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View Full Version : Most Interesting Place You've Eaten

Clouded Sky
02-08-2013, 06:42 PM
I was talking with friends today about strange places we've visited, and we started talking about restaurants and cafes. Maybe it was someplace with the best hamburger ever, or one of the infamous maid cafes in Tokyo, but everyone had some interesting spots. What about you?

I fall into the category of maid cafes, though the last time I visited it was more of a Maid School Cafe (http://heart-of-hearts.jp/). Before being seated they had you sit in a school desk to explain the cafe rules. Then it was pretty standard cute girls in maid outfit fare. I'm hoping to top this tomorrow by visiting the new Square-Enix Cafe (http://www.jp.square-enix.com/artnia/en/index.html). We'll see if being surround by FF paraphernalia will top it.

What about you? Coolest place? Most exciting? Picnic on Kilimanjaro? Oh maybe you've even gotten a decent bite to eat in, *shudder*, Canada.

02-08-2013, 06:49 PM
Best place I've ever eaten was my bedroom.

02-08-2013, 07:03 PM
I wanna get troutfaced off


Based on the summon creature Shiva, this is a short cocktail with the aroma of lychee.(Contains: white rum, white curacao, lychee, lemon juice)*This drink has high alcohol content by volume.
. lol.


Based on the summon creature Ifrit, this is a long cocktail with orange and blackcurrant flavors.(Contains: white rum, white curacao, orange juice, creme de cassis)
works too.

But yeah, I'll echo Cim. Don't really go interesting places to eat. :x

02-08-2013, 07:59 PM
I've been to <a href=http://www.anchorbar.com/original.php>Anchor Bar</a>, the birthplace of Buffalo Wings! They were fantastic!

02-08-2013, 08:50 PM
Sorry, but I haven't eaten any places.

Night Fury
02-08-2013, 09:46 PM
A jungle in Palenque and at an Indigenous Tribe campsite in Lacanja - both in Mexico

02-08-2013, 09:48 PM
Planet Hollywood

02-08-2013, 10:09 PM
Any of you guys ever have Halaal food from the cart on 53rd and 6th in NYC? Everytime I go, its a long line of people waiting to buy it, ESPECIALLY in the summer. On a summer night, even at 1:00am, the line literally goes down the whole block.

What makes it interesting is there are two other halaal carts, one literally down the block, and one literally across the street. They serve the same food, but hardly anybody goes to them and there are never lines at them. People would rather be 50th in line at the one cart then just go to one of the other ones. EVERY TIME.

Damn, I want some halaal food now. Its snowing outside though.

02-08-2013, 10:30 PM
The Compass Room (http://phoenix.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels-phoenix/entertainment/index.jsp) in Phoenix.


That cylindrical structure is the restaurant and it rotates in a complete circle at a very slow pace so you can see the entire city while you're eating there. It's so lovely inside - everything is dimly lit and whisperish. On the walls there are coordinates (like a compass) for places of note around the city. Phoenix is terrible but this serves as a pretty good redeeming factor, although it is incredibly pricey.

Postino's Wine Cafe (http://postinowinecafe.com/) - I don't think there is anything super special or remarkable about this place, but I just love it to pieces and I miss it. It was apparently renovated from an old post office, but the inside looks like more of a renovated garage/warehouse. It's really nice and surprisingly fancy and stylish yet affordable. Plus, the waiters and waitresses are all hip girls and guys with tattoos and gauges and manage to express an aura of over-all coolness while still being professional and great at their service.

Unfortunately, I haven't been to many noteworthy restaurants in San Francisco. We held our holiday party at the SF MOMA (http://www.sfmoma.org/), though, and that was pretty smurfing badass (and expensive as trout).