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02-01-2013, 03:46 AM
So, I'm playing Thorin Oakenshield in a stage adaptation of The Hobbit and in the opening scene at Bilbo's house I was supposed to slam my fist on the table.

Well, the other night I broke a plate in half in the process and slashed the fuck out of my arm. But I still went on. Dude, it was so awesome. Some girls were apparently talking about hot I was on the front row too! So, :cool:.

So, what badass things have you done lately?

02-01-2013, 03:59 AM
Dude, was that captured on film or anything? MUST SEE :stare:

I'm badass at being lame.

02-01-2013, 04:03 AM
Sadly, no. :( I might have pictures of me as Thorin on Facebook or something. *looks*

02-01-2013, 10:23 AM
omg Laddy as Thorin Oakenshield sounds like the best thing ever. I also demand pics.

Badass things I've done lately: um... I did some quest in Morrowind by literally flying across all of Vvardenfell. Used a 24-hour levitate spell. It was pretty fantastic.

02-01-2013, 10:51 AM
I told someone they were wrong on the internet! :D


02-01-2013, 11:50 AM
I once jumped off a swing right at its highest. I cleared the soft padding stuff by like 4 feet. Usually I'm firmly on the ground

but that day

i flew

02-01-2013, 12:19 PM
I manage to collect more than 15 foot trays in less than 7 minutes. Smurfing badass.

02-01-2013, 12:32 PM
Sadly, no. :( I might have pictures of me as Thorin on Facebook or something. *looks*

:whimper: That would have been a badass video.

02-01-2013, 02:04 PM
I posted this before, but I made a half-assed Mega Man 2 walkthrough that's meant to parody how seriously people take amateur self walkthroughs on YouTube. Still, I obviously took the bosses on in a seemingly counter productive order.

The video doesn't show case this, but there was also the time I beat the game black out drink. Yes, I know I have said that on this forum many times, but considering getting up and moving across the room is like bringing the ring to Mt. Mordor without any limbs, I am quite proud of that.

Oh, video about the first thing. It was done on my old PC with the worst mic detection ever:


Loony BoB
02-01-2013, 02:05 PM
I once stopped a car - which was accelerating with the driver's foot on the pedal - from moving using nothing but my own body. The driver tried to keep going, but they couldn't escape me. No, sir. Kept that car's tyre spinning, I did!


02-01-2013, 05:45 PM
I creeped on your fb laddy to see if there was a picture but I didn't find any. I MUST SEE LADDY OAKENSHIELD.

02-01-2013, 10:12 PM
Everything I do is badass :cool:.

Also, I have a story that is somewhat similar to BoB's. There was a few times that I actually stopped a car. The car was moving, right, so what I did to stop it from going through red light and stop signs was that I put my foot ON the brake pedal. The car stopped. I know right?

Lonely Paper Star
02-01-2013, 10:22 PM
I don't remember when I've been badass, per se. I get complimented for talents I have and achieve things in video games, but that's about it. :cry:

But two of my poems (out of seven I submitted originally) will be in my college's literary magazine at the end of the semester. I recently received a letter about it. Feels good. :D

02-02-2013, 01:52 AM
Man once my car was spinning out of control on the ice and it would have crashed into the guy in front of me but I swerved it into the next lane and I felt pretty slick

02-02-2013, 01:58 AM
While wearing a gorilla suit I Leonidas pit-kicked my friend (wearing a banana suit) into a fountain in the middle of campus. Among other awesome shenanigans.

02-02-2013, 02:00 AM
I did Kingda Ka. It's a fun ride. :p

02-02-2013, 02:31 AM
Everything I do is badass :cool:.

Also, I have a story that is somewhat similar to BoB's. There was a few times that I actually stopped a car. The car was moving, right, so what I did to stop it from going through red light and stop signs was that I put my foot ON the brake pedal. The car stopped. I know right?

You realize that Daniel is talking about the time he was hit by a car? Like bodily hit, not hit while in another car himself.

I bought some cookies.

Ultima Shadow
02-02-2013, 02:49 AM
I won a children's card game tournament. And everyone knows how badass that is. :cool:

02-02-2013, 04:17 AM
Everything I do is badass :cool:.

Also, I have a story that is somewhat similar to BoB's. There was a few times that I actually stopped a car. The car was moving, right, so what I did to stop it from going through red light and stop signs was that I put my foot ON the brake pedal. The car stopped. I know right?

You realize that Daniel is talking about the time he was hit by a car? Like bodily hit, not hit while in another car himself.

I bought some cookies.

I just meant similar from the aspect that it's a car story. Also, had I been there, it would not have happened, as I am a badass who stops cars.

02-02-2013, 04:32 AM
I won a children's card game tournament. And everyone knows how badass that is. :cool:

I almost won one once. :(

02-02-2013, 06:00 AM
Traffic came to a sudden stop in front of me. I slammed on my brakes, started sliding, but I had room to stop before hitting the car I front of me. I glanced in my rear view and saw a car getting on his brakes late, tires squealing/smoking. There was a single parking space coming up on my right. Still sliding, I veered into it. The car that was behind me slid all the way up to the car that had been in front of me, stopping a couple inches behind his bumper. He looked at me with a face full of wtf and said "holy sh it"! (this was 8-9 years ago)

I ran down a '10 911 Turbo @~16Xmph on the autobahn in June of last year. I let off because I was getting too close (no passing on the right). I put a brand new 911 (still had dealer plates) to shame the other night also.

I was going to tell a story about beating the piss (not literally) out of someone, but I won't go there.

Got married in Maui to the most beautiful woman in the world. (I think that's "badass")

02-02-2013, 06:14 AM
Got married in Maui to the most beautiful woman in the world. (I think that's "badass")

...I can never resist posting this when I see these. XD

That Mitchell and Webb Look - Most Beautiful - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2Eqk2Uppe4)

02-02-2013, 06:26 AM
Badass? Don't think anything I've ever done has been particularly badass or even somewhat awesome. There are a couple of things I've done lately that I think were pretty excellent, but those things are nsfw.