View Full Version : [Art] Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #20

Agent Proto
02-01-2013, 05:07 AM
Wow. Has it already been 20 weeks since we have started showcasing wonderful fan arts on Eyes on FF? It does appear that way. We have seen some amazing works of art in the many weeks the showcase that were featured, and surely there will be many more to come. This week is no different from any other week. Let's take a look and see what this showcase has in store. Please enjoy and remember to visit the sources to send the artists your compliments or comments! :)

Source 1 (http://fav.me/d5t0ovy)

An artist that we have featured many weeks ago makes another return to the showcase with another piece on Final Fantasy XIII's Lightning. This one features the three outfits Lightning wore in the games, FFXIII, FFXIII-2, and Lightning Returns. It was also colored using watercolors, which can explain the coloring in this picture. It's absolutely amazing. :D

Source 2 (http://fav.me/d5t4hoh)
FF IV/X: Summoners

In what appears to be from a series of artwork that the artist is behind, we have here art featuring the summoners of IV and X. You can also check out the Brawlers here (http://fav.me/d5t4gtf). It's also worth checking out.

Source 3 (http://fav.me/d5t4hq4)
Lightning Returns

Here's another fan art of Lightning for the week. She's in a rather dynamic pose in what is also the artist's first piece while using photoshop. I must say, it's a great job for a first timer!

Source 4 (http://fav.me/d5t4ops)
X- Lulu

It looks pretty simple. This is a great lineart picture of Lulu from Final Fantasy X. I love how elagant she appears here. :)

Source 5 (http://fav.me/d5n5qsc)
My Odin Tattoo

We don't see tattoo art here quite often. However, it is still artwork, and it shall be featured in this week's showcase, because let's face it, this is a brilliant tattoo and it deserves the praise because it looks amazing. Well done! You can also view the artist's other Final Fantasy tattoo artworks in his gallery here (http://pablo-hassan.deviantart.com/gallery/). :)

And that's all for this week. You can view more amazing fan art in our DeviantArt gallery or you could choose to wait for next week's showcase. Hope you enjoyed the showcase and we'll see you again next week!

02-01-2013, 10:08 PM
Good stuff as always. :3 Like the 1st Lightning one the best.

02-01-2013, 10:18 PM
Sweet tattoo! Once again, great fanart here! :D

02-03-2013, 03:38 AM
The first one is quite nice and Lulu's looks fantastic :love:

:| at Rydia...

02-07-2013, 04:54 PM
I like Lulu's the best :) And that tattoo is badass too..!

02-07-2013, 08:46 PM
Rydia put ona a few pounds. xD

That photoshop Lightning is my favourite.

02-07-2013, 09:45 PM
My favorite is Lulu -- those braids!