View Full Version : Favorite Books of 2012

01-11-2013, 11:51 AM
Since we had a thread for movies and music, what are your favorite books you read in 2012?

For me...

Books Published in 2012:
The Fault in Our Stars
Days of Blood & Starlight
Unspoken- The Lynburn Legacy
Gone Girl
The Song of Achilles
Code Name Verity
Beautiful Ruins

Read but not published in 2012:
Life of Pi
Still Alice
The Red Tent
Shadow of the Wind
Moonwalking with Einstein
If I Stay
The Forgotten Garden

Um, that's a lot of books for a favorites list. :D If I had to choose my top 3 from this list, it would be:

1) Life of Pi
2) Angelfall
3) The Fault in Our Stars

What a great year for books!

01-11-2013, 03:49 PM
The Forgotten Garden is so good. ;-;

The only books I read for the first time this past year was A Song of Ice and Fire series.

I try to be careful, because having a Nook means I can just download all of these books and that's really scary!

Del Murder
01-15-2013, 05:01 AM
I didn't read any books written in 2012, but these are my top 5 books I read this year:

1. Pillars of the Earth - An epic tale that spans generations. It's 800 pages long but I got through it in a couple weeks because it was that good.
2. The Hobbit - As I read it I couldn't help think about one day reading this to my kids. This book is just a perfect adventure tale.
3. A Clash of Kings - This series is addicting. The many differences between this book and the series was enough to keep me going.
4. Life of Pi - This is one of the most unique stories I ever read. I loved the relationship between Pi and the tiger.
5. A Game of Thrones - I found this one to be not as good as the first season of the show, probably because I knew all the big twists.

I Took the Red Pill
01-16-2013, 09:03 AM
1) Infinite Jest
2) The Waves
3) Kafka on the Shore
4) Humboldt's Gift
5) Invisible Cities
6) Norwegian Wood
7) Waiting for the Barbarians
8) Under the Volcano
9) Dance, Dance, Dance
10) The Hobbit

I know there were more but I can't remember them all at the moment. I was reading a lot in early 2012 and some of the less remarkable titles got lost up in the ol' noggin. So I guess I wasn't really compiling a favorites list, more like what I read and the order of enjoyment.

edit: my god I'm an idiot. I forgot The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, which I literally just finished last night. It would probably fit in somewhere between Kafka on the Shore and Norwegian Wood.

Quindiana Jones
01-16-2013, 09:53 AM
1. The new Dresden.
2. Life of Pi.
3,4. The two most recent ASIAFs.
5. White Teeth.

Loony BoB
01-16-2013, 10:26 AM
I only read a couple of books as most of the other stuff I've read is made up of online stuff, columns, comics, magazines and newspapers. Anyway, the two books I read for the first time were Game of Thrones, which I agree with Murd about, and Elves: Rise of the TaiGethen, which was amazing as James Barclay's books set in this world always are.

01-16-2013, 10:29 AM
Yeah, I've only read more Lovecraft and Stephen Hawkings "The Grand Design'. I'm a bit behind on the books. :p