awesome hijinks in Lindblum.

Or more likely, I'd end up getting stuck with Tidus and I'd rue it for the rest of my days.

11-17-2012, 02:16 AM
I think i'd get along well with Zell, Rikku and Kiros. Possibly Yuffie too.

How old would they be though? I mean, I was about Zell's age when I first played the game, but I kinda am not anymore. Might be a bit strange for a 27 year old to hang out with teenagers! I'll just say they're in their early 20s now.

11-18-2012, 09:49 PM
Zidane and I would bro it up.

11-19-2012, 10:08 PM
From an unbiased perspective: I would generalize by saying whichever ones can listen and yet offer what aid they can when necessary. No one too bossy, deranged, lazy, or stupid.

Personally, I've always easily befriended Princess Sarah, Maria, Refia, Lady Sarah Altney, Aria, Rydia (young girls cloud around me... it's a little upsetting), Rosa, Luca, Porom, Leonora, Izayoi, Harley, Faris, Lenna, Krile, Celes, I don't know about Terra, Relm, Tifa reminds me of both my first and last girlfriends, Aeristh, Yuffie (I've befriended girls who were far more annoying), Elena, Shelke, Rinoa, Quistis, Selphie, Fujin, Dagger, Eiko, Beatrix, Yuna, Rikku, Lulu, Paine, Belgemine, Dona, Leblanc, Lady Yunalesca before she went nuts, Seymour's ma (I'd do it to her too), Elma, Lucil, Lenne, Penelo, Fran, I don't know about Ashe, Drace, Mjrn, Elza, Vanille, Serah Farron, possibly Fang, Lebreau, Rafa, Agrias, Meliadoul, Ritz, Shara, Adelaide, Gurdy,

possibly Firion, Luneth, Arc, Palom (I don't why I come off as a romodel), Yang, Cid, Bartz (idiots make for fast friends), Vincent and Cloud and Rude (I appreciate people who know when to shut up), Nanaki, Sephiroth before he went psycho, Genesis (I also appreciate poetry),
Squall (again, people who don't talk), Irvine, Zell, Seifer, Raijin, Laguna, Vivi, Blanc, Marcus, Wakka (reminds of my pal Paulo), Chappu, Kimahri (I'd just treat him like a big cat, "want a fish?"), Brother, Shinra, Buddy (one of my cousin's had this nickname), Vaan, possibly Balthier, Reks, Larsa, Kytes, Nono, Montblanc, Rasler, Rikken, Raz, Supinelu, Uball-Ka, Snow, Sazh, Hope, Gadot, Noel, Dajh also reminds me of my cousins, Ramza, Mustadio, Hurdy,

Basically, no one who is out of my age range or on the lean to any emotional extreme.

Night Fury
11-19-2012, 10:28 PM
If I had to make up a social group out of the characters... I'd like these guys.

Zell, Quistis, Freya, Zack and Tifa

11-19-2012, 11:14 PM

That's a lot of best friends.

11-20-2012, 05:53 PM
Rinoa and I would probably be buds and let our dogs play together.

11-20-2012, 07:01 PM
I want to blow shit up with Rikku.

11-20-2012, 10:28 PM
Realistically, Sazh would probably be like a cool uncle type. Id probably be good friends with Terra as well.

Otherwise, I have a bad personality. :colbert:

11-21-2012, 02:00 AM

That's a lot of best friends.

Yep! Not a really a best friend kind of guy. More like "accept me for me or get the f out of my face."

Sadly, most people don't take to this attitude.

11-21-2012, 03:16 PM
That's not really what I was getting at. I'm just asking if you really think you would get along equally well with all those characters, and if you do, I would find that strange.

I mean it's fine to get along with lots of people, but out of all of those, many of those have very different personalities. If you don't think you'd get along better with some of them than with others, that kinda sounds like you haven't given it a lot of thought, or that your personality is kind of... one size fits all :p.

Flaming Ice
11-21-2012, 04:23 PM
Kefka ..we would destroy the world together :)

Bahamut, leviathan, Shiva, Ifrit, and Shadow too.

11-23-2012, 11:40 PM
your personality is kind of... one size fits all :p.

Sort of... there are plenty of people in the FF's I don't think I'd get along with. That's why they're not on the list. After all, all I have to do is look up any title on wiki to get the names and personalities so it's not like I don't know who's in a game just because I haven't played it much.
Jecht reminds me of my ex's dad (I was forced to get along with him). I don't know what Garland or Kefka were like pre-psycho. Squall and Cloud like to play the silent-loner type, but at least they talk sometimes. Shadow doesn't really which is why (like Snake Eyes from GI), I wouldn't be able to hang out with him, unless he turned out to like video games. I can hang out with anyone to play a game or watch a movie. I'm not really big on conversation but there's not much point to being around someone who never says or does a damned thing.
Palom reminds me of my younger cousins most of whom I get along with well enough and usually want my attention which is always a plus.

I'll add Denzel, Marlene, and Tidus.

I'm fairly certain now that pre-journey Lulu, Lightning, and Ashe would not be hospitable. I would likely still try to get in Lulu's graces because I admire her... gifts. Also, I'd still try to befriend Cloud despite his stand-offishness because I've always imagined him to be similar to my brother.

11-25-2012, 07:12 PM
Sazh would be a pretty cool guy to hang out with. Also Balthier. I'm not sure about "best friend" quality, though.