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View Full Version : What is the craziest thing you've ever done?

11-29-2012, 02:07 AM
Once I quit a job specifically to fly to another state and spend a few weeks with an internet friend. :kakapo: Possibly more stupid than crazy, but hey.

How about you?

11-29-2012, 03:08 AM
Crazy can manifest in different forms. I can't think of one example because my life is pretty much one lunatic decision after another.

I'm going to end my internship by playing music really loud from a computer I don't own and dancing on the table. I might take my shirt off to create a bigger scene. Is that an appropriate answer?

11-29-2012, 03:11 AM
I had to catch up to another vehicle in an emergency situation. I was on the wrong side of the road, the shoulder, or anywhere my car needed to be. I was also dumb and 18 at the time, but I have to say that I suddenly gained stunt driving skills for about a minute or two.

11-29-2012, 03:18 AM
Crazy can manifest in different forms. I can't think of one example because my life is pretty much one lunatic decision after another.

I'm going to end my internship by playing music really loud from a computer I don't own and dancing on the table. I might take my shirt off to create a bigger scene. Is that an appropriate answer?

it's definitely an appropriate action as long as you get video of it

11-29-2012, 03:23 AM
Fall in love.

11-29-2012, 06:03 AM
Danced on stage at a gay bar.

It was a good new year's eve.

11-29-2012, 06:39 AM
Took pepper spray to the face on a dare.

Drove blackout drunk. 30 minutes away from home. (This one is crazy stupid)

11-29-2012, 12:01 PM
The lack of crazy things I do is crazy.

Night Fury
11-29-2012, 12:30 PM
Joined Eyes On Final Fantasy.

11-29-2012, 02:48 PM
Not all of my crazy things are particularly fun to talk about.

I did move 700 miles away from home to go to college with my then girlfriend right out of high school. It didn't work out, but no regrets about it. I'm hoping to go back to Fayetteville sometime soon to visit with my family and current girlfriend because it's a fucking awesome city.

11-29-2012, 03:09 PM
Agreed to felatio from a girl wearing braces.

11-29-2012, 03:46 PM
I don't know if it's the craziest thing I've done, but my friend and I used to the the "65 mph Chinese fire drill." (Only 2 or 3 times.)

Basically the person in the passenger side front seat switches places with the person in the driver's side rear seat of a car by crawling out the window and over the roof while driving down the interstate.

A car with a luggage rack is helpful.

11-29-2012, 04:02 PM
My life is boring. I am boring. So I never do anything that isn't boring.

11-29-2012, 04:12 PM
I didn't look both ways when crossing the street once.

My mom objected and everything. :smug:

Lonely Paper Star
11-29-2012, 05:37 PM
I don't do ~*~craaazyyy~*~ things all the time, but I did go trespassing on abandoned property with some friends a few times. It was a whole complex for the mentally and physically challenged, to serve as their home. There was a small gas station/auto garage, ambulatory, eating hall(s), dormitories, etc. It closed in the 90s. There was a graveyard next to it, and the entire thing was on a hill over looking a prison. Totally safe. I forgot its real name, but we called it Silent Hill. XD There was even a room where the walls were covered in vines. It was empty except for a chair, also covered in vines.

We found out (on a later adventure) that they were trying to fix up/renovate the place for something else. We found the room where the construction people placed all their equipment, including a map. It felt like a video game moment.

11-29-2012, 06:26 PM
When I had braces, I dressed up like a girl and gave some dude head.

11-29-2012, 06:32 PM
never done anything out of the ordinary or crazy. i';ve lived a very boring normal life.

11-29-2012, 07:43 PM
Says the person who does drugs at parties.

11-29-2012, 07:49 PM
I'd never done a crazy thing in my life before that night. Why is it that if a man kills another man in battle, it's called heroic, yet if he kills a man in the heat of passion, it's called murder?

11-29-2012, 07:51 PM
option a) right after graduating from high school, flew across the ocean alone to be with my then-boyfriend from England. I was kicked out of the country 24 hours later. The only reason i regret it is because of how bad he treated me and yet i still stayed. I guess i get points for loyalty but whatever :p

option b) having sex on my parents' basement stairs while people were home.

11-29-2012, 07:51 PM
What do you define as crazy? I've done many things that most people wouldn't do but, it was out of circumstance. I used to do lots of stupid/crazy shit when I was younger. Now drinking a 12 pack is going CRAZY in my life :(

11-29-2012, 07:58 PM
option a) right after graduating from high school, flew across the ocean alone to be with my then-boyfriend from England. I was kicked out of the country 24 hours later. The only reason i regret it is because of how bad he treated me and yet i still stayed. I guess i get points for loyalty but whatever :p

option b) having sex on my parents' basement stairs while people were home.

You were kicked out of the country?!

11-29-2012, 08:07 PM
Yeah I was a minor on a one-way ticket with limited funds. They didn't believe me when I said "I planned on buying a return ticket, I swear," not that i would have believed myself anyway. I was a stupid, stupid kid and my then-boyfriend was equally stupid for telling me that was the best way to do things >.>

11-29-2012, 08:21 PM
Says the person who does drugs at parties.

What's crazy about that?

11-29-2012, 08:30 PM
The drugs I take are less harmful than alcohol. Fact.

11-30-2012, 02:16 AM
I'm a seriously boring person.

Even my "crazy" isn't that bad. Sledding down a 2 story hill while drunk, driving while high, dying my hair pink, one night stands, spur of the moment tattoos, facial piercings, ghost hunting on private property, buying weed...even my crazy is pretty tame.

11-30-2012, 02:50 AM
I got shitfaced. No wait that's a lie. :cry: I've done nothing with my life.

11-30-2012, 03:56 AM
I broke in to an insane asylum, while doing so my friend saw footprints being made in the dust leading to the hallway, so we booked it and got chased by cops for two hours as we hid in prickle bushes. Dem good ol' days. :cool:

11-30-2012, 10:16 AM
I broke in to an insane asylum, while doing so my friend saw footprints being made in the dust leading to the hallway, so we booked it and got chased by cops for two hours as we hid in prickle bushes. Dem good ol' days. :cool:

You mean you broke out of an insane asylum, surely

11-30-2012, 11:42 AM
Went backpacking around Asia (and the US) for 7 months. Many crazy situations and experiences (both positive and negative) ensued. Those were great times.

11-30-2012, 07:05 PM
I broke in to an insane asylum, while doing so my friend saw footprints being made in the dust leading to the hallway, so we booked it and got chased by cops for two hours as we hid in prickle bushes. Dem good ol' days. :cool:

You mean you broke out of an insane asylum, surely

You say tom-ay-toes, I say SHUT THE FUCK UP


11-30-2012, 07:14 PM
I'd never done a crazy thing in my life before that night. Why is it that if a man kills another man in battle, it's called heroic, yet if he kills a man in the heat of passion, it's called murder?
Mind reader. I've been trying to recall that full quote all week.

Lonely Paper Star
11-30-2012, 08:41 PM
Oh, yeah, I remember getting very drunk at a party and making out with a boy who said he was 19, but my friend and host of that party told me later he was his 16-year-old neighbor. I was 21 at the time. Is that crazy, or...? 8(

11-30-2012, 09:15 PM
I went to bachelorette party once where we ran into the bachelor party on accident at a bar, I did 6 shots with the bride's brothers, who I had grown up with, one of the brothers ended up running from the cops that night, another underage brother I found passed out in a truck so I had to drag him back to the floor of our hotel room while I went to a strip club, found a kitten that the bride wouldn't let me take back to the hotel, and then one of the bridesmaid was roofied at the strip joint and was freaking out on the bathroom floor in the hotel room. :(

It was a crazy night.

I may have done crazier though. I once got into a huge fight with my boyfriend and ran off into a field in the middle of nowhere near Canada, then accidentally sprayed myself in the face with pepper spray, and was driven home by a nice old couple after wandering around the road blind for a while.

That was pretty crazy too.

.... I might be crazy.

Agent Proto
11-30-2012, 09:33 PM
I think one of the craziest things I've done was making out with a second or third cousin of mine while I was in the Philippines. I'm pretty sure some members do remember that I made some posts about that on my LiveJournal, and comment about that on the forums. :-*

12-12-2012, 07:37 AM
I banged one of my hs gf's within 40 ft and in plain view of her mother. We were at Havasu, about 20-30 ft out into the water. Her mom was sunbathing.

Banged a girl in a tanning salon.

I was an "exhibitionist" at parties. I remember one time I got out of the shower and went mingling. Realized the towel that had been around my waste was gone. Didn't mind. I passed out on the neighbors porch swing. Some friends found me and negotiated my return.

I jumped off a cliff (~50-60ft) into Kern river without checking it out first. As I neared the water I realized there was a stone "shelf" about a foot below the water. I cleared it by inches.

I left a party around 3am, smashed silly, drove to AZ. Average speed was about 130mph. When I got there I noticed oil all over the front of my car. Opened the hood and there was a Mobil quart sticking out of the oil fill (oil cap in my pocket). Like a genius, I added a quart before going because I was about due for a change.

I was going to throw my friend in the pool, but someone grabbed my leg (while i was carrying him) to try and force us both in. My friend landed "middle of back on edge of pool". I rounded everyone up at the party and we all drove to the hospital. Had a "tailgater" in the hospital parking lot.

Had a kid.

Got married.

Posted on EoFF after a billion years.


12-12-2012, 03:39 PM
Dude you sound like a lot of crazy fun

12-12-2012, 08:56 PM
All my crazy shit happened when i lived in fayetteville NC
The most amusing time was when me and my friends were biking down a HUGE an steep as hell lawn in our neighborhood (which. Connected perfectly to another steep as hell driveway)
When i reached the bottom i did a double front flip and landed facefirst into a bunch of wood, metal, etc
Im lucky i didnt get impaled that day

12-13-2012, 02:08 AM
I banged one of my hs gf's within 40 ft and in plain view of her mother. We were at Havasu, about 20-30 ft out into the water. Her mom was sunbathing.

Banged a girl in a tanning salon.

I was an "exhibitionist" at parties. I remember one time I got out of the shower and went mingling. Realized the towel that had been around my waste was gone. Didn't mind. I passed out on the neighbors porch swing. Some friends found me and negotiated my return.

I jumped off a cliff (~50-60ft) into Kern river without checking it out first. As I neared the water I realized there was a stone "shelf" about a foot below the water. I cleared it by inches.

I left a party around 3am, smashed silly, drove to AZ. Average speed was about 130mph. When I got there I noticed oil all over the front of my car. Opened the hood and there was a Mobil quart sticking out of the oil fill (oil cap in my pocket). Like a genius, I added a quart before going because I was about due for a change.

I was going to throw my friend in the pool, but someone grabbed my leg (while i was carrying him) to try and force us both in. My friend landed "middle of back on edge of pool". I rounded everyone up at the party and we all drove to the hospital. Had a "tailgater" in the hospital parking lot.

Had a kid.

Got married.

Posted on EoFF after a billion years.


I want to party with you.

12-13-2012, 11:54 AM
2nd craziest thing I did was travel trans-atlantic to vegas to visit an auction house (a few weeks before the auction, had no intention of buying anything, just wanted to look at some of the stuff).

1st craziest thing was not actually going to the auction house because he was only opening it from 9-10am (and it's Vegas, who is up at that time unless they simply didn't go to bed)

12-13-2012, 12:49 PM
All my crazy trout happened when i lived in fayetteville NC

Am I the only one who read that as fattyville NC?

12-14-2012, 03:52 AM
All my crazy trout happened when i lived in fayetteville NC

Am I the only one who read that as fattyville NC?

Oh, trust me, it fits perfectly.

12-14-2012, 08:11 AM
I want to party with you.

I'm boring now. Not that shenanigans don't happen, but they're few and far between.

Recent crud;

Bachelor party a year ago. I was late, so missed the limo's, drove myself. My buddy ( 6'4" 235lb, ex marine) was on this "slap" thing. He slapped me once, I slapped him back, he ended up laying in the gutter.

After bar/club hopping and rounding up women, he slapped me again, only, he quickly darted off and I thought it was my friends brother (who had joined in the slapping frenzy) so I dropped bro. Bro, informed me it was "dip shyte", so I layed him out over the trunk of the limo. We left club, on way to "slapppers" house, fight in limo (I'm in my own car, oblivious), anymosity is building.

Anyhow, a fight breaks out between slapper and a "friend of a friend". I go to break up the fight and slapper goes after me (roids, I think). I grabbed him around the waste and threw him through his back window. I was on my way to leave when he chased me down. I was so pissed (drunk), I dropped him. Everyone got on my case, he stood up, came at me again, I got him in a rear naked choke (no homo), and was yelling "I'm going to pull your f'ing head off". Friends pulled me off. I drove half way home before turning around and going back. When I got there, his gf was using "butterfly" bandages to put his back together (he ended up getting stitches). A few hugs, "I love you bro" 's, and a few beers, and all was good.

We take a "guys" trip every year (usually to Kern river). A storm rolled in, mud/rock slides wiped out 80+% of the camp sites/road in the middle of the night, so the roads were packed by people leaving/clean up. We were drunk and high (only smoke when with the guys, out in the middle of no where, no responsibilities) and had everyone stuck on the road near us partying with us in the rain. It was a sick crazy party.

One of my girls friends (bangin' hot, easy 9.5) started a stripping in the living room within my view, but outside my girl's view. She pulled her top up, pants down, and put on a show. My girl was doing her makeup (we were going to dinner). My girl asked me to check on the kids, I went in the play room. Her friend came in, bent over in front of me to ask the kids what they were doing, but pulled her stretch pants down to reveal...

When my girl asked me to get her a glass of water, her friend followed me into the kitchen. While filling up the glass via fridge, her friend pulled my pants and went to town. In all honesty, I hesitated before pushing her away. After I did, she stood up, pulled out a tit (fakies), and put my right on it.

Her son had jumped in the pool in his pants, so they were in the dryer. When she left (her son was wearing our son's pants), my girl reminded me to run out her son's pants. At the car she went to work again. She called the next day while my girl was getting her nails done and said "haven't you ever wondered why I only call the house phone when "enter my girls name here" is gone? It's because I've aleady talked to her on her phone and know she's gone. I'm waiting for you to invite me over". When I told my girl that her friend was coming on to me (never mentioned "D" in mouth) she said that her friend had just started telling her that I was coming on to her. My girl knew she was full of bs, no longer friends (obviously).

I ran down a Porsche 911 Turbo ('09-'10) on the autobahn @ ~160mph in my car a few months ago. Anyone calls bs, I have hot car and Germany proof.

For my dads 60'th we played pool, darts, roulette, and beer pong with a couple of 19 yr old escorts. Of course pops popped one. (no, I don't cheat)

My buddy and I wanted to get the Wii U for our kids. We went to the midnight release at Best Buy. I brought a cooler and chairs. Filled the cooler with beer and had our friend (the window smasher) FaceTime us the UFC fight from his iPad to my iPhone (5, no wifi needed).We had every guy in line staring at my phone while it was propped up against the cooler handle. One evn went home to get beer to ad to my cooler. Boring (rainy) night turned bitchin'.

We have some wild parties at our house still (me and wiffie). New Years is always a blast. Anyone in Southern California?

12-16-2012, 09:00 PM
That doesn't sound boring. As long as you don't slap me, I think we can hang too; I live in San Diego. :p

12-17-2012, 04:16 AM
I've done a few things that would qualify as stupid, but never anything that could be considered crazy.

I Took the Red Pill
12-17-2012, 07:23 AM
If anyone remembers me telling them about the night of my birthday three years ago, I'd say that was pretty nuts.

But I think it's been toppled by doing fat lines of ketamine in a Chinese karaoke bar. Absolutely, unequivocally never again. Thought it was blow, and wouldn't have even tried it in the first place if I wasn't as drunk as Dennis Rodman in a strip club. That was a long, harrowing night. I couldn't get my key in the door when I got home so I kicked it in. My head felt like Joel Holmes had sat on it the next day.

12-18-2012, 03:38 AM
That doesn't sound boring. As long as you don't slap me, I think we can hang too; I live in San Diego. :p

I'm in Porter Ranch (SFV). You military?

One more for the road;

One of our huge parties (a long time ago), ~2:30am, out of kegs are dead and out of booze (stores don't sell after 2). We steal our buddies Explorer and 3 of us head to the store for a run. One guy waits as driver, me and a buddy go in, each grab two 30 packs, and try and make our way out of the store. They were stocking shelves, so there was a lot of the night crew out. When we finally made our run, someone spotted us and yelled "stop"! My buddy calls back "sucks, don't it" as he runs into the door, one 30 pack gone. While running to the car one employee threw one of those "hammer" staplers, it went right passed my head and hit the handy cap parking sign. 90 beers wasn't enough so we swapped cars (mine this time). I was driver, I knew something was up when several employees came outside and looked over the parking lot. My friends walked out, but both were limping. They had preseasoned racks of ribs, frozen burger patties, hot dogs, and buns. No booze, so another store it was. This time we all went in planning to fill 2 hand baskets each. We went for hard liquor and on the way out saw the lobster tank/steaks. Steak and lobster it was.

We were fk'ing hero's that night, enough food and booze to party until the sun came up and I've never had a better lobster than a free one.

Anyhow, about a week later I got a letter in the mail and note on the door from a detective. The employees at the second store got my plate, led to my address. I called the detective. When asked, I stated that I had been at a party and that after passing out my keys weren't where I had left them, that my car had been moved. I was "too drunk" to remember who else was there. Never heard about it again.

12-18-2012, 04:17 AM
Oh I had completely erased this moment from my mind, but I am pretty sure the weed that I smoked didn't just have weed in it as the end results of what happened from that not could have possibly been from just marjuana. O_o

Basically, don't do drugs kid you never know what they be puttin' in that trout.

Quindiana Jones
12-18-2012, 02:55 PM
But I think it's been toppled by doing fat lines of ketamine in a Chinese karaoke bar. Absolutely, unequivocally never again. Thought it was blow, and wouldn't have even tried it in the first place if I wasn't as drunk as Dennis Rodman in a strip club. That was a long, harrowing night. I couldn't get my key in the door when I got home so I kicked it in. My head felt like Joel Holmes had sat on it the next day.

How's the teaching of young children going? xD

Red Mage Coffman
12-18-2012, 05:21 PM
I, uhh... Darn. I can't think of anything. This sucks.

I did once proclaim my love for a girl in front of a cafeteria full of people. Then again it was 5th grade and I got 5 bucks for doing so.

I need to do more crazy things.

12-18-2012, 05:49 PM
When I was four I burned things on the stove top when no one was looking. Long story short, I set the kitchen chairs on fire.

The Summoner of Leviathan
12-18-2012, 06:02 PM
I had sex with a resident physician in a hospital while he was on-call.

Unbreakable Will
12-18-2012, 07:13 PM
Crazy can manifest in different forms. I can't think of one example because my life is pretty much one lunatic decision after another.

I'm going to end my internship by playing music really loud from a computer I don't own and dancing on the table. I might take my shirt off to create a bigger scene. Is that an appropriate answer?
I want a video of you doing this. :jess:

Agreed to felatio from a girl wearing braces.
Been there, done that and still have nightmares.

As for me the craziest thing I've ever done was attempt to escape from my moms old church when I was ten; Went to Sunday school like a good little boy but when it ended I opened the window, pushed the screen out (which fell on a car and broke a windshield) and slid down a drainage pipe. I was caught, reprimanded and forced to put the screen back up whilst standing atop a rickety wooden ladder and severely beaten when I got home. I hated that church, the moments of freedom were worth it.

12-19-2012, 09:59 AM
I was too depressed to actually do it. Man, that internship was dismal. I never want to work in hard news again. On the upside, I did see some interesting things. I guess.