View Full Version : Blind Pick

12-30-2012, 09:48 AM
Lets say you couldn't see the final fantasy games you've played. Say it was told to you in story and you could hear it instead.

What would be your favorite?
What would be the world's favorite?
The universe?
All time?
The most deserved?

Your thoughts or alternative?

I think Final Fantasy Tactics and Mystic Quest might be up there. I can see the others as being too adult. But I'm only one person.

Though which one you hear first is a matter of choice. Perhaps a synopsis of each would work? Or do you prefer the one more of this or that?

"THE" best criteria is the one closest towards fantasy imo.

Edit-to be fair we might need to omit what people look like when describing them. Then we'd refer to them as Hero1 and Villian1 and so.

Though my upper limit argument where someone pointed out 'expectations are contrieved(made-up) might counter my own argument but it's not 'without a lack of trying.' ?

Can we satisfy you?

12-30-2012, 03:44 PM
My favorite would be FFTA2, actually. Ivalice is the best world in any FF game, and FFTA2 is its best incarnation. The game would read like Arabian Nights, with tons of different stories and tales. The game's biggest problem, it's main story, could be fixed really easily, because I'm fairly convinced that the problem was how it was told, and being truncated to fit the space allotted, rather than the story itself.

12-31-2012, 01:05 PM
I can only comment on the FF games that I've played but I think that FFVI story would be the most entertaining to hear. As long as they focused on the most interesting (as in, not Gau or Umaro) characters.

12-31-2012, 03:25 PM
I think of all the games I've played, FFX would have the most interesting story to hear or read.

12-31-2012, 06:31 PM
FFIX because it's more fantasy like.
FFVIII would be the teen romance novel sensation.
FFVII would be the epic and probably most popular one of them all.

Del Murder
12-31-2012, 11:23 PM
Probably XII since the world has a lot of political intrigue. I think that game plays out better as a novel than a game.

01-04-2013, 03:27 AM
The point being we base much of our opinions/ideas on what we see. It's nice to get a new perspective.

Non-visually they all have something to tell. I suppose you can like them all on the general bases of good vs. bad. Freedom vs. Oppression. Ect, ect,.

But that's fiction for you. I can't even determine what's more important than this/that. You can even argue that 'it' was the best we had at the time.