View Full Version : Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward

01-03-2013, 02:25 AM
I just realized that this was released recently! I'm really surprised I didn't know. I was really hyped up for this when I first heard it was being developed, then again when an English release was confirmed. I don't have a 3DS though, so I can't play, sadly! :P

Looking at IGN's Review (http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/10/24/zero-escape-virtues-last-reward-review), the main thing I'm really glad for is the inclusion of the "FLOW" system. I didn't like escaping from the flooded room at the beginning in 999. >_<

Anywho! If anyone here happens to own the game, what do you think of it? How does it compare to the first game?

01-03-2013, 06:34 PM
I have it. Not played it yet though. I will let you know when I do!

I thoroughly enjoyed 999, so I am hoping it will be just as cool.

Del Murder
01-08-2013, 05:49 AM
I loved 999 so I must play this at some point.

01-08-2013, 01:51 PM
So far: It is just as cool. The FLOW thing is such a great addition, being able to jump back to just before your last choice rather than playing through the whole thing is great.

I've not finished it yet (so many endings, 2/9) but so far the story seems just as dumb and weird as 999, which is fine with me. xD It also feels longer - I'm at like 12 hours already and I'm not even half way through. The visual novel parts seem to be more in depth - also voice acting, is pretty sweet.

01-08-2013, 08:50 PM

I just love the fact that this game exists. I spent 35 hours on this game to complete all the storylines, love it.

If this genre was in any way popular, or more games like this existed, I'd be willing to criticize that the story is somewhat "out there" and takes it a couple notches too far. But other than it's predecessor, I haven't played anything like this, so I love it by default, even if I'd prefer a somewhat more realistic second half of the game.

interesting characters, lots of mysteries, a million loose ends all get tied up near the end(s.) great puzzles.

eagerly awaiting the next one.