View Full Version : Star Ocean 101

11-23-2012, 07:22 PM
Please explain how this game works :D

I picked up Star Ocean First Departure today for about $5 (brand new, even!) The story part, I understand. :D:D


I don't understand how the battle system works. I find myself just hitting X until all the enemies die. I don't think I am doing it right... There has to be more to it, right?

Also, the skill system doesn't make sense to me. Why would I want to learn how to whistle? I don't see the point..

Maybe I've just played too much Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy...

If you can give me an overview of how this game works (please avoid spoilers! pleeeease) I will love you forever.

11-23-2012, 07:41 PM
Haven't played SO1 really, but in 2, you have some non-combat skills as well, and they are used for item creation. I guess making a song could count as an item, and maybe that's where whistling comes in.

11-25-2012, 01:33 PM
for regular attacks you just hit X of course, but you can also chain 3 attacks into one string by hitting X in rhythem similar to chaining 3 light punches in some fighting games, you can also assign 2 of your special skills to the L&R buttons to pull those off in combat easily, just play around in the menues and itll all make sense in time...

Dr. rydrum2112
11-27-2012, 01:32 AM
for regular attacks you just hit X of course, but you can also chain 3 attacks into one string by hitting X in rhythem similar to chaining 3 light punches in some fighting games, you can also assign 2 of your special skills to the L&R buttons to pull those off in combat easily, just play around in the menues and itll all make sense in time...

for spell casters you attach spells to L and R. Keep in mind the game came out in 1996 so battles are not nearly as complex as they are in SO3 or SO4.

Red Mage Coffman
11-27-2012, 07:53 PM
These skills you put points into all lead up to you learning helpful things like Customization, Training, etc.

While some of the skills seem useless like whistiling, it contirbutes to an overall skill. Whistling and, I think Animal Training or something, all lead up to the Familiar skill. It lets you send a bird on an errand to buy stuff while you are in the middle of a dungeon or something. Determination, Resilience, and Effort lead up to the valuable Training skill, a skill that lowers some of your attributes in return for more experience. You'll learn what skills help you learn what profession as you progress.

My advice would be to dump points into Determination. It lowers SP needed to learn skills and saves a LOT in the long run. After that, Purity. Why? Check your Fol after you max it out. Trust me, worth it. From there, develop how you think will benefit you. Or look up a guide.

As for combat, it is simple. Beat the tar out of the enemy. You can assign moves to L and R if you want, makes combat very easy sometimes. And yeah. Its as simple as tapping the X button. Sometimes you'll want to pull back in battle and run from the enemy. You can cancel actons with the square Button if it comes to that. If you want more freedom change the targeting to Semi Auto and move your character to the enemy you want to attack, the press X.

You'll get used to all this after a while. (I know I did.) And believe me, it is totally worth it. I love the game. If you like this one, pick up the second one. It is just an improved version. Well, the story for the second one is awful, but still REALLY good. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask :D