View Full Version : A fun look at Black and WHite Film

03-12-2013, 09:25 PM
Watch 15 - Black and White | Renegade Cut Episodes | Entertainment Videos | Blip (http://blip.tv/renegadecut/15-black-and-white-6548304)

03-12-2013, 09:54 PM
Unfortunately, I can't watch this entire thing at work right now. I'd be interested to see modern films to this more, but I also relate black and white to the general Golden Age feel and eras like the 1920's through the 40's and don't want that tarnished.

I adored The Artist. Just adored it. Ed Wood was damn good, too. I suppose Sin City sortof counts. I'm sure there are other directors who have attempted this, but I can't think of any more modern films that have done it. I'd also really love to see films like Chinatown in black and white. I think it would do incredibly well, considering it already has that film noir feel and focuses on a PI and all that.