View Full Version : Comics!

Loony BoB
01-13-2013, 10:57 AM
Do you read any? I used to read some when I was a kid, but not many, and mostly kid stuff like Disney stuff (generally the ones involving ducks) and a few TMNT ones. Right now, though, I'm on issue #53 of the original X-Men comics. I plan on reading every single X-Men comic (well, the main series) in order. It's a good way to pass time on the bus home from work, but I often read them in the evening too. Anyway! Did/Do you read comics? Which ones?

01-13-2013, 10:59 AM
The Beano, The Dandy and Roy of the Rovers.

If you didn't do these things and you are a British male then I regret to inform you that you are not actually a British male.

01-13-2013, 06:33 PM
I've never been big into superhero comics, but I am a huge fan of the of Locke and Key series. I've not yet caught up with what's been released so far, but I've thoroughly enjoyed what I have read. I also feel like I read some of the Sonic the Hedgehog comics when I was younger, but I don't remember anything about them.

Del Murder
01-13-2013, 06:37 PM
I prefer graphic novels. I don't read any current titles, but I have been trying to catch up on Ultimate Spider-Man and The Walking Dead. I really dig Ultimate Spider-Man because it puts a modern spin on the Spider-Man origin story.

Old Manus
01-13-2013, 07:02 PM
The Beano, The Dandy and Roy of the Rovers.

If you didn't do these things and you are a British male then I regret to inform you that you are not actually a British male.Those were the days.

That feel when The Dandy was discontinued the other month. :(

01-14-2013, 12:43 AM
The Walking Dead and Pathfinder

I have some others on the wish list like the Game of Thrones and/or Wheel of Time etc.

I Don't Need A Name
01-14-2013, 12:47 AM
I've read the first 250 or so issues of X-Men and Spider-man, along with X-Factor, New Mutants, The Spectacular Spider-man and the like. Just picked up the end of The Amazing Spider-man (from around issue 688) to see how they would end it. I've read the first volume of The Walking Dead along with the first volume of Game of Thrones. I always enjoy just saving up a load of comics then reading loads in one go.

(The Beano, The Beezer and The Dandy go without saying :jess:

01-14-2013, 04:01 AM
I used to read Batman, Spider-Man and Star Wars comics when they were still being published in here. I was also into French and Belgian comics like Blueberry, Asterix and Tintin among others. I'm still reading Tex Willer and Weekly Donald Duck comics whenever I get my hands on them, and the albums and graphic novel formats for some of those (particularly Tex Willer and a few notable Duck-centric ones such as Don Rosa's epic The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck) have been quite nice. The Collected Works of Carl Barks (a 30-volume collection of all of Barks's Duck and Mouse stories) has been one of the best purchases of my life because not only does it have the comics in uncensored, restored form but also has nifty articles and commentaries which explain the history behind those stories as well as Barks's growth as an artist. :)

The problem with the Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse comics is that many of them tread the same ground and are locked into a kind of status quo. I'm still waiting for Disney and Egmont to relent and someday allow comics to expand on what exactly happened to Donald's parents (we've only seen them briefly in some of Rosa's stories when Donald was still young) and to the parents of Donald's nephews. It wouldn't be that big a stretch to reintroduce them and thus shake the status quo which is plaguing Duckburg; sure, they'd have to explain where these characters have been all this time (and why Donald's sister and her unnamed husband were irresponsible enough to leave the nephews on Donald's care for such a long time), but if they can sort that out, we'd have an awesome and heartwarming family dynamic which would open up many new story possibilities. :D