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View Full Version : Ultimate Final Fantasy Fans #1 Paolo Hassan!

Night Fury
04-14-2013, 05:28 PM

Tattoos aren’t for everybody, and believe me I’ve heard it said a million different ways: “Why would you destroy your body like that?” and “well, think of how ugly they’ll look when you’re over 60.” But for those of us with tattoos, it’s a way to connect deeply with what we love and cherish. I have a small tattoo of a dragon on my hip – now dragons are something I’ve always felt an affiliation with – they’re strong, majestic and dangerous creatures to some, but to me they’re a sign of wisdom, fantasy, luck, and possibility. To the tattooed, wearing art is like wearing your soul out on your skin.

I find them to be one of the greatest forms of self-expression, and they’re a great conversation starter too. Imagine my surprise when I discover a man who has an array of impressive and beautiful Final Fantasy tattoos adorning his body. Well, I said to myself “Locky, you’re in bloody good luck here.” So I chased 32-year old Paolo Hassan down for an interview straight away…

This tattoo was done as a tribute both to Paolo's favourite Final Fantasy, but to his son too.
Interestingly, the Final Fantasy VII logo makes for a very popular tattoo for many
as it is very small and very simple, but symbolic.

Why did you choose Final Fantasy? What is it about the games that you love so much?
Well it all started back when the PlayStation came out I was working for the now non-existent company called GamePlay, a friend I was working with was heavily into import RPG's and got me hooked on them so I hunted round and saw FFVII and fell in love with it.

From the characters, graphics, story, everything about it and from that moment on I started to collect the different Final Fantasy games each new game cementing my love for the series. The worlds allow you to just take yourself away from the worries and pains of real life and concentrate on the character’s troubles in game and help fight to save people, worlds or planets!

What was your first Final Fantasy tattoo, and why did you choose it?
Well my first Final Fantasy tattoo was my son’s name done in the style of the FFVII logo. The reason for doing this is because we named our son after Zack from the FFVII game so I wanted a way to show this and came up with his name as the logo.

Out of all of your Final Fantasy tattoos, which is your favourite?
That’s a really tough choice as several of them have meaning but if I had to choose I would say my son’s FFVII logo, because he was named after a character in my favourite game in the series.

Paolo's Odin tattoo is the perfect inked version of Yoshitaka Amano's original drawing of the popular Summon.
As for a meaning for Odin, to me, I'd say he represents strength, chance and myth - hidden force.
I love this, especially the placement. He looks absolutely perfect there,
and if you scroll down you'll spot his shield in Paolo's latest tattoo of Behemoth.

My favourite of your tattoos is the Behemoth piece. In fact, when I saw that particular piece of art I fell a bit in love with it myself and really did consider it for a tattoo; what made you choose that piece?
Thank you. I too love this piece of artwork especially as it’s a Behemoth one of the more iconic enemies throughout the Final Fantasy series. This tattoo came about after having several Final Fantasy tattoos done already (Odin, FFX Logo, Gilgamesh, FFVIII logo, FFVII Logo) I wanted to continue my "Yoshitaka Amano" inspired sleeve. I have "The Sky - Art of Final Fantasy" books by Amano so I had so much to choose from but kept coming back to this piece. I suggested to the tattooist about having him on the sleeve as Behemoths are one of my favourite monsters in the series and he was so excited too that I couldn’t resist having it done!

The Behemoth. A truly iconic creature from Final Fantasy. Unlike the cute mascots (Chocobos, Tonberrys)
Behemoth is infamousfor his brute strength and difficulty to go down easily.
He baressimilarity to lions and other wild cats whilst still being completely
unique and beautiful, also.

Do you have plans for any other Final Fantasy tattoos?
Yeah! I have to finish my Final Fantasy "Yoshitaka Amano" inspired sleeve so I have room for about 4-5 more pieces in the sleeve, we shall see after that if I want any more.

If you could only have ONE more Final Fantasy tattoo, what would it be?
Wow tough one. There is so much amazing artwork to choose from! I would probably have Vincent Valentine, either his portrait from Advent Children or the Dirge of Cerberus artwork; he is my favourite character in the series.

Paolo had this logo tattooed as Final Fantasy VIII is the series favourite of his wife (she's got taste)
Like the Final Fantasy VII logo, this has been a popular tattoo because of the simplicity
and the representation of love that it depicts.

Another tattoo from Paolo's Amano sleeve is of Gilgamesh. I personally
think this image is very Indian/Hindu inspired in some ways
and Gilgamesh represents a brave warrior of traditional ways.

Does getting something that you're passionate about, and that you love tattooed on you make it all the more special?
It definitely does. I had wanted a tattoo done for years and I toiled with what I should have done. Then I had the idea once my son was born to show my love for both my child and the series that I love.

Another logo tattoo, this time with the name of Paolo's daughter.
The image of Yuna performing the sending is very spiritual and
in some ways religious, the colours are also very different to what Paolo already has.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering getting a Final Fantasy tattoo?
Well the main thing is you need to be sure you first want a tattoo as they stay with you forever. Secondly what kind of Final Fantasy image you want as there's so many different styles and thirdly placement, how you wish to show the tattoo off! But honestly if you love something that much I’d say go for it as I haven't regretted mine at all.

And there you have it, our very first Ultimate Final Fantasy Fan is the wonderful Paolo Hassan! If you'd like to contact Paolo with any questions, do visit him on Twitter (https://twitter.com/pablo_ha55an) or even on deviantArt (http://pablo-hassan.deviantart.com/). He's a very friendly guy and will most certainly answer any questions you may have for him! If you think you could be the next Ultimate Fan, then don't hesitate to get in touch, and maybe you could be featured next!

04-14-2013, 07:44 PM
It's amazing Paolo named his son after Zack, and have a meaningful tattoo for it. I can relate to this: Two Christmases ago, a mother from Deviantart wishes for a portrait of Zack and Cloud (FFVII) for she has two sons whom she named after them. So meaningful, I played her Secret Santa and did her gift, and she loves it.

Loony BoB
04-15-2013, 04:58 PM
Those tattoos are just fantastic. Gilgamesh and Odin are probably my favourites.

Also, congrats Locky on making it two weeks in a row on SE Europe's blog (http://eu.square-enix.com/en/blog)! :D

Night Fury
04-15-2013, 06:06 PM
Awesomeness. Nice to get on that Blog :) Ben loves me man, I'm like, his best mate or something.

04-15-2013, 06:50 PM
That behemoth tattoo! Holy crap!

04-15-2013, 08:22 PM
I'm not a big tattoo guy, but that Gilgamesh is really dope. Definitely one of the most artistic takes on something from a videogame I've seen--you wouldn't know it was from a game if you didn't know. Very tasteful, great color.

04-15-2013, 09:16 PM
Thank you all for the lovely comments but most of all thank you for doing the interview with me!! I hope to share more of the Final Fantasy sleeve as its progresses:D

Night Fury
04-15-2013, 09:38 PM
Ahhh Pablo!! :D Nice to see you've joined the forum! You should post sometime! :D Also, I'll get round to editing in your little bits! :)

04-15-2013, 10:16 PM
Amano's artwork is ill on any medium, but it looks fucking awesome inked into skin. Hadn't seen his work done so well yet!

Night Fury
04-15-2013, 10:19 PM
If anything, this has just cemented an Amano tattoo on my to-do list!

04-16-2013, 01:21 AM
I have actually been sitting on the idea of getting Jecht's Zanarkand Abes chest tattoo for over 10 years now. Whether it was time, money, etc., something always got in the way of getting it done.

Since then, I have had a few tattoos done (at least one every year on my birthday), starting with my first a little over 5 years ago...


Not only is it a tribute to one of my all-time favorite game series (Drakengard), but it is a constant daily reminder of perseverance, sacrifice, and survival.

I actually plan on finally getting my Jecht tattoo done this year in honor of the upcoming "Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster" (I had to unlink the hyperlink since I am a new user).

Much like Paolo Hassan, these tattoos might seem very cheesy to some, moreso for those who aren't gamers, but there is a significance to them that is beyond their source. And often we draw strength, confidence, and pride in these works of art. It's a way of showing a part of you up front with those who you may meet and come across.

Personally, I don't care what anyone thinks of my tattoos. They aren't for anyone else but me. They are a way for me to connect with parts of who I am and to emblazon things that matter most to me. They are the things that make me who I am, and no matter what will be dear to me long after I have passed on.

Night Fury
04-16-2013, 02:02 AM
That is one very, very nice tattoo there! I appear to have struck gold with this topic!! If you do happen to get your Jecht tattoo done, be sure to get in touch! Also thank you for joining our site and contributing, I hope you stick around :)

04-16-2013, 06:50 PM
Ahhh Pablo!! :D Nice to see you've joined the forum! You should post sometime! :D Also, I'll get round to editing in your little bits! :)

Thanks, Im not very good a posting tbh due to lack of time with kids and of course playing games but I shall try!! Again thank you for the amazing article !!

04-16-2013, 06:57 PM
Love the Behemoth, and Gilgamesh is just utterly brilliant. I would be afraid to get Amano art as tattoo, because it'd be so easy to smurf up, but man your artist(s) did a fantastic job, Pablo. All by the same artist?

Quindiana Jones
04-17-2013, 03:09 PM
That Gilgamesh tattoo is magnificent. I may have to steal it. AND THE REST.

I still intend to get a tattoo, but my ideas keep shifting. Currently, I'm sitting on getting the Elric brothers' symbol somewhere, though I'm going to wait a while.

04-17-2013, 09:16 PM
Love the Behemoth, and Gilgamesh is just utterly brilliant. I would be afraid to get Amano art as tattoo, because it'd be so easy to smurf up, but man your artist(s) did a fantastic job, Pablo. All by the same artist?

Ah thank you, Yes they are all done by the same tattoist, i am very luvky that my tattoist is very good and more so that he too loves final fantasy!!

04-17-2013, 09:17 PM
That Gilgamesh tattoo is magnificent. I may have to steal it. AND THE REST.

I still intend to get a tattoo, but my ideas keep shifting. Currently, I'm sitting on getting the Elric brothers' symbol somewhere, though I'm going to wait a while.

Ha Ha no problem at all feel free to use any of them the more Final Fantasy Tattoos out there the better imo!!

04-17-2013, 09:18 PM
If anything, this has just cemented an Amano tattoo on my to-do list!

Ha ha great stuff!! now which amazing amano piece to choose?!?!

04-17-2013, 10:47 PM
Thank you all for the lovely comments but most of all thank you for doing the interview with me!! I hope to share more of the Final Fantasy sleeve as its progresses:DAnd thank YOU for sharing! That is some quality work, and I'm glad that you've got personal meaning behind them as well. To me, that's much more important than just the imagery itself.

Depression Moon
04-17-2013, 11:00 PM
Those Odin and Gilgamesh tattoos are boss!

05-10-2013, 08:29 AM
That is one very, very nice tattoo there! I appear to have struck gold with this topic!! If you do happen to get your Jecht tattoo done, be sure to get in touch! Also thank you for joining our site and contributing, I hope you stick around :)

You're very welcome, Locky, and thank you for welcoming me! You indeed struck gold for those who either have or are considering having important pieces of their lifelong gaming experiences forever inked onto them!

I'm actually a journalist myself with a wife and son (the wife has some gaming tattoos herself such as Galaga and Pac-Man), so her and I are like-minded in that sense! The irony is that we both had our tattoos before we met, and we also didn't even realize we both had game-related tattoos until much later on in the relationship :D!

I hope to contribute here and there when I can on this site, although much like Paolo I tend to be pretty busy! When I'm not, I'm here and there over other sites, but this feels like it could be a very pleasant site to frequent as well!

I'm currently swooning over yesterday's press release of the Final Fantasy X-2 HD screenshots (http://zyzxxinfinity.wordpress.com/2013/05/09/at-long-last-screenshots-of-final-fantasy-x-2-hd/)! Was very excited when I got my email to check them out over at the Square Enix Press site!

Anyway, I will certainly have pictures aplenty once I get my Jecht tattoo! It's quite a lot to have done in one sitting, but if I can get it done in one I will! Otherwise I will have pictures showing the entire process! It will be perfect for making a Jecht cosplay later on!