View Full Version : Characters personalities reset for sequels/spin offs

Lone Wolf Leonhart
02-06-2013, 08:22 AM
Anyone else notice this?

By the end of Final Fantasy 8, Squall opened up more and was seen actually smiling.

In games like Dissidia he's consistently dark and brooding.

Now, this may not be the best example. After all, they may be trying to capture the character as they are generally known or the spin-offs may not be taking place after the completion of the game.

My hope is that you get what I'm generally talking about. So discuss this. Perhaps you can think of some other examples where characters personalities reset to their disc 1 selves?

02-06-2013, 02:18 PM
FF7. FF frickin' 7.

Forsaken Lover
02-06-2013, 05:01 PM
Dissidia Cloud is way worse than even AC Cloud.

Kuja also forgot what he learned on his deathbed.

Wolf Kanno
02-06-2013, 05:21 PM
To be fair to Dissidia, the cast is all suffering from plot induced Amnesia barring some of the villains who simply don't care.


As for sequels, yeah I definitely agree, I don't really feel Yuna, Cecil, Vaan, or any of the VII cast actually get any meaningful character development in their sequels and often their "growth" is largely them just relearning what they learned the first time through.

02-06-2013, 05:44 PM
Vaan does remember his plot growth for Tactics A2 at least. :p

Forsaken Lover
02-06-2013, 06:00 PM
Yuna was pretty different and grew in X-2. It helps X and X-2 had completely opposite themes and ideas.

Wolf Kanno
02-06-2013, 10:23 PM
I don't know man, I felt she was a total doormat in both and she didn't really grow in X-2.

black orb
02-06-2013, 10:35 PM
>>> Dissidia:

WoL didnt have any personality, just like the FF1 characters.. lol
Garland was ok I guess.
Firion was kind of a wuss with the whole wild roses thing, but I loved it anyways.
Mateus ruled, just as expected.
Onion K, they had to create a personality for this guy too. Kind of basic but it worked for the game.
I loved CoD unlike Exdeath she had a more interesting personality, not to mention the naked part.
Cecil was a total wuss on Dissidia, Golbez and Kain were pretty good.
Bartz and Gilgamesh were ok, nothing different from FF5. Same goes for Exdeath.
Terra was pretty good, Kefka was a total clown he is supposed to scare us not make us laugh.
Cloud and Sephiroth even more emo than FF7, Tifa was ok.
Squall approved I`ve always liked his antisocial personality, Laguna was perfect too. Kind of disappointed with Edea, she was very irrelevant.
Zidane was ok, Kuja too flamboyant for my taste.
Tidus too much into the "I hate you dad" part, he was more crazy and hardcore in X, Yuna with a boring personality as always.
Jetch ruled, just as expected.
Vaan was ok I guess..
Lightning approved I like her personality too.
Never played FFXI but I liked Shantotto and the other crazy girl Prishe..:luca:

Forsaken Lover
02-06-2013, 11:31 PM
I don't know man, I felt she was a total doormat in both and she didn't really grow in X-2.

Yuna the Doormat is a popular misconception so I don't hold it against you WK. Even still, the most memorable part of X-2 for Yuna's character - "I don't like your plan. It sucks." - is pretty much completely the reverse of her ideas in FFX. She no longer believes in sacrifice and is in fact completely against it.

FFX and X-2 have polar opposite ideas there. FFX was all about sacrifice while X-2 was about how if you have to lose to win, you're not really winning.

02-07-2013, 05:56 AM
I give you that she's not really a doormat.

That would assume she had much personality at all in X asside from being a little thick in the head.

Oddly the part of Yuna's personality that got the most growth between the two games.

Forsaken Lover
02-07-2013, 06:33 AM
X hate is sometimes like "meh" to me and other times it's really annoying and stupid.

Right now I'm in the latter mood.

02-07-2013, 09:49 AM
Cecil, Bartz, Terra, Cloud, Squall and Zidane all felt different in Dissidia.

Cecil was more happy and outgoing than he was in the original game and even " laaalala let's ship Firion and Lightning together, yay OTP 4 LIFE "!

Bartz for some reason wasn't scared or afraid of heights and could zip around the air and jump off high castles.

Squall was more dickish and even more arrogant than he was in the original game. Squall was like " This is a piece of trout feather " right to Bartz's face. Squall was rude sometimes, but he wasn't a downright assface.

Zidane was more Locke Cole like than Zidane. He didn't wasn't really that obsessed with treasure hunting.

Cloud even though he was supposed to be his original FF VII format it was like he just stepped right out of AC.

Terra could be more forgiven since she was being mind warped with Kefka's slave crown again but it still stinks to see the woman grow so much throughout the original game and then head right back at square one again.

Kuja should of really been on the good side helping out with Zidane instead of being ...whatever he was that wanted to go " Zidane fishing " wtf ?

Dissidia proved that Square doesn't even know their own characters or they did and just got slaughtered within the Japanese to English translation.