View Full Version : The First Final Fantasy You Played

02-11-2013, 02:06 AM
What was the first Final Fantasy game you played? When was it? What made you try it out?

First one I ever played was FF4 (known as 2 at the time in the States) on SNES. I was real young, but I have two older brothers that are 9 and 12 years older than me. They owned both 4 and 6 on the SNES, and I used to play all of their games. I remember being ADDICTED to them! I used to play them to the end and then start a new game all over again.

So how about you guys? Have you been hooked since the original NES FF1? Or did your relationship with the series start with FF7? Hell, I know people who just tried the series out recently and became hooked.

Citizen Bleys
02-11-2013, 02:23 AM
When I started down this dusty old trail, only 1 FF game existed.

02-11-2013, 02:31 AM
For me it was FFVIII. I believe it was when I was in fifth grade that I played it. My parents had gotten the game for my brother for his birthday or Christmas, and I would watch him play the game all the time after school. This is kind of funny because my brother had never played any rpg's, and I really don't know what led my parents to getting the game. With great scenes such as the opening or when Quistis shot down the X-ATM092, I was hooked. I don't think my brother got very far past the Dollet mission before he stopped playing, but I went on to beat the game that summer.

02-11-2013, 05:08 AM
Final Fantasy VII.

Back then it was " Fye-nal Fan-taah-ceee Vee- one- one- one " ! :|

The Man
02-11-2013, 05:16 AM
Final Fantasy IV. It was called Final Fantasy II here at the time. I tried it because my friend recommended it. I enjoyed it, but for some reason never bought it.

The first one I completed was FFVI.

02-11-2013, 05:23 AM
Technically the first one I played was VIII when I was 4ish? But my 4 year old brain couldn't handle it and I couldn't get past the fire cavern.... okay I couldn't get to the fire cavern.

When I was 8 I got a PS2 and FF VII, VIII, IX, X and X-2 for my birthday because I had gone through a rough year the year before, so that was a nice present. The first one out of those I played was IX and I fell in love with it. It is still to this day my favorite game, and I consider it to be my official first because I could actually play it.

02-11-2013, 05:34 AM
It was either XII or god forbid X-2.
I strongly remember one of those being my first.
I swear, if X-2 was what got me into FF....

Pete for President
02-11-2013, 08:25 AM
FFX, it's still my favorite.

02-11-2013, 10:47 AM
I played FFVII when I was 15 and that was my first experience. It's still my favourite game of the series. I seriously regret not buying FFVI during my SNES days though... I have a feeling it may have sneaked into first place if I had.

02-11-2013, 10:49 AM
It was either FF5 or FF6. I am not sure anymore. It was most likely 5.

Loony BoB
02-11-2013, 11:22 AM
VII. I can't remember when I first played it... somewhere between 1998 and 2000. Why? Well, it was a video game, and I like video games.

02-11-2013, 11:25 AM
The first one I actually personally played was FFX. Can't remember when. 2004-2005? I tried it out because my uncle gave me a handful of PS2 games when I first got mine (so I played some Jak & Daxter and Grandia 2 along with this).

But I had experience of FF8 well before then - my uncle used to run around playing Triple Triad. I don't think he ever did anything else. xD

02-11-2013, 11:51 AM
Your uncle sounds like a great role model. I'm imagining myself doing some of that when I become one too! At least when the kid's old enough to understand what I'm saying.

02-11-2013, 03:25 PM
But I had experience of FF8 well before then - my uncle used to run around playing Triple Triad. I don't think he ever did anything else. xD


Well, on to topic..

The first game I played was FF VIII on the PC and I did not get too far because my screen was glitched (black boxes). I was about 7 years old and it must've been 2004-2003 when I first played it.
After seeing the opening cutscene, I was very disappointed with the graphics. (I was a total graphics whore back then and I had no experience with RPGs at all)
But after finally getting it for PS1, about 5 years later, I finished it 3 times in a row! And thus my journey to the RPG world begun.

02-11-2013, 03:32 PM
FFVII shortly after it came out. My buddy who I talked RPGs with insisted that I had to play it. I got up to about the Materia Keeper then had to give it back and accidentally formatted my memory card. Bought my copy that summer, I don't remember exactly how long it was until I got to the end...

02-11-2013, 03:33 PM
Final Fantasy VII. I remember the German advertising with Sephiroth going through the fire and the sentence "When evil possesses divine power ..."

02-11-2013, 04:11 PM
Being quite young still, my first game that I played personally was FFX. However, before that, I watched my brother play FFVII and FFVIII, so I guess my first experience and knowledge with the series began with FFVII. Still, FFX was the first one that I played, and since then, I've revisited FFVII and FFVIII.

Never played VI and below though. I'd very much like to play VI and IV one day.

02-11-2013, 04:14 PM
FFI. I would constantly restart the game with my friend though because we were 5. The farthest we got was Melmond. :shobon:

02-13-2013, 12:27 AM
FFVII when I was 11 or so, from a friend's recommendation. I played FFT shortly thereafter, though I didn't like it at first.

02-13-2013, 01:21 AM
ff7 got it for christmas for ps1 instead of dark forces which i really wanted for some reason


black orb
02-13-2013, 01:48 AM
>>> FF1..:luca:

Depression Moon
02-13-2013, 03:45 AM
Final Fantasy IX

02-13-2013, 05:27 AM
FFIV from phar-mor! It was either that or some NBA game. Wonder how the rest of my childhood would have turned out if my mom didn't rent that...It helped elevate my reading level and comprehension to a sixth grade level after I told my teacher that video games are encouraging me to read! The save files on the cartridge were all at the damn sealed cave though and it was stupidly aggravating until I discovered the New Game button. Then it got AWESOME.

02-13-2013, 10:09 AM
VII when it first came out, I think I was around 10-11 years old.

02-13-2013, 10:25 AM
for me it was FF VII... i knew of Final Fantasy I, IV, & VI (1, 2, & 3 in the U.S.) and was not impressed with them on a quite superficial level, i hated how the party and enemies stood on opposite sides of the screen and waved their weapons at each other, never fighting, just waving their weapons... High Fantasy was also a huge turnoff for me, in RPGs i was more drawn to the Phantasy Star series, at least there were no silly orcs, trolls or other midevil nonsense and the characters actualy got in there and faught their enemies if they had mele weapons...

then one summer everything changed my opinion about SquareSoft... Chrono Trigger... i played CT and instantly thaught this cant be the FF guys, theyre hacks, so i decided to finaly give FF another try after beating CT in every possible way and seeing every ending there was in every variation, but never got around to it...

later the PSX comes out and i get rid of my Sega Genesis to get one, and they eventualy release FF VII, my little brother buys a copy, and i play on it loving every minute of it... because of that and CT of course i went back and played the older titles, FF VI still ranks as one of the best FFs ever made and its because of CT and FF VII that i gave it a try...

02-14-2013, 06:59 AM
The first FF title I played was actually Final Fantasy Legend 3 on the GameBoy when I was 11 or 12. I liked it, so I looked for the previous two Legend games online... I ended up finding much, much more. Thanks to the magic of emulators, I ended up playing all the main titles up to IX in order.

Actually, I think I played Final Fantasy Adventure before I got to the main games, since I had the actual FFL3 and FFA cartridges and could take them with me, instead of sitting in front of the computer to play the older games. And over time I ended up with the actual consoles that I could use to play the main games on, and got the actual games, and replayed them all, occasionally playing a newer title in between (X through XIII) until I beat all of them.

God, I hated XIII.

02-18-2013, 04:20 PM
FFIX. It had me at Start New Game.

02-18-2013, 07:10 PM
FFVI. My first venture into FF was back in 2011 when I discovered emulators, and looking back to my Pokemon days, wanted some rpgs. I looked on a list of the best GBA rpgs and FFVI was at the top, so I gave it a shot. I got stuck at Kefka's tower because I put all my good characters into one party and just said smurf it with the rest so of course I didn't make it. I've played 1-7 except 4, which I intend to do this sumer when I can dedicate more time. So far, I've finished 1, 6, and 7. I plan to get 4 and torrent 8 for pc this summer and finish them all.

02-20-2013, 11:28 AM
Final Fantasy IV when it was on the SNES. I was a wee lad at the time.

I have probably beaten it at least fifty times now. It never gets old, but I wish there was a way to erase it from my memory so I could play it for the first time again~

02-20-2013, 03:58 PM
My first FF was IV (II at the time) just like a lot of the people here. I could never beat the first boss, but I could find all sorts of secret treasures :3 I didn't finally play it to win until last year xD

02-20-2013, 05:45 PM
Final Fantasy

How could I resist?

Del Murder
02-21-2013, 04:53 AM
The first game I played with Final Fantasy in the title was Final Fantasy Legend for Game Boy. But that was renamed from a different title (SaGa something or other).

The first real FF game I played was the original Final Fantasy for NES. I played it because I really liked FFL. I thought it was super hard.

02-22-2013, 04:42 AM
Final Fantasy VII was my first, which I first played in 1997, when it was brand new.

I made it all the way to Demon's Gate, then I ended up moving to a different household where there was no PlayStation, but there was a Super Nintendo with Final Fantasy III (VI), which I promptly played the mess out of.

And then, the Super Nintendo went away and I ended up getting a PlayStation again with Final Fantasy VII so it still ended up being the first FF game I played in full. :D