View Full Version : Explain SE's affection for the North..

12-22-2012, 06:08 PM
One trend I've noticed recently, especially with the later Final Fantasies, is with the affinity for end-game locations to appear at the north. Examine the evidence:

VII: Northern Cave, location of final boss battles and quite important story-wise

IX: Many important late-game locations are on the Outer Continent, including the Lifa Tree, Madain Sari and the Black Mage Village

X: The pilgrimage is to go to Zanarkand, which is the most northerly point of the world map

XIII: In Pulse, the party travels to Oerba, which just so happens to be the most northerly point we can ever access on Pulse

Now, there are a few exceptions, XII had the endgame locations at the extreme east and eventually right in the centre, while in VI Kefka's towers is situated below centre towards the south. But for me there's definitely a tendency for major events to be at the north, or failing that, at some location at the extremities of the world map.

Discuss, I might be entirely wrong.

12-22-2012, 06:20 PM
One trend I've noticed recently, especially with the later Final Fantasies, is with the affinity for end-game locations to appear at the north. Examine the evidence:

VII: Northern Cave, location of final boss battles and quite important story-wise

IX: Many important late-game locations are on the Outer Continent, including the Lifa Tree, Madain Sari and the Black Mage Village

X: The pilgrimage is to go to Zanarkand, which is the most northerly point of the world map

XIII: In Pulse, the party travels to Oerba, which just so happens to be the most northerly point we can ever access on Pulse

Now, there are a few exceptions, XII had the endgame locations at the extreme east and eventually right in the centre, while in VI Kefka's towers is situated below centre towards the south. But for me there's definitely a tendency for major events to be at the north, or failing that, at some location at the extremities of the world map.

Discuss, I might be entirely wrong.

It depends on what you mean with "end game location". That does not necessarily mean "Final Dungeon" or "Final Battle Place". The Lunar Subterraine, the Planet's Core, Kefka's Tower, et cetera are also very central when it comes to the "final spot". The Cleft of Dimensions or Memoria can also not really be located, it simply is another dimension while the Rift's opening is at least very central with Tycoon.

By the way, it is "Iifa Tree". But I understand you. I also like "Lifa Tree" more even though it is wrong.

Basically you can say that what you said is true but in general the concept is not just head north but wander around the planet once.

12-22-2012, 07:11 PM
It's not always the end game location, but definitely things that are relatively important to the plot are often in the north. I do agree with the wander round the planet part though.

12-22-2012, 08:50 PM
From an adventurer's point of view, going north has this dramatic flair to it, ya know? /raijin

I mean, when someone is going on an adventure north, it makes you picture that they're going on this brutal, difficult trek up the Earth, and once they get there, they're basically on the top of the world. Likewise for important locations being on the ends of the world map. It creates the feeling that it's a grand-scale adventure that will take them to the ends of the Earth -- literally!

Also, using "Northern" as an adjective sounds cool. "Northern Lights", "North Winds", "North Pole"... Using "South" just makes me think of rednecks.

Loony BoB
12-22-2012, 11:14 PM

Probably gonna piss off some people for posting that, but the general point is what's relevant in this case.

12-23-2012, 01:59 AM
North is going 'up' on most maps, and as such is often associated with moving in a more difficult direction. Also as most developed nations exist in the northern hemisphere going north typically brings one to a less hospitable and more remote location.