View Full Version : Job Combos

12-31-2012, 07:40 AM
This section of the forum is kinda dead, but I might get some replies.

I played Final Fantasy Tactics a few years ago and loved it and I recently got the PSP, the war of the lions version.

What I am doing is giving two jobs per character, except Bard, Dancer and Calculator which are each going to one character. For example, max out Character A with Black Mage and then make them an archer. Max as archer with Black Magic as secondary skill. Until I have a decent amount of skills learned with a job though, I leave the secondary skill as Item usually.

How do you decide what jobs to use? Do you use them all and seperate or just find a job you like and make all of your characters that job?

Anyways here are my job combos. I haven't tried them except the Black Mage/Archer one I used when I last played and I was very pleased with it.

Samurai/Mystic (Oracle)
Samurai being the primary job, who can use the Yin Yang magic.

Archer/Black Mage
When she runs out of MP, she still doesn't have to get up close to fight.

Kind of boring, but seems solid.

Chemist being the primary job only for the purpose of being able to throw items.

I think these two would make a good combo. Ninja being the primary because its just overall a better job.

White Mage/Summoner
I'm not actually sure yet which will be the primary job. I think the Summoners stats might be slightly higher, but I'll have to look it up.

Dragoon being the primary for the equipment.

Time Mage/Orator (Mediator)
This is kind of a weird combo, but it was the two remaining jobs. :tongue:

12-31-2012, 03:04 PM
Being somewhat of a min-maxer I don't even think of classes in terms of the two job abilities on them anymore, but as the sum total of their unique equipment and all the support and counter abilities they have. (...ok, that sounded a just a little pretentious.)

I have always been partial to the dragoon with punch/martial arts. Gives the Dragoon a little more utility and gives me peace of mind with them having revive, as they are usually the last to die.

As for the White Mage/Summoner the summoner will have higher MA but the White Mage has higher speed. I usually consider the White Mage as a better option.

12-31-2012, 04:33 PM
I like to mix things up a bit when I play, but two combos I have often used are Ninja/Monk and my old favorite: Time Mage/Black Mage. Lancer/Monk is another good one.

I would also use White Mage as the primary job over Summoner. But how can you have Bard and Dancer on the same character?

12-31-2012, 05:15 PM
Okay, sounds I'll use the White Mage over the summoner. Thank you.

I guess I phrased the dance/bard thing wrong. Besides the characters listed above I also have one character that is just a Dancer, one character that is just a Bard and one that is just a Calculator

01-02-2013, 08:19 PM
I only use the special job classes, so I try to give them abilities that fit the character, such as Agrias having access to White Magic to help with healing in early parts of the game.

01-04-2013, 04:43 AM

Since the Wizard has the highest MA from what I remember it makes Draw Out a killer.

Otherwise there's too many special characters.

It's the items and being a female that puts your party over the top. Try maintenance, chantage, excalibur on a female knight. With a party of five they're virtually unbeatable.

Break, Item, and Steal are notable second abilities if not the first since they have some inevitability. You can run out of items and katanas. Though geomancy is also good.

It depends on the situation and hard to advise when you leave a topic too open ended.

01-09-2013, 02:19 AM
This probably doesn't count because my combo contains too many jobs, but I once had a party full of these characters--

Lancer with Math skill (maxed out time/white/black/summoner magic skills)

That way, I could hit my enemies no matter what. If the math didn't work out, I could jump all the way across the screen. If the enemy was casting some crazy magic spell, I could jump to hide from it if it was going to be cast within my wait time. XD

Plus, I just love Lancers. They look sooooo cool!

01-14-2013, 02:07 AM

I typically learn everything, then mix and match my favorite abilities.

While leveling I have a preference for martial arts, so I get a few of those learned and mix it with basically any physically-based job, and sometimes even with white mage. Prior to that each character gets knight leveled up and uses speed break and power break in order to circle jerk power level.

01-17-2013, 08:14 PM
another simple but effective is putting a black mage with white magic. Since Black mages have more magic, they'll heal more than a white mage, plus dealing damage with the black magic.

01-18-2013, 03:41 AM
And Holy is better than any of the Black Magic offensive spells!

05-25-2013, 01:10 AM
This game is very versatile in terms of customizing jobs, although it gives fixed classes and not a fully customizable system... :p

Of course as in any FF I assign each character a job class and he/she keeps it for the whole game...
But of course any class as a combined command that makes characters basically have two classes each...

Considering the fact that my party is mostly composed by story characters that have all a special basic class, the fun is to pair one of the normal classes with their special classes...

The only basic characters I use are Rad, Lavian and Alicia that are part basic part special but their job mechanics are the same as the basic ones... XD I'd use other generic units but there's not enough space in the party!


Ramza - Squire (Mediator)
He is the leader and he seems to be quite talkative, wanting to solve conflicts without bloodshed... Both many of his normal and special Squire abilities are based on words as they are the Mediator's Talk Skills.

Rad - Ninja (Thief)
Typical Ninja/Thief with Throw and Steal commands! It fits for Rad that is an ex mercenary!

Lavian - Black Mage (Time Mage)
My usual Black/Time Mage may be a little forced to be used with Lavian but since she was just one of Agrias attendants, she could follow the magical career as well as any generic unit!

Alicia - White Mage (Summoner)
The same as for Lavian, but the White Mage in this case, paired with the classic Summoner following the tradition of Dagger, Eiko, Yuna!

Mustadio - Engineer (Chemist)
The Ranger/Chemist combination probably originates here... Mustadio has the setup of the item expert (even when it's about finding rare treasures).

Agrias - Holy Knight (Knight)
Obvious, Agrias is a Knight and she shal have the Battle Skills command.

Malak - Hell Knight (Monk)
Although he is often pointed out as being some sort of "mage" I think his skills resembles KI and his theme is much oriental, so the Monk fit well both to be a good sub-class and also being a strong one, to make him quite stronger than he usually is.

Rafa - Heaven Knight (Oracle)
She is the opposite to Malak and so she could be a magical oriental combatant opposed to the hand to hand fighting of Malak! The Yin Yang Magic is also very oriental!

Meliadoul - Divine Knight (Archer)
She could equip crossbow on her own, it's enough to give her both a sword and a crossbow to be able to fight both in the short and long distance.

Orlandu - Holy Swordsman (Samurai)
The master of all swords only lacked the Samurai skills and the use of a Katana! He could have both a broadsword and a katana to use also the Draw Out Command.

Beowulf - Temple Knight (Mediator)
Like Ramza, he could be skilled in the talking art since he deals with dragons.

Reis - Dragoner (Lancer)
Of course she shall have the Jump command and use a spear, it's not even to explain why... XD

Cloud - Soldier (Black Magic)
Could is a cameo and has to be played as that with the Black Magic spells Lightning and Ice just like he had in Final Fantasy VII.