View Full Version : Why do we find the main characters annoying?

12-05-2012, 07:13 PM
I've been thinking about the main characters and having been on the forums for a few months (plus 2007 but let's not dwell on my absence) I've been struck with the anti-main character sentiments that some people hold. Here's essentially the gist of the feeling:

Lightning: Strong, but moody and annoying at times.

Vaan: Non-existent entity, with an annoying voice and annoying abdominals.

Tidus: Whiny voice and daddy issues.

Zidane: Actually, quite favourable overall. Weird tail though.

Squall: Like a moody teenager throughout much of the game.

Cloud: Like a moody, schizophrenic throughout much of the game.

That's the more modern ones anyway. Not sure about the moods towards WoL to Terra.

Seeing how their the main characters and are central to many of the plots (except Vaan, along with 98% of the cast of XII) I've not exactly been blown away with many of the main characters, perhaps Lightning for her more gradual development and she is Lightning after all.


12-05-2012, 07:35 PM
just a theory... but, maybe its because some people may see the main character as supposedly an extension of themselves in most games, when they play a game where the lead has qualities drasticly different than their own, or qualities they just dont like they get the "this is supposed to be me? this is my character?" mentality and start hating on them cause theyre not the players ideal character, which would include some of their own personality traits or ones they wished they posessed... the key is to disconnect from the character and treat it as such, just another character despite the fact we control it, the FF games are very heavily story based and as such there really are no true "Blank Slate Silent Antagonists" to vicariously live the adventure through, save for the first FF ever...

12-05-2012, 08:24 PM
just a theory... but, maybe its because some people may see the main character as supposedly an extension of themselves in most games, when they play a game where the lead has qualities drasticly different than their own, or qualities they just dont like they get the "this is supposed to be me? this is my character?" mentality and start hating on them cause theyre not the players ideal character, which would include some of their own personality traits or ones they wished they posessed... the key is to disconnect from the character and treat it as such, just another character despite the fact we control it, the FF games are very heavily story based and as such there really are no true "Blank Slate Silent Antagonists" to vicariously live the adventure through, save for the first FF ever...

This actually explain's why Gordon Freeman in Half Life was so popular, he was quiet. People implanted their personalities on the protagonist.

12-05-2012, 09:33 PM
Real interesting Elly, but I think maybe we should take that one step further and assert that posters' thoughts on the main characters are a reflection of their own self-image issues.

Maybe if a lot of EoFF members had less self-esteem issues, they wouldn't be criticizing protagonists on an internet forum all day??? :p

12-05-2012, 09:56 PM
I take this theory one step further, with the addition of "Go Fuck yourself". :p

Really though, it's just an odd thing that for some reason the Main characters are almost always less interesting then the other characters.

12-05-2012, 11:02 PM
I take this theory one step further, with the addition of "Go Fuck yourself". :p

Really though, it's just an odd thing that for some reason the Main characters are almost always less interesting then the other characters.

And yet we're forced to bring them in our party at all times, taking up a slot that would be better spent on a better developed character.

12-05-2012, 11:53 PM
I think it has more to do with the fact that they are the most prominent Every game has characters I like and dislike. If I can just ignore the ones that I don't like then they don't bother me, but if they happen to be the main character it just lets the resentment build up.

12-06-2012, 12:01 AM
yes Gordon Freeman is a great example of The Blank Slate Silent Protagonist, as was Crono and Serge for the Chrono games... prolly why FPS are popular, as much as i hate them peeps prolly just wanna be in the heroes shoes feeling like its them doing the world saving and stuff, and what better blank slate than "nameless soldier" which gets the players name over their head in online modes further solidifying the connection they feel with their blank slate...

12-06-2012, 01:38 AM
Nah. I doubt "hardcore" online FPS gamers really care about that stuff. It's all about competition and action when you're online, not how your character looks/acts/is called.

Flaming Ice
12-06-2012, 04:35 AM
Because none of the main characters you play are chocobo, bahamut or moogle :cry:

Chocobo does have his game but not in main series.

12-06-2012, 04:56 AM
It depends, I happen to hate the blank slate character concept. Personally I'm looking to play through someone else's adventure, not envision myself in one.

12-06-2012, 11:19 AM

Light Warrior He basically has no persona, to be honest there is nothing to judge. It would be like judging water. Just there, but nothing deep within it.

Firion I believe that Firion is one of the best of the leads. He's quite brave, but honourable and has a romantic side to him which makes him passionate and feminine without sounding or looking like a pansy * COUGH VAAN *

Onion Knight. Honestly. I can't stand this kid. Usually in Dissidia he's my punching bag and it feels good. He's annoying, thinks he's all that and it's annoying that he protects Terra like she's some kind of toddler. Then he moans when Vaan treats him like a kid. Go die in a fire.

Cecil Again Cecil is one of the good ones. Brave, honourable and forgiving. He's somewhat relate-able with how he regrettable about his errors and mistakes in life and his loyalty towards the King. Completely underated.

Bartz Bartz is outgoing, friendly, kind and fresh. He's a nice main lead. The only downfall is his lack of decent backstory. Somebody like Lenna could take over the MC roll and it wouldn't make much of a difference to Final Fantasy V.

Terra Terra is where the " I find this character annoying " thing comes in. Terra is confused, questioning most things, usually fades in the background, has tons of "pretty boys " protect her like a knights and never usually happy or cheerful. She does improve, but it takes the whole game almost.

Cloud ​I blame Advent Children for destroying Cloud's character and Kingdom Hearts 2 where Squall was the cheerful one and Cloud was the depressive one. Cloud is like Terra where he is now quite depressive and always usually now says something that's quite depressing. Now thanks to Steve Burton, he now speaks like tomorrow he's going to jump off a cliff. Cloud is no longer Cloud. The real Cloud died in 1997.

Squall People usually find Squall a awful main character because he treats people like crap and again, he's depressing. Most of the game he's in his room, thinking things through while thinking that the worst is most likely to occur and he's only really happy around Rinoa.

Zidane Again Zidane is one of the good ones. But he gets ignored because OmZ he has a M0nkeey Ta111 and tht is nt k00 l or sxy ! i am a Final Fantaasy fanboi & i'm OUTraggged 1111 !!!!!!

Tidus Just read the Haters gonna Hate thread about Final Fantasy X to see why Tidus gets hate and is disliked by many.

Vaan A] Looks like a lesbian B] sounds like a lesbian C] has a brother better than him D] whines worse than Terra, Cloud and Squall. E] Has creepy abs and doesn't wear a shirt to hide them expect in later games.

Lightning ​Lightning is quite popular and she has a huge fanbase. Some don't like her because she's a bitch. But Lightning is heavily loved and liked. [ Sadly because there's better Final Fantasy females out there and better Final Fantasy main leads ]

Night Fury
12-06-2012, 03:30 PM
Because they dress silly.

12-06-2012, 04:09 PM
Warrior of Light: So deep, yet so not.
Firion: Wild Roses n shit. Pretty epic protagonist.
Onion Knight: Little punk ass midget. I could abuse this guy.
Cecil: Light n dark bitches. Another good one.
Butz: The dumbest thing I have ever seen.
Terra: Depressing, unreliable, whining, bitchy, annoying, moody, and stupid. Hated her.
Cloud: Started off as a badass. As said above though, everything alse ruined him.
Squall: Herp derp, all leather, herp derp, gunblade, herp derp solitude. Shut up you menopausal little shit.
Zidane: A good one, but looked so gay and pansy like it hurt.
Tidus: DADDY. What a bitch. No wonder Jecht hates this little fucker. If he was YOUR son wouldn't you shun him too?
Vaan: Reks shoulda been main character. NOT some shitty, wussy, pathetic, pencil abbs punk! What a pussy.
Lightning: Like Cloud, she IS a badass. Thankfully, she hasn't been completely ruined. Yet.

12-06-2012, 05:16 PM
The amount of people using Dissidia as a reference instead of the source games both frightens and horrifies me.

12-07-2012, 01:20 AM
maybee's post... just epic, and I completely agree.

12-07-2012, 01:25 AM
Because Japanese people think we like whiney tween shitheads.

Pete for President
12-07-2012, 07:18 AM
I think it's because people's expectations are very high when it comes to main characters, and those are never met.

And then there's the diversity of which people argue about (main) FF characters on these forums; it's not very clarifying. I for one can't stand Lightning, but think Tidus is alright. Just to point out, the main characters are likely to be the most subjective interpretations of any FF game.

EDIT: And people complain more than they praise, hence the Negativitron-vibe.

12-07-2012, 07:27 AM
^ I'm with you.

12-08-2012, 07:32 AM
You go into it thinking, "I would not do that. What a jackass."

Del Murder
12-18-2012, 05:45 AM
I only ever found Tidus annoying. Vaan was just a non-entity, not really annoying. Squall was an emo tit but again not annoying.

I rather liked the other main characters.

I think the main character gets extra scrutiny in these games because they are the portal through which the gamer experiences the world and story. There's a lot invested in them.

12-18-2012, 06:31 AM
I like most of the main characters (at least for all the games I've played). I'm surprised Terra gets so much bashing. I mean, first of all, I don't count her as the main character, technically she's the main focus of the plot for like, a third of the game, and during that time, she shows a bit more personality than a recessive waifu. I digress.

The characters I do find annoying, I find annoying because I find them hard to relate to, or they do things that don't make sense to me, or they otherwise earn this status they do not deserve. I dislike Squall, for example, because he is promoted to leader of Balamb Garden despite showing no qualities befitting that of a leader. I dislike Lightning because while she is cool and confident, she also comes off as stuck up and I think she even exhibits some of that lone-wolf personality that I grew disdainful of Cloud for.

An honorable mention (because I actually like the character); does anyone else find it kinda overkill that Cecil is like the perfect man, save for his unwavering loyalty to King Baron in the beginning? Like, he's commander of the Red Wings, is the boyfriend of the lovely Rosa, is the son of one of the most influential Lunarians to come from the moon, is forgiven almost overnight by Rydia, and becomes king at the end of the game? I love Cecil, but he practically oozes more success than I can comprehend.

12-20-2012, 04:24 PM
Probably because we're wanting the main characters to be relatable. We may see ourselves in an entirely different way and can't really see the flaws like we see them in the characters.

Forsaken Lover
12-20-2012, 04:41 PM
It's all jealousy. Cloud was obviously getting more sex than the people who play these games even though he doesn't exist. Same for Tidus. He was a sports star! He probably got it off with ten girls every day.

And he doesn't even exist in his own world! He's double-fictional and yet gets more ass than the haters.

black orb
12-24-2012, 04:39 AM
>>> Talk and laugh loudly is annoying for me, so Tidus is the only annoying one..:luca:

12-24-2012, 09:55 AM
Probably because we're wanting the main characters to be relatable. We may see ourselves in an entirely different way and can't really see the flaws like we see them in the characters.

This. If we don't relate to say Cloud. We feel lost and confused and just annoyed.

It's like " Why is this guy so damn important and we should we care " ?

But if you understand the lead. It's a whole different story.

12-26-2012, 04:15 AM
These days it's easier to create a character for your game inserting your preferred personality. Depends how good of an author you are.

Wolf Kanno
01-02-2013, 10:04 PM
I'll echo the sentiments of this largely being an issue of relatability, though I feel all the characters exhibit some flaws that make them legitimately unlikable the difference is largely dependent on your tolerance levels.