View Full Version : WE R SO HARDCOAR

03-18-2013, 05:09 AM
Do you consider yourself hardcore?

Me? Reasonably so. Definitely when it comes to WRPG's. I can't play Mass Effect or Dragon Age. Cannot. It feels too much like a Hollywood movie, and so much of it feels like blatant fanservice. Also, the combat and character advancement irks me.

I think the mid 90's-early 00's were the Golden Age of RPG's. We had Ultima, Wizardry, Might & Magic, Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Deus Ex, Torment, Realms of Arkania, Lands of Lore, System Shock, Arcanum, Gothic, Neverwinter Nights, Icewind Dale, Daggerfall/Morrowind, all that shit. The fact that so many Kickstarter-initiated games are coming to bring back this style pleases me.

I still think the early Ultima games are criminally underplayed. Ultima IV is up there for one of the best game stories ever, despite its minimalism. The 80's were a bit hit-or-miss however. I think games, especially RPG's, told better stories when they weren't trying to present themselves like Hollywood films. As soon as they did that, games lost their soul in narrative.

Speaking of narrative, Planescape: Torment is my favorite game of all time. While not overwhelmingly hardcore, it's definitely not a mass-appeal game. To me, it shows the power gaming has in regards to narrative and the player's role in it. Also, it's an RPG that makes total non-combat play not only viable, but recommended. Definitely a game everyone should play.

If there was a gaming A-Team, I'd say I've earned my spot in it as the WRPG guy. ._.

So, are you hardcore? Do you have a specialization? Does this interfere with your ability to play mainstream games? Are we all hipsters desperately seeking acknowledgment? Discuss.

Del Murder
03-18-2013, 05:23 AM
Nah, I'm not hardcore, nor do I care about the level of hardcoreness of others. I play console games for about 4-8 hours a week and handhelds every day on the subway or when I'm waiting for a table at a restaurant or just relaxing in bed. I don't see that as hardcore enough to get the label.

03-18-2013, 05:44 AM
Nope. I very rarely finish games that I buy anymore, there's no one genre that I would say is my favourite or I'm best at, and I will rarely talk openly with people about video games or the amount that I play them.

Madame Adequate
03-18-2013, 06:04 AM
I spent like 14 hours a day playing videogames, and the videogames I play include Dwarf Fortress and Aurora.

03-18-2013, 06:17 AM
I am the hardest of cores.

03-18-2013, 09:17 AM
Well this is a different definition of hardcore than what I'm used too which would be doing absolutely everything in a game, including it's toughest challenges. Or in the cases of MMORPGs dedicating large amounts of time a week in a relentless push to stay at or near the top of the pack.

I've never heard the term hardcore to describe someone who doesn't prefer certain types of games in one broad genre.

Which, on the former note, I used to be. I simply don't have the free time anymore though. Unless I'm really into the game I'll put it down as soon as I've finished it - and even that's a bit of a rarity these days.

03-18-2013, 10:14 AM
Seeing as people accuse me of being a video game hipster on a regular basis...

Edit: Also, reminder who is currently holding the Most Hardcore Gamer ciddie /smug

Edit Again: Since we're talking about definitions of "hardcore", my own definition would be someone who puts a considerable amount of time into a variety of different games in order to experience all the best the medium has to offer. Akin to a film buff or bookworm working on watching/reading all the classics. If it's considered a classic of gaming, I want to play it. When I see a Top 100 list I want to be able to say I have played most, if not all, of the games on the list. That's my own personal definition of "hardcore".

03-18-2013, 05:01 PM
I don't think of myself as a hardcore gamer, no. I just play them for fun.

03-18-2013, 06:15 PM
Nope. I am absolutely not.

I finally acquired a PS2 again, though, so I'm about a decade and a half behind on the gaming industry.

03-18-2013, 06:37 PM
Nah, I'm not hardcore, nor do I care about the level of hardcoreness of others. I play console games for about 4-8 hours a week and handhelds every day on the subway or when I'm waiting for a table at a restaurant or just relaxing in bed. I don't see that as hardcore enough to get the label.
I'm about in the same boat. I just don't have time to be "hardcore" anymore. I wish I had more time to play, for sure, but I still would rather play simply for enjoyment rather than making it my day-in-day-out activity.

03-18-2013, 07:40 PM
I don't think of myself as a hardcore gamer, no. I just play them for fun.

Nah, I'm not hardcore, nor do I care about the level of hardcoreness of others. I play console games for about 4-8 hours a week and handhelds every day on the subway or when I'm waiting for a table at a restaurant or just relaxing in bed. I don't see that as hardcore enough to get the label.
I'm about in the same boat. I just don't have time to be "hardcore" anymore. I wish I had more time to play, for sure, but I still would rather play simply for enjoyment rather than making it my day-in-day-out activity.

I play them day-in-day-out and still have fun! :kakapo:

For real though. Playing lots and lots of games and having fun aren't mutually exclusive for all of us! It just means I have more fun!

03-18-2013, 07:56 PM
I play a lot of games, but I am not great at them. I would consider myself to be fairly hardcore, but I'm sure a lot of people would call me a filthy casual due to my poor skills. xD

Madame Adequate
03-18-2013, 08:10 PM
Do you people actually think we would play this much vidya if it wasn't fun? :eyebrow:

03-18-2013, 08:51 PM
Do you people actually think we would play this much vidya if it wasn't fun? :eyebrow:


03-18-2013, 08:53 PM
Do you people actually think we would play this much vidya if it wasn't fun? :eyebrow:


That's weird.

Vidya is for fun.

I play lots of vidya to maximize my fun :jess:

Madame Adequate
03-18-2013, 09:53 PM
You're right. I hate it. It's like dental surgery. Someone send help, save me from this pit of video games I cannot escape from :(

03-18-2013, 10:15 PM
I am going to throw more games into the pit, then you can climb up them and escape :bigsmile:

03-18-2013, 11:18 PM
I'm not really sure if I'm Hardcore. I play a lot of Dota, so I guess I kinda am, but I'm not really someone who knows a lot about esoteric games and hidden treasures. I play a lot of JRPGs, but I don't really venture all that much outside of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.

When people started classifying gamers into hardcore and casual a few years ago, I was pretty surprised, thinking that hardcore gamers are people who can make their own mods and such. But I guess by most definitions, everyone on this forum would be a hardcore gamer.

03-19-2013, 07:11 PM
Do you people actually think we would play this much vidya if it wasn't fun? :eyebrow:
That's not what I was saying. Just that I don't play all the time simply to keep up with the Joneses on the latest releases or KD-ratios or new PvP gear or whatever people might try to establish as hardcore.

03-20-2013, 10:27 AM
...You know, far to often I've played through a game that wasn't fun just so I can say I made it through. XD

But yes, I would say I am hard core.

03-20-2013, 03:37 PM
Do you people actually think we would play this much vidya if it wasn't fun? :eyebrow:

I get told constantly that "fun" is just a buzzword that ignorant casuals use as an excuse to play terrible games.

So I consider myself a casual.

03-20-2013, 04:55 PM
i find these terms about as plausible as the term hipster
i.e. i don't believe in them

03-20-2013, 05:40 PM
Do you people actually think we would play this much vidya if it wasn't fun? :eyebrow:

I get told constantly that "fun" is just a buzzword that ignorant casuals use as an excuse to play terrible games.

So I consider myself a casual.

Everyone knows that that's a joke :colbert:

And you guys are no fun :doublecolbert: :zombert: :mymelbert:

03-20-2013, 05:47 PM
how much I game depends on what else is going on in my life. since i have been known to put real life before video games i'm going to have to say i'm not all that hardcore :(

games are fun, though. i like to play them.

03-20-2013, 05:48 PM

Being hardcore just means you think videogames are super fun and like to play all sorts of them. Even if you don't have time, it's the thought that counts. It's not a bad thing. :bigsmile:

03-22-2013, 04:15 AM
GW is about the only thing I'm hardcore.

Wolf Kanno
03-22-2013, 05:58 AM
Five or six years ago, I would consider myself pretty hardcore but due to a busy school life and juggling different jobs because I'm the grim reaper for businesses, as well as a lackluster console generation has really cut down on my gaming. I still keep up with some news but after I got bored with a lot of conversations going on this generation from gamers whining about everything from the Wii, to the silly 360 vs. PS3 debate, to Indie gaming is where the real gaming is at, to a few years later having people say PC gaming is where its at, and whatever silly fanboy B.S. that passes for critical gaming thinking among fans. I have pretty much bowed out of all that. I spend more time reading developer reports but that has more to do with learning about how to get into the industry. I'm kind of past talking about the merits of existing games, I want to actually make games now.

03-22-2013, 11:47 AM
I didn't until the advent of the 99p basic casual indie game and Facebook games.

Now I guess I kind of am, because I like detailed games with a proper story and game mechanics that you have to learn, that cost 40-50x as much. I like to sit down and play a game for the sake of playing it and devote my time to it, not just do "pick up and play" stuff on my mobile while waiting for the dentist. Nowadays I guess that's considered hardcore?

03-22-2013, 07:43 PM
Not really. I mean I play a lot of RPG's. I love me some RPG's and I do play almost daily, but I don't think I'm hardcore. I don't try to unlock everything or get 100% completion or anything like that. I just play it to enjoy it.

03-24-2013, 06:39 AM
Don't particularly know if I'd describe myself as hardcore, I just have fun though my fun doesn't always seem like fun to others. I enjoy challenges, things most people refuse to do, things like: completing a game on it's hardest setting. At the same point however there's a lot of multiplayer challenges and achievements I never pick up purely because I play games online purely to have fun with my friends. I don't play online games alone (excepting Call Of Duty which is one multiplayer I will end up doing solo) I like gaming for the social aspect of being able to spend time with my friends having fun no matter how far flung across the globe they are.

The Summoner of Leviathan
03-25-2013, 01:41 AM
Because of other places, I have come to abhor this whole "hardcore" business as it concerns the whole hardcore v.s. casual debate. I do play games casually because of life and other things getting in the way. That being said I do play "hardcore" games with the occasional "casual" games. Let's face it, when I really want to game I will do it at my computer or TV. When I am on the metro, I am far more likely to be playing Sudoku or the like. :p

06-01-2013, 07:45 PM
Today is my birthday.

I both remembered before, and was more excited by the fact, that I will be paying off my copy of Remember Me today, and it's not even out for another three days.

Del Murder
06-01-2013, 07:47 PM
I'm probably not hardcore enough for you guys.

06-01-2013, 07:51 PM
Merged your thread with an earlier one, Neo. :p Also happy birthday!

06-01-2013, 07:55 PM
Thought this thread died out months ago. :p

Unrelated though, I debate whether or not to bring up indisputable evidence of how hardcore I am, but not only is it inappropriate, but probably says way more about myself then how hard core I am. :p

06-01-2013, 08:49 PM
I guess I'm hardcore? I play near anything. I don't hate anything so I'll play everything. I like my silly nintendo games but I also like my massive RPGs and my shooters. I'm not hardcore in the sense that I am super omg amazing at them but I do play near everything.

06-01-2013, 08:51 PM
Thought this thread died out months ago. :p

It was admittedly kind of borderline but ultimately it was less than three months ago so I made a judgment call. :monster:

As for me, I play hours of games a day and I'm proud of it! :cool:

Del Murder
06-02-2013, 04:40 AM
People stopped posting in this thread because they were too busy playing games.