View Full Version : Orphan Black

The Summoner of Leviathan
04-15-2013, 04:05 AM
Anyone watching? WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?

The Man
04-22-2014, 08:39 AM
Just binge-watched the whole thing and holy fuck.

We can't be the only two people on this forum watching.

04-22-2014, 08:55 AM
I don't even know what this is! :monster:

The Man
04-22-2014, 09:38 AM
Brief, First Episode Spoiler-ish summary of the premise: Sarah is a small-time con artist who sees a woman who looks exactly like her jump in front of a train. She takes the dead woman (Beth)'s belongings, which she had thoughtfully left behind, and makes plans to escape town with $75,000 and her daughter. However, it quickly becomes apparent that Beth killed herself because her life was a complete mess, and impersonating Beth brings with it more than Sarah bargained for. The end of the first episode has her meeting up with another identical woman, Katya, who is shot dead in Sarah's presence. It quickly becomes apparent that Sarah, Beth, and Katya are/were all clones, and someone is trying to kill them off. And there are other conspiracies that extend far deeper than one might suspect at first glance.

The writing, effects, soundtrack, etc., are all quite top notch, but the main reason to watch it is Tatiana Maslany. She plays at least eight different characters, and they are all completely different people, to the point where while the make-up distinguishes them, you really don't need it; their mannerisms do enough differentiating on their own. But it's not just that; the characters impersonate each other as well, and she manages to make herself playing a character playing another character completely believable. It's an accomplishment the likes of which I have never seen before in film or on television; I'm honestly convinced it's the greatest acting performance I've ever seen.

04-22-2014, 05:38 PM
This sounds ridiculously interesting! I hadn't heard of it before.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
04-23-2014, 06:12 AM
I had just heard of this the other day. It sounds pretty good. I intend to watch at some point. Sooner rather than later.

04-23-2014, 08:48 AM
LV or Ani?

The Man
04-23-2014, 09:11 AM
Live-action, if that's what you're asking.

04-24-2014, 12:23 AM
I'm so glad this show is back! I rabidly consumed the first season. I'll just assume Tatiana Maslany was given 7 Golden Globes and Emmys by default in the mail last year. Maybe this time they can be bothered to invite her to the shows.

It seems to be moving into bigger conspiracy, which I'm okay with I guess. Surprised Helena is still around. How much blood is in her? She's like a horror movie villain.

The Man
04-24-2014, 12:32 AM
The show seems to be implying that the clones and their offspring are nearly impossible to kill. Kira survived being run over by a car at a frighteningly high velocity and Helena already survived being run through with a giant smurf-off pole (which also caused her to lose tons of blood) so I wasn't at all surprised that she survived getting shot. It took getting shot through the head to kill Katja and it took getting run over by a train to kill Beth and some people still don't believe the latter is truly dead. The show creators also seem to be aiming for Steven Moffat levels of outright lying to the audience, given that they spent more than eight months insisting Helena was dead.

11-03-2014, 10:19 PM
I'm most of the way through the first season and holy trout, this show is phenomenal to me.

It feels on a sort of level as a female Dexter in a way, what with the crime drama and tension and a murdering religious psychopath. Tatiana Maslany's acting is unlike anything I've ever seen, she is simply astounding. I am loving the flow of the storyline and so far (just finished with episode eight), nothing feels stretched or convenient to me about how we've managed to progress through the plot points. I am really enjoying it.

Maslany's portrayal of Helena is bone-chilling. It's refreshing to have a female character who is an absolute psychopath who manages to give you an unsafe, uncomfortable, dangerous feeling about the character without stretching into the typical scorned woman realm that I find myself all too sick of. The fact that she manages to procure some humanity within the role as well (letting Kira go back to Mrs. S's house after basically kidnapping her) inspires some pity from me, even if she is a lunatic. I'm loving it.

And huge crush on Tatiana as Cosima. I never thought braids would do it for me, but somehow she did.

The Man
11-03-2014, 10:51 PM
Finally, someone else watched this. Glad you're enjoying it :monster:

11-03-2014, 10:55 PM
I really am! I marathoned the trout out of it while traveling yesterday and I can't wait to go home and finish the rest of it. It's got me sucked in!

edit: I also really like Alison's character development within just a few episodes. She is a marginally different person from who she was when we met her, while Sarah feels like the same person as she just adapts to new situations. It's good stuff.

11-04-2014, 05:18 AM
I really need to watch this someday. Your post, Shorty, also reminded me that I need to try watching Dexter someday.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
11-04-2014, 07:08 AM
Just waiting for that Netflix release.


11-04-2014, 07:32 AM
Just waiting for that Netflix release.

http://cdn.meme.am/images/300x/8373718.jpgTell me about it. I really loved Season 1.

11-05-2014, 06:43 AM
I had a long reply typed up but my fucking mobile browser fucked it. So I'll just say I'm halfway through season two and there is never a dull moment and I am literally engaged every minute of each episode and this show is brilliant.

11-05-2014, 09:27 AM
I forgot to post about it but I binge-watched this a few months back. Brilliant show! Maslany's acting is of course fantastic, but there's a lot to be said for the direction, writing, editing and many other things as well. Fantastic production value overall.

12-26-2014, 04:52 AM
Catching up on Christmas with Orphan Black! season two spoilers below don't read if you don't want to know

I just want to say it bothers me about the whole "Rachel is a self-aware clone" who also "needs" a monitor. Why? It makes no sense to me. Why make her self-aware at all in the first place? Or if you make her self-aware, why do you indulge her with information that all of the clones have monitors? Or why give her a monitor at all if she's self-aware? I understand their reasoning for it, it just doesn't make sense to me. It just sounds like an excuse to keep Beth Childs' boyfriend in the picture as Rachel's replacement monitor for the one who was killed.

Also, I freaking love Siobhan. I love her name, I think she's beautiful, especially for an older woman. I think she's just an all-around fierce, badass lady and I adore her.

I feel so bad for Ethan. He's this sweet, kindly older gentleman whose wife and child was taken for him. Now he's being shuffled around by Siobhan and Sarah and being told he'll have a bullet put into his head and being forced to be a lab rat, all without being asked about if he wants to participate in this clone circus. Also, I loooove that he was reading The Island of Dr. Moreau to Kira. What an awesome story and such a freaking apt reference to make to this show. Love it.

I freaking audibly and loudly cheered when Donnie took his camera out and took a photo then said "Have a troutty day" while smiling his more smug and asshole-ish smile. I used to think he was trash, but now I love Donnie. Especially after the whole intimidation scene with him and the gun. That was freaking awesome.

I maintain that Helena is the most interesting clone. I think our relationship with her as viewers is been so smurfing nuts in going from being terrified of her and her crazy from when we first meet her while she's trying to murder Sarah and doing all of this other crazy, untrustworthy trout. I genuinely feel sorry for her and mortified for her. And while I would never condone rape or anything even surrounding the nature of such a violation, I have to admit that I cheered again with what she did to Crazy Mr. Cult Leader. Good for her, man. I freaking love Helena.

tons of trout happening aaaaaaah

I have a theory that in the opening sequence, the eight flower petals we see represent eight clones. Rachel, Sarah, Alison, Cosima, The German, The One Who Died, Tony, and Beth Childs. Is that all? Am I missing any? Either way, I'm certain that we'll meet more, but there are eight petals so that's what it made me think.

04-16-2015, 05:13 AM
how does no one care about this show, it's so good ;-;

Who's excited for season three?! Starts tomorrow!

also omg cal is daario cannot handle it

04-16-2015, 05:17 AM
I love the show. I forgot to post after I binge watched it on Amazon after that Shorty person mentioned it in some other thread. Some of the details get on my nerves sometimes, because I just don't know why anyone would be so stupid, but otherwise the characters and acting are great and I'm very much looking forward to season 3.

04-16-2015, 05:27 AM
Never seen it, but I've wanted to. I think it's on Hulu+ or something, because I always use to see ads for it. "My name is ___ and this is my unconditional surrender" was always, always playing during the commercials.

One day I'll watch television shows.

no i won't there's the internet

04-16-2015, 11:35 AM
Ooooh! I wonder if it'll be on Netflix/HBO Nordic as it airs or if I'll have to acquire it through other means. I'm so excited! I just can't hide it!

04-16-2015, 12:48 PM
Are there more seasons on Netflix yet? If so, I may try it out.

04-17-2015, 07:51 PM
Seasons 1 and 2 are on Amazon Prime.

It's not available to stream on Netflix at all.