View Full Version : Did the initial announcement as a Cell phone title hurt the consumer interest?

Wolf Kanno
02-06-2013, 10:21 PM
It boggles my mind how people still talk about the XIII sequels and Versus XIII but it seems like there is almost no real interest in the FF community for Type-0. I wonder if its because being announced initially as a cell phone title automatically killed interest in the game and even moving it to a handheld didn't work cause handhelds still have a bit of mixed feelings as a viable console choice in the greater gaming culture.

So let's discuss this, were you ever interested? Did the medium the game was going to be presented shape your feelings about the game? If it was ported to console would you start caring? If you don't agree with my hypothesis, why do you think this game has received so much apathy in the West.

02-06-2013, 11:11 PM
I didn't really pay attention to it until the PSP announcement was made and the first few gameplay vids came in.

Now I'm just debating whether it's worth importing a game I won't understand. :(

02-06-2013, 11:27 PM
For me? Definitely. I only picked up some interest once it got announced to the PSP, and even then, it being in Japan sort of makes it harder to follow.

02-07-2013, 02:23 AM
Yeah, I really didn't care about a cell phone game. If I thought it was a good game I would still get it for a handheld system, but you're right that I am generally biased towards console games. I probably have less initial interest in a game if it was announced for a handheld, or at least start from the perspective that it's less likely to be an AAA game worthy of my attention.

I won't really care about this game at all until there's some signs of it having a Western release, handheld or console. :p