View Full Version : [Art] Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #27

Agent Proto
03-22-2013, 05:11 AM
Why hello there, fan art enthuists! Are you excited for another fantastic week of Final Fantasy fan art? Of course you are, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this article in the first place! We've got some great artwork to share this week, so as always, pay the respective artists a visit to send them comments and compliments. They will really appreciate it. Don't forget about this month's fan art contest! We have a new theme every month, and this month is Day Jobs! So if you want to join in, be sure to get that fan art ready ASAP! Enough contest pimping from me, it's time for the showcase!

karniz @ DA (http://fav.me/d5yixfb)
Final Fantasy XII: Fran + Balthier

What an amazing piece by karniz! Many people do support this pairing, and they do look great together. There's definitely somthing about these two that I don't really understand though. Anyone there care to explain?

Moo-feeler @ DA (http://fav.me/d5yk3iz)

Aptly named, it's a rather cute picture of Rikku being quite adorable.

ririna-olze @ DA (http://fav.me/d5ynhep)
Battle !

Wow! This one is pretty amazing. Featuring the heroes and heroines of Final Fantasys VII thru X. I do find it pretty odd to see Yuna leading the charge, but that's probably just me. :)

o0sahira-chan0o @ DA (http://fav.me/d5yo28m)

Here's a great picture of Lightning in an artwork with plenty of symbolization. According to the artist, she's plunging into the darkness in search of a lost item. Not sure what she had lost, but it does make you think about it once it comes into mind. Hmmmm...

setsuna1111 @ DA (http://fav.me/d5yrahz)
final fantasy 9 - Zidane

A serene picture of Zidane looking peaceful. It's very beautifully done, and I like how calm it feels with the grayscale coloring.

Medi-EXE @ DA (http://fav.me/d5yr2jt)
Tidus: Ready to Rock

Whoa, an artwork based on a cosplay of a character. Talk about choosing your posing wisely. I really like the pose of Tidus in this drawing. It looks so dynamic! So fierce! Like he's "Ready to Rock" as the saying goes. :cool:

And there you have it. This week's showcase. Have you enjoyed it as much as I did? Come back next week for more artwork, and hopefully there'll be something for everyone to enjoy!

03-23-2013, 01:00 AM
Amazing works! Things are getting better and better every week! I do love the Lightning picture along with Zidane in grayscale. Great job fanartists! :D

03-23-2013, 01:04 AM
Omg that Rikku is adorable.

03-23-2013, 09:24 AM
That Lightning picture is amazing. I love that her bottom half was just left lightly sketched, I'm not sure if it was done on purpose but or just unfinished but it looks really beautiful. All the pictures are good though (except Cloud's arm freaking me out in the group picture).

Depression Moon
03-23-2013, 05:38 PM
Some astounding stuff this time around!

Loony BoB
03-26-2013, 10:07 AM
Lightning pic is my favourite this time around. A very good week, though, these are all great pieces. :)