View Full Version : Walking Your Path

01-01-2013, 05:35 AM
A Beoulve has served the royal family for generations. The warrior spirit is in us. Never shame your name... Never tolerate injustice... Living true to your heart is the warrior's way... ...the Beoulve way.

For generations, we Beoulves have stood foremost of those who served the Crown. Ours is the soul of the knight. Become a knight worthy of your name. Tolerate no injustice. Stray not from the true path. You will know the path you must walk. A Beoulve can walk no other.

Perfection? What perfection I have or have not, I am not to judge. Yet however others see me, pariah or paragon, I am but myself. I walk the road I walk because it is mine to walk. I do no more or less than this.

Yesterday, while playing FFT: War of the Lions, I was debating starting over rather than loading my old save (which wasn't far into the game, but hadn't gotten stuck due to the Progression Trap). When restarting, I watched the flashback to Ramza's father, and was struck by the similarity to Frimelda's line from FFTA2. I knew that, like most of the dialogue, the flashback had been rewritten for War of the Lions. So I went back and checked the original, and decided to share them all.

I'm guessing the localization team working on both games was the same. But I do like the consistency of views. It's a shame that Frimelda never met Barbaneth. In fact, it's kind of a shame we don't get more of him in general.

He reminds me a bit of Ned Stark, an honest and good man in a corrupt and twisted world, eventually destroyed by it. His rank and position are roughly equivalent to Thunder God Cid's, so he'd probably be one heck of an awesome fighter. It's just a shame that he was trapped in such a world. Yet, even so trapped, he fought against it, to make it right, to his last breath. That's heroism.

If only he'd have the fortune to live in a world where someone else shared his dreams and ideals.

Yeah, I'm rambling. Not sure if there's really a point to this, but I had to share it. Sorry.

01-01-2013, 05:47 AM
I always liked the 'served the crown for generations' and 'walk your own path' parts. They don't really seem like they should go together.