View Full Version : Bad Game Genre

12-20-2012, 06:22 PM
Is there just one specific game genre that you just can't be good at?

I am absolutely horrible at fighting games like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and MvC3.

12-20-2012, 06:36 PM
FPS's are probably my worst genre.

Fighting games I very in ability. I got pretty bitchin' at Blazblu, though I'm not tournament competitor. :p

12-20-2012, 07:20 PM
I am terrible at fighters and only slightly less terrible at first-person-shooters.

12-20-2012, 07:37 PM
I suck at FPS's. I'm ok at TF2, but that's mostly because most classes don't require an ability to aim very well.

As for fighting games, I'm pretty good, but it depends on the game.

12-20-2012, 07:50 PM
Just FPS's like CoD and Battlefield.

12-20-2012, 08:07 PM
Fighting games. Used to be decent at them when I was a young'un back in the SF2 and MK days. But I haven't really played for years and last I tried I did horribly. XD

12-20-2012, 08:08 PM
I am mediocre at all genres of games. :3 I don't feel I am poorer at any particular one, I'm just not great at any.

If I had to pick though, driving or FPS - I play these genres less than others.

12-20-2012, 08:30 PM
Terrible at controller-based FPS games. Except Goldeneye. I will dunk you at Goldeneye. Power Weapons/Archives/20 kills.

Flaming Ice
12-20-2012, 08:40 PM
FPS...I like to run in, blow everything up with rockets and grenades, not hide behind a brick wall :eep: ..absolutely boring.

Fighting games...just can't move my hands fast enough to pull of the different combos and what-not. They're still fun every once in a while but I can't even finish easy diff. on mortal kombat arcade :)

Oh well rpgs are the best anyways.

12-20-2012, 08:50 PM
Fighters and RTS. Fighters generally require too much practice for how little fun I get out of playing them. RTS games just make my head explode, I can never fully grasp what I should be doing to win.

12-20-2012, 09:06 PM
i have serious issues with pong

12-20-2012, 09:17 PM
i have serious issues with pong

Oh man

Me too if I have to use the joystick instead of paddles

12-20-2012, 09:21 PM
I do not have the willpower, speed, or patience for RTS games.

12-20-2012, 09:47 PM
In order of most terrible to still terrible but not as terrible:

Horror Games: I refuse to play horror games, because I get trout-scared over anything bloody, gory or scary. So yeah, terrible.

Fighting Games: I do not have the dexterity to input so many different commands to pull off some super-move. The one exception to this though is Super Smash Bros Brawl, where the control scheme is somewhat easier. Still, I'm not guru at the game.

Shooter Games: I don't like playing them because I die all the damn time. I have at best questionable aim, and I always seem to end up dying like all the time.

12-21-2012, 08:27 PM
I like to believe anyone can become great at anything if they keep at it with a positive attitude.

12-21-2012, 08:34 PM
I like to believe anyone can become great at anything if they keep at it with a positive attitude.

Well, that's true but if you had to play right now, what genre would you be bad at? :p

12-21-2012, 09:46 PM
Well I think any RTS requires some hours of failing and studying the metagame in order to get to a playable hour. MOBAs I'd say are the same as well.

I'm a well-rounded gamer, I play RPGs, RTS, shooters, racers, action/adventure titles, sports games and even a puzzle title here and there. Maybe dating sims would be my weak one, because my IRL charisma is so off the chain, I probably wouldn't comply with the average game-developers idea of socializing.

12-22-2012, 07:25 AM
FPS. I was that kid in high school who always let down the team in Counter-Strike. Not too crash hot at RTSs either.

Having said that, I do own CoD, BF, Killzone, the F.E.A.R series. I also played quite a bit of WC3, C&C, AoE2 back in the day. I enjoy these games, I'm just bad at them, often having to resort to lots of retries and being very flexible with the difficulty slider.

Fighting and racing games are where I feel most comfortable.

Wolf Kanno
12-22-2012, 07:42 AM
I'm not terribly bad at any genre, though I tend to find myself playing with people who will make me look bad. I'm good at fighting games, I have to tell myself this because all of my friends who play fighting games are tournament grade and completely trounce me. I'm decent at FPS but I play with people who usually rank in the top ten online scoreboards.

I don't really play racing games, never saw the appeal cause I don't find it as exhilarating as driving a real car. Sports games are the same thing, I would prefer to actually play the sport than play a game about a sport. RTS games I am pretty bad with. Largely cause they are a PC dominate genre and I just haven't been able to get back into PC gaming, I just don't like playing games on my computer, even emulated console games. Course this hasn't stopped me from trying... *avoids looking at Steam sale*

12-22-2012, 02:46 PM
I'm horrible at fighters and so so at sports games. I'm very streaky in FPS's.

Madame Adequate
12-22-2012, 05:39 PM
I'm tremendously bad at realistic racers. Not so bad, though not exactly good, at more arcadey or crazy ones like Wipeout or Rollcage, but GT or F1 or whatever? Terrible.

12-24-2012, 02:03 AM
The only racer I can say I am decent in is Mario Kart.

12-24-2012, 03:43 AM
RTS, FPS, and fighting games. These are the kinds of games I don't play.

also i'm complete ass at using keyboard for playing games. my mind can't do wasd

Del Murder
12-24-2012, 06:05 AM
I'm only decent at fighters. I tend to rely a lot on specials and not on combos, which is how good players do it.

I'm also not that great with FPS because I'm no good at aiming.

12-27-2012, 04:43 AM
RTS, FPS, and fighting games. These are the kinds of games I don't play.

also i'm complete ass at using keyboard for playing games. my mind can't do wasd

THANK YOU. Someone else can't fathom wasd keys either. I swear I thought I was the only one, but I can't use em. I use the apparently inferior directional keys instead. I have tried to use wasd, but I always kept hitting caps lock or one of the surrounding letter keys. Very annoying.

12-27-2012, 08:03 PM
I love fighting games, but my lack of interest in the super hardcore in-depth aspect of them means I wouldn't stand a chance in competitive play.

I'm not really a fan of first-person shooters. The only ones I've liked are the Metroid Prime series, which is probably more along the lines of a first-person adventure game rather than a pure shooter.

12-28-2012, 10:44 AM
Believe it or not Platform games minus the Spyro series. I'm okay at fighting, shooters and RPG's but hand me Crash 3 and I'll struggle to get passed the second warp room.

I don't think I got passed the first boss in Ratchet and Clank 2. And this is a game genre that is aimed towards kids. *sigh *