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View Full Version : A new Final Fantasy title?

02-21-2013, 12:44 AM
At the reveal of the PlayStation 4, the brand director of Final Fantasy disclosed that a title of the Final Fantasy series is in development. "Please be excited for E3 this year!"


02-21-2013, 12:52 AM
I'm hyped, as silly as it is to announce an announcement. Though really, I'm hoping it's news on Versus or something; SE's got so much on their plate lately it's kinda worrisome.

02-21-2013, 02:10 AM
That was when the conference started losing steam, so I was worried it was just going to be Final Fantasy XIV. It would be cool if it was Versus, but it's been so long, we really deserve something brand new.

Del Murder
02-21-2013, 03:36 AM
It would be lulz if the announcement was for FFXIV for the PS4.

Hoping for FFXV!

02-21-2013, 06:46 AM
....or FF Versus 13.

black orb
02-21-2013, 06:52 AM
>>> A new FF title is in development? lol.. Im still waiting for FFX HD and people is complaining about Versus..:luca:

02-21-2013, 08:56 AM
I'm really hope it is FFXV too...

Though I'm expecting it to be FFXIII-4: Lightning opens a Sushi Bar... then FFXIII-5: Lightning buys a Space Hopper.

02-21-2013, 09:07 AM
I hope that it's a FF VI remake... but it won't be...:crying2:

Loony BoB
02-21-2013, 01:50 PM
To be honest, right now, I'll take any of the following...

FFXIV: A Realm Reborn on the PS4
FF Versus XIII on the PS4
FFXV on the PS4
FF: Agni's Philosophy on the PS4. And then it turns out to be FFXV.

Anything beyond those probably won't interest me so much, but hey, you never know.

02-21-2013, 02:54 PM
I just hope it has the Final Fantasy feel to it.

Red Mage Coffman
02-21-2013, 03:38 PM
I just hope its a new, solid entry in the series that has appeal to old and new fans alike.

02-21-2013, 04:00 PM
I just hope it's Versus. Either that, or it's Versus that will be turned into XV.

02-21-2013, 04:27 PM
entry in the series that has appeal to old and new fans alike.
It should also cure cancer and wax my car while we're at it. :lol:

02-21-2013, 05:59 PM
that has appeal to old and new fans alike.
Won't happen.

Wolf Kanno
02-21-2013, 06:30 PM
Honestly, I'm hoping its FFXV. I've pretty much given up on the FNC and don't really care anymore if Versus XIII becomes vaporware, of anything, an official cancellation of that title would be as acceptable as an actual release date at this point in time.

A new numbered entry would be exciting cause we could finally move past the absolute bullshit that has been FFXIII and XIV and no longer have to deal with Lightning, redemption from utter incompetence, and whether said game is vaporware or not.

02-21-2013, 07:16 PM
Lightning will be the new Gilgamesh, showing up in every new FF game, against her will. :p

02-21-2013, 08:56 PM
entry in the series that has appeal to old and new fans alike.
It should also cure cancer and wax my car while we're at it. :lol:

And deal with hunger in Africa.

02-21-2013, 11:21 PM
For me I would hate for it to be FFXV because they already have too much on their plate. I don't think it will be a PS4 version of ARR, that division is doing a bang up job dishing updates out and what not. LR is releasing stuff little by little. Versus is the only other title that has been sort of dead in the water for a while now. Here's hoping it's Versus news.

02-22-2013, 12:57 AM
Seeing as they said it's going to use that gorgeous new Luminous engine of theirs (The one they used to render Agni's Philosophy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVX0OUO9ptU)) it's either got to be a gorgeous remake or a brand new FF game. Either way, it's something none of us have seen or heard about yet.

I really hope it's Final Fantasy XV, as something brand new in the world of Final Fantasy would be ever so refreshing at this point. Although I'd be equally happy if it was a release date for Versus XIII too. :p

Del Murder
02-22-2013, 05:57 AM
I really hope it's not Versus XIII. Versus is no longer a game that deserves publicized announcements or pre-announcements. Enough is enough. If SE wanted to win back a lot of the good will it lost over the last few years it would make any information about the game public as soon as they know it themselves, with no hype, no countdowns, no Tweet spam. Just have some respect for your fans and tell it to us straightly and promptly.

A Versus XIII announcement, especially if it lacks definitive substance (such as a release date), would cause me to lose what little respect I have left for SE Japan.

FFXV, though, can have all the hype you want since it represents a fresh start.

02-22-2013, 07:03 AM
FF: Agni's Philosophy on the PS4. And then it turns out to be FFXV.

This actually sounds the most like SE. They did say a new title right? Versus, FFXIV...if it's anything at all about these titles then they're just outright lying through their teeth. Beyond that, if it's some new crappy mobile game again, I'll...well I can't say I'll be surprised or disappointed really, but it'll be time to finally write FF off for good. (for me)

Loony BoB
02-22-2013, 01:26 PM
...until FFXV is announced, when I assume you'll inevitably start checking it out like the rest of us.

02-22-2013, 03:09 PM
This actually sounds the most like SE. They did say a new title right? Versus, FFXIV...if it's anything at all about these titles then they're just outright lying through their teeth. Beyond that, if it's some new crappy mobile game again, I'll...well I can't say I'll be surprised or disappointed really, but it'll be time to finally write FF off for good. (for me)

Again, they said the new FF game they're going to announce at E3 uses the Luminous Engine, and that it's going to be a PS4 game. So no, it won't be a mobile game, and all those games went into development before the Luminous Engine did, so that's not going to be the case. It's got to be a brand new game.

But we all know no matter what it is people will still hate them for doing it regardless. There's nothing Final Fantasy fans hate more than more Final Fantasy, after all. :p

02-22-2013, 04:17 PM
But we all know no matter what it is people will still hate them for doing it regardless. There's nothing Final Fantasy fans hate more than more Final Fantasy, after all. :p

Congratulations, you've officially won at EoFF for the month of February :D

02-23-2013, 08:18 AM
This actually sounds the most like SE. They did say a new title right? Versus, FFXIV...if it's anything at all about these titles then they're just outright lying through their teeth. Beyond that, if it's some new crappy mobile game again, I'll...well I can't say I'll be surprised or disappointed really, but it'll be time to finally write FF off for good. (for me)

Again, they said the new FF game they're going to announce at E3 uses the Luminous Engine, and that it's going to be a PS4 game. So no, it won't be a mobile game, and all those games went into development before the Luminous Engine did, so that's not going to be the case. It's got to be a brand new game.

Yeah, I forgot about them mentioning the PS4. That's good at least.

But we all know no matter what it is people will still hate them for doing it regardless. There's nothing Final Fantasy fans hate more than more Final Fantasy, after all. :p

How pithy, but I call bullshit. SE's done a pretty shitty job running the FF franchise over the last decade or so. There have been highlights (I played FFXI for, what, 8-9 years...I loved FFXII, etc)

So what if some of us were spoiled by the 90's; I can expect superior quality from a company that has the resources and history to produce top-notch games. I give them my money and my time, calling bullshit is a valid consumer response.

1994 - FFVI
1997 - FFVII
1998 - FFT
1999 - FFVIII
2000 - FFIX
2001 - FFX
2002 - FFXI
2006 - FFXII

It's been 7 years since SE last produced a FF game of the caliber I grew accustomed to as a kid playing the games. I'm not panning everything SE has done in the mobile market. Plenty of what they've produced there has been fun and worthwhile(FFIII, Crisis Core, FFTA, etc), but the core FF experience has disappeared, and the core experience is why I follow FF/SE. If SE came out and said they were done with that, that they were going to concentrate on offshoots and mobile games, sobeit, I can accept that, but they make a show of continuing the core FF legacy, without actually producing anything of value. I understand that a lot has happened internally that caused this to happen (Nomura trying to do too much, the FFXIV debacle being major aspects of it), but SE's infamous lack of transparency and the way they lead on their fans becomes annoying after a while.

02-23-2013, 11:06 AM
What if.... It's Dissidia for the PS4 with a crap-load of levels and characters.

* Faints with the thought * :jess:

02-23-2013, 03:47 PM
What if.... It's Dissidia for the PS4 with a crap-load of levels and characters.

* Faints with the thought * :jess:


02-24-2013, 04:47 AM
I was actually going to say it's likely that it's just FFX, the big announcement is they're timing its release for the launch of the PS4.

But then I read in here it's supposed to be a new one with the luminous engine and my heart started beating regularly again.

02-25-2013, 01:00 AM
Agni's Philosophy/FFXV is my guess.If so, I'd be really excited. :excited: