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03-08-2013, 12:07 AM
Freya's post in the scariest thing ever thread prompted this.

Have you ever been involved in a car accident as either the passenger or the driver? Was it your fault?

I have, sadly, been involved in three car accidents. Two were my fault and in both of them I rear-ended someone. I really love to drive and I don't have very many close calls, but maybe it's time to re-think my capabilities and try way a lot harder at being good at it.

That being said, I have never hurt anyone or been hurt. And I've only ever gotten one ticket!

I have, however, always known the accident was about to happen. In the two accidents that were my fault, I knew there was nothing I could do besides hit the brakes and hang on. I remember closing my eyes at impact both times as well. In the accident that wasn't my fault, I did everything I could do to prevent the accident.

03-08-2013, 12:15 AM
how smurfing odd is it that i start reading this thread and then this song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh4se9YMV3A) (Last Kiss, a song ABOUT A CAR CRASH) comes up on pandora

I was in heavy rush hour traffic and had to stop kind of suddenly. a couple seconds later i got rear-ended. HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED.

I was at the front, stopped (car 1).
Car behind me was stopped (car 2).
Car behind car 2 was stopped (car 3).
Car 4 doesn't stop, hits car 3, which hits car 2, which hits me.
Car 4 then backs up into car 5.

Not my fault, got an insurance check for repairs but never did repairs. I was the only one really able to drive away from the accident afaik (though car 5 may have been able to too), and my rear bumper is dented. I've never been a fan of rush-hour traffic.

03-08-2013, 12:23 AM
I've never been in in a car crash but I have nearly died many times. I think the scariest was when Jiro and I were stuck in LA traffic.

I did, however, have an accident with my car when I was sixteen. Had only had it about two weeks and I had snuck off to see my grandma (my dad's mom, who I was all but forbidden to see after my parents' divorce). I was driving around downtown in darkass Provo in a construction zone when OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE my car nosedives straight into a fucking ditch in the middle of the road. It was a construction zone, but there was nothing blocking it off or warning or signs or ANYTHING.

My newly installed cd player came crashing out of the dash and there was steam coming out of the engine. I knew I was totally fucked, but I tried to back up anyway. I tried to reverse out of the ditch where I was able to get on even ground and got out of my car. Some people nearby called the police and thankfully, I was close enough to my grandma's where I could run in there and get my uncle to take me home after the police and a tow truck arrived.

And I still got in trouble for trying to go see my grandma.

03-08-2013, 01:06 AM
Once I backed into a guy when I was trying to leave a parking space because I was stupid. It totaled the back end of my car but hardly made a dent in the other guy's big truck.


He got on his phone for a while, supposedly to call the police, and then said "they said they're too busy, so why don't you hang out here and I'll be back later for insurance information" or something.

Then he promptly disappeared and never returned.

MEANWHILE I got a hold of my parents, who in turn got a hold of the police, who promptly showed up and said they received no such phone call. Apparently the guy was just in a rush or something and because no damage to his vehicle was done, he didn't want to have to deal with me.


My insurance covered getting my car fixed up nice and new and it all counted as someone else's fault. It was great.

Lonely Paper Star
03-08-2013, 02:31 AM
The first one was when I turned left at an intersection during a protected green light and a station wagon ran her red and hit my poor little sedan on the passenger side. Minor injuries, but WTH.

The second one I remember a lot more clearly because it was scarier. I was driving my friend home at night (in another sedan). Then, from nearly out of nowhere, this big smurfing black truck rolled over/semi-somersaulted over the median from the opposite road into ours. I instinctively braked. It hit my side and then kind of rolled against it. I still remember how it felt. Like, I was too shocked to feel the pain, but I felt metal crush in and press against my arm and broken glass--anyway. The car somehow landed somewhere behind us, upside-down. According to my friend, we blacked out for a few minutes. 911 came. My door was crushed in so they had to pry it off to get me out. I had a gash on my knee from it hitting the area under my steering wheel. From the entire ordeal, my friend got a minor concussion, glass cuts and bruises. I had bruises, glass cuts, and had to see a chiropractor for the next year. Oh, and I was terrified of driving for the next two years.

The guy who crashed into us (and had the nerve to say that the water from the night sprinklers made him swerve... even though that sprinklers came on AFTER the accident) worked at the same hospital my friend got her check-ups at. Apparently, some nurse told her how the guy was in an accident and was going around telling everyone and rallying sympathy when it was his fault.

There were some funny things to come out of it, though. My aunt (who lived with us at the time) was really into Korean dramas, and while she, my family, and my friend's family (they're Korean) were in the hospital, began getting into some long, joyous conversation with my friend's mom about dramas.

Also, at the time we crashed, I had my FFVIII soundtrack playing on my car's CD player. It was still going when we woke up.

03-08-2013, 02:57 AM
I've never been in an accident, knock on wood.

I've come pretty close a few times, though. One of them, I was in the middle lane on a highway, and the person on my left didn't check their blindspot, and almost merged into me. He was literally maybe 6 inches from my car, before he realized I was there, and swerved. Since I had another car on my right side, there's a good chance I would've been seriously injured or not even walked away from that one.

03-09-2013, 03:23 AM
I've been in several collisions while riding with my mom

backed into (twice)
t-boned (once)
cut off by (and run into) a semi

the last one was by far the worst! the truck we were in was totalled. The middle one left us without our main transportation for an entire summer, the first two just knocked out the back glass.

Somehow, I have never been in a wreck while driving myself. I'm a terrible driver.

03-09-2013, 04:11 AM
Oh i prompted a thread!

I rolled my mother's 3/4 ton Truck when I was 17. The gravel was loose and I wasn't used to the long bed. I over corrected when i started to swerve in the gravel, hit the ditch and into the air I went.

I also topped a hill and so did a deer. Totaled my VW Bug. I loved my bug :( Stupid deer.

I was on the phone with Justy once and a deer jumped out in front of me and I clipped it barely. Enough to pinch the metal to the light on my left headlight. You couldn't notice it unless you looked.

I was with my brother when he hit a patch of black ice coming into town when I was 15 and him 17. We spun out across 4 lanes of traffic and luckily missed all 7 cars that were in-between. Then hit a reflector pole on the passenger side door that took out that mirror.

Agent Proto
03-09-2013, 04:21 AM
I've been in two crashes. The first one, I was in middle school. I don't really remember much about it, but I was a passenger. My mom was driving. She was make a left turn, turned when the light was yellow and a car crashed into the side of the car. My brother was also in the crash, and he was in the passenger seat. I was in the backseat. Sleeping most likely. I woke up in a hospital which some scars on my left arm out of it. My brother was in a coma for a couple months though. He then had to go through other things, like learning how to walk all over again. :(Second time, my brother rear-ended into another car. I was a passenger as well.

Otherwise, I've never been involved in a crash where I was a driver. Safe driver, yo. Though, I was close one time, but I swerved out of the way to avoid hitting the car in front. :(

03-09-2013, 04:34 AM
OH yeah in sixth grade my bus driver had a heartattack while driving and the bus crashed into a couple trees.

All my blunders have never been bad enough that someone is in a coma o.o

03-10-2013, 01:48 AM
When I was like 8 I was in the car with my mom on the freeway and the hood flew up and we couldn't see anything. I nearly crapped myself. Luckily nothing else actually happened.

Last year when I was with my mom getting lunch someone ran into us when we were backing out, it was just a fender bender.

03-10-2013, 01:55 AM
When I was like 8 I was in the car with my mom on the freeway and the hood flew up and we couldn't see anything. I nearly crapped myself. Luckily nothing else actually happened.
Had that happen with my sister once. So scary. :(

03-10-2013, 03:04 AM
Considering how horrible my parents and brother are as drivers, I am really surprised I have only been in one accident with one of them as the driver. Without me in the car, those three have gotten in to several bad accidents. I almost got in to an accident, but the lady luckily stopped as she was looking forward and I saw her from my side. I've been in accident when I was on the bus. Some jerk lady in a porsche decided should could beat the bus and got fucked royally. I find the worse accidents are when neither person is paying attention.

03-10-2013, 03:07 AM
When I was like 8 I was in the car with my mom on the freeway and the hood flew up and we couldn't see anything. I nearly crapped myself. Luckily nothing else actually happened.
Had that happen with my sister once. So scary. :(

Yeah, I left out the fact that I was yelling too. :(

03-10-2013, 03:23 AM
I have been involved in one "accident" when I was the driver. Someone backed into my car in a driveway because they were not paying attention and it did some minor damage to my front bumper. Their insurance company wrote me a check and it was fixed without any real hassle.

I have been in several near misses due to stupidity on behalf of Colorado drivers though.

03-10-2013, 03:20 PM
I have:
- Become overly cocky with reversing into the work's yard when I was a fairly new driver and swung the side of the car into the gate, severely bending the door
- Misjudged parking as close to the wall (same place) as possible and tapped it with my bumper. Only extremely lightly and no visible damage... I never really thought about it until I got in and my co-workers were like "did you just crash into the building?" and "it sounded like a lorry smashed into the wall"! I was quite surprised.
- Got rear-ended by someone not paying attention while I was sat waiting to emerge out of a junction. No damage.
- Misjudged reversing into a parking space and tapped the car behind me, another extremely light tap as I realised at the last second but just made contact. Someone was sat in the car. Had a quick check, no damage, apologised for being a goofball.

So far - touch wood - I've not been involved in any accidents that have resulted in injury or involving an exchange of insurance details. However I've lost 2 family members to car accidents.

03-10-2013, 04:50 PM
No accidents; I don't drive, and Spuuky is an exceptionally safe driver. However, Giggles is about to drive us to downtown Seattle, so there's that...

03-10-2013, 04:50 PM

03-10-2013, 05:47 PM
Sandwiched between two sheds? How even...?

03-10-2013, 05:59 PM
Parking accident.

03-10-2013, 06:03 PM
Spec Miata Crash Videos - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvNylkt0uvc)

I'm behind the car making the video in that first crash. You can see it from two more angles starting at around 0:55. I think you can see my car (the red number 2) go by at the 1:46.

I can't find any videos of my actual altercations.

03-10-2013, 08:44 PM
I've been in one as a driver and one as a passenger. neither were the car I was in faults. Neiter was very bad either!

03-11-2013, 12:26 AM
I got into a bad car crash at midnight in a really bad part of baltimore a year or so ago when I was road tripping the US, that was pretty damn scary, there were so many dodgy people around.

Also, when I was in the middle of crossing the road once to get to work, someone clipped the curb right in front of me at about 40mph, went flying off the road and crashed into a telephone pole. This sent the telephone pole crashing down toward me and I had to jump out the way.
I also had to phone the ambulance for the guy and give a police statement. Thankfully no one was hurt, and I even told the police he was going the speed limit when he quite clearly was going about 10 over. I was the only one who saw, and he had just totalled his new BMW so I think he had already learned his lesson.

03-11-2013, 01:45 AM
A truck hit my car from behind and pushed me into a car in front of me. It was really scary and I got jostled a bit, but no injuries all around, thankfully. There was a lot of damage to my car, but because the person in front of me fled the scene without calling the insurance agency, and the person behind me was put at 100% fault, the car was repaired for free.

The best (?) part of the story is that I went to the doctor after because my shoulder hurt a bit and I wanted to make sure I didn't have whiplash. My doctor is a little 80 year old man and as I explained to him that "I got rear-ended earlier in the day" he replied "that's what she said!"

03-11-2013, 06:28 AM
People love to rear-end me. The only accident I caused was when I rear-ended a short bus, but they didn't report it so it doesn't count!

03-11-2013, 06:34 AM

I rear ended someone about 13 years ago when I was young and dumb. Totally my fault because I looked away.

And in December of 2011 I was involved in a 5 car accident on my way home from work one fine afternoon. Driving up the 5 near the Del Mar Fairgrounds (san diego area) traffic came to a sudden stop and I wasn't prepared for it. But I stopped right behind the person in front of me. Unfortunately the person behind me didn't stop in time and plowed into (and under) my truck and pushed me into the person in front of me, and him into the person in front of him, and so on. My truck was totaled, so I got a new family car out of it. Fun times!

03-16-2013, 04:11 AM
I have the worst luck when it comes to cars. I'm a magnet for bad drivers.

I've had 6 cars hit while parked. One so bad it was totaled.

Here's some recent stuff.

This guy made a left turn into me while I was going straight through a green, he admitted fault.


9 months old, she was totaled.


Had a rental for a bit after that, a tree fell on it the night before I returned it.


A white to replace the black. Stuff fell off a tractor trailer in front of me on the highway. I had cars to my left, right, and behind me. So, went right through it.


The real damage was underneath.


This is right under my seat.


Two weeks ago I went to the store. While inside someone hit me and took off.


People. :mad:

03-16-2013, 06:27 AM
You should probably giving up driving unless you rock a tank.

03-17-2013, 07:50 AM
Jesus, that really is the worse luck with cars. Sometimes I don't even know how cars can get that totaled.

Unbreakable Will
03-17-2013, 04:36 PM
I've been involved in three accidents only one in which I was driving and it still wasn't my fault... ok it was...kind of.

My school-bus, yeah you read that right, clipped another car on the freeway. She hit the front end of his car with the back of the bus and forced the guy into a guardrail and kept going even though we were all screaming at her to stop. Needless to say we never saw that driver again.
My stepdad backed up on an inner-city highway trying to get back to a road my mum had missed (he took over driving after she'd missed it in a dickish rage) and promptly slammed into some poor bastard in his truck. No damage to us but the other drivers front end was all kinds of smurfed up.
I was at a busy intersection going through construction when I pulled up a bit too far at the stoplight... a PT Cruiser fixed my mistake by sideswiping the front of my car. totally destroying my bumper and left headlight. The cop even tried to give me a ticket for 'attempting to run a red light' but I told him I hadn't been moving, which was true, and he let me off.

Loony BoB
03-27-2013, 05:22 PM
I got run over by a car that I was sitting in and have some large scars on my side and leg to show for it. It was a life changing experience... in all honesty, I'm glad it happened. Took me six months before I could put my foot back on the ground, too. Crazy times.

03-27-2013, 06:03 PM
You got run over by a car... you were sitting in? I'm not racist but please explain?

Loony BoB
03-27-2013, 06:08 PM
You got run over by a car... you were sitting in? I'm not racist but please explain?
I know, it doesn't make sense, right? But that's what happened.

03-27-2013, 08:17 PM
Remind me, Daniel; when was that?

03-27-2013, 09:58 PM
You got run over by a car... you were sitting in? I'm not racist but please explain?
I know, it doesn't make sense, right? But that's what happened.

I assume that your head was also ran over?

This makes so much sense.

For example: You think soup is a drink.

Loony BoB
03-28-2013, 11:41 AM
How could I get my head run over? I was sitting in the car! Don't be silly.

Remind me, Daniel; when was that?
Must have been 1999, I'm sure it was fifth form. I still have the cards from our English and Word Pro classes.

03-28-2013, 01:14 PM
I'm entirely unsatisfied with your explanations, Towns. It was 14 years ago; get over the trauma and TELL US ALREADY

Loony BoB
03-28-2013, 01:23 PM
I got into the car, sat down, but my left leg was still out when they started driving. Being seated in the rear left seat, the tyre was right beneath me and as she drove, it went straight over my leg which was still outside the car. The car didn't really get far after that (the footbreak was being used :D) and I had to yell out to stop, which she did, then yelled to reverse, which she did. I checked where the tyre had been spinning on my leg and I only had scratches. Relieved, I pulled my leg into the car and it became very clear to me at that point that the spinning tyre was not an issue, what was an issue was the gravelly road that had torn a muscle and bone completely out of my leg and ground much of my ankle joint away, too. I had a hole in my leg that went down to the bone, was full of small black stones and could probably fit at least a couple of golf balls in it.

03-28-2013, 04:20 PM
I winced just reading that :eek:

03-28-2013, 08:36 PM
Holy Shit, BoB.

Loony BoB
03-28-2013, 08:47 PM
They had a computer in the hospital, and that is where I discovered the joy of the Zoombinis. So in the long run, it was a positive thing.

03-30-2013, 07:27 PM
I just got into a car accident! It was great! Wait, no it wasn't, it was fucking traumatizing. I still have whiplash from it, but luckily it only hurts the most when I'm trying to sleep.

03-31-2013, 01:58 AM
I hope that clears up soon, Crystal. Are you going to take the driver to court?

I've been in one serious accident before. A while ago a friend of mine was driving us back from Barnes and Noble. Without looking eight feet in front of him, he drove his explorer straight into a big ass yellow telephone pole. I was riding shotgun and in the process of putting my seatbelt on when he rammed it at a solid twenty miles per hour. My head hit the windshield and the brim of my hat deflected a lot of the impact. I walked out of the car with some glass in my forehead and a few slight lacerations. No real injuries outside of that.

My buddy though, he lost his mind. He hit the concrete and got in the fetal position and started bawling. The cops were confused as he sustained no bodily harm whatsoever and had two other cars anyway. A bunch of people came out to see what the smurf just happened about two minutes after that. My old kung-fu teacher from 2003 is there and apparently a full blown doctor now. He gives me a once over and just says "lighting a cigarette after possible head trauma is a bad idea". After that happened, the gal from the Starbucks inside brings me an iced coffee, bandaids, and advil. Walk a mile or so back to my car, stop at Wal-Mart to get some peroxide and gauze. Elementary school crush is leaving as I come in and giving me a kiss on the cheek? How can this day get any better?