View Full Version : Family Matters

01-10-2013, 11:47 AM
This morning I was thinking to myself that my mother is very "I do what I want, you have problem?!" since she retired (yes that was word for word). :quina: Minus the obsession for frogs and being a he/she I find my mom can be like Quina in the sense that she does what she pleases and none of understand the strange things she does.

If your family was from Final Fantasy, which characters would they be or which ones would you associate them with?

Night Fury
01-10-2013, 12:14 PM
My Nan is probably the female version of the FFVII Cid.

01-10-2013, 03:34 PM
My Nan is probably the female version of the FFVII Cid.

So she tells you to sit down and drink your goddamn tea while blowing the smoke of her cigarette in your face?

01-10-2013, 08:34 PM
I can't think of any FF characters that I know of who are similar to my family members :/

Night Fury
01-10-2013, 08:36 PM
My Nan is probably the female version of the FFVII Cid.

So she tells you to sit down and drink your goddamn tea while blowing the smoke of her cigarette in your face?

Bar the smoking, yes.

01-11-2013, 02:15 AM
I don't know that any of my family really reminds me of FF characters. I have a friend that kind of looks like Irvine from FFVIII in the face, and I also have friends that I associate with Terra and Aqua from Kingdom Hearts. My cousin who got me into rpg's has the personality of Tifa and vaguely looks like a mix between Garnet and Rinoa actually. Those are the only real comparison's to anything Square related I can think of.

01-11-2013, 02:20 AM
My mom mothers like Queen Brahne.

01-11-2013, 05:08 AM
My mom is essentially Celes, with some Freya and Ashe thrown in.

My dad is Sazh, with elements of Laguna.

01-11-2013, 03:38 PM
I think my stepdad is Baku.

My real dad is Garland.

I'm Quina.

01-13-2013, 05:33 AM
Dad = Sazh

Grandpa = Cid Highwind

Siblings = Porom and Palom