View Full Version : The Final Fantasy Theme Experiment

04-21-2013, 09:38 AM
I have about fifteen different versions of the main Final Fantasy theme. Some orchestral, some the original game soundtracks, some piano versions, the Pray vocal version, and some that appear as part of medleys. One track only has it as a harmony in the background for less than ten seconds of a nine-minute song.

So a few weeks ago I took all of these versions and made a single playlist of them. Every time I pick up a hitchhiker, I start that playlist and time how long it takes before they notice, "wait a minute, all of these different songs are the same!"

Muahahahahahahaha :D

Now, obviously, a lot depends on the courage of a hitchhiker to turn to a guy whose car they just climbed into and ask him that sort of question. So it's not surprising that very few have visibly noticed and commented so far.

It's also not surprising, therefore, that the record earliest response, 13.5 minutes, is held by my sister.

04-21-2013, 01:43 PM
Do you pick up hitchhikers a lot?

04-21-2013, 02:05 PM
I used to - For two years I attended night school in another city, an hour's drive in each direction, and always took a hitchhiker if I could because it's good for my teeth.

Since night school tends to be at night, I need some way to stay awake during the drive. Talking to and getting to know a random person is the best way; if I don't have a hitchhiker, I'll be eating sugar sticks to stay awake instead. Which are bad for one's teeth.

Now that night school is over I don't take hitchhikers as often, and unfortunately even when I do I don't often have the opportunity to subject them to an hour's worth of the same tune over and over again because it's for shorter distances. But every so often I have to make a long trip, and it's totally worth it.

04-21-2013, 03:20 PM
Since night school tends to be at night

I'm sorry, you deserve a reputation point for making me laugh hard at that. :p

Anyway, I was going to make a joke about how creepy it is picking up hitchhikers at night time and what the missing persons rate is where you live, but I thought against it. So what sort of things do you talk about then with these hitchhikers?

04-21-2013, 04:15 PM
Hitchhiking is a pretty central part of Israeli society, so much so that the government actually had to issue a directive against allowing soldiers to hitchhike. Both at the exit from Jerusalem and at the exit from Bnei Brak (the city in which my classes were located) there is a "trempiyada", which is basically a prospective hitchhiking station. People wait, cars stop.

04-21-2013, 04:32 PM
Really? Wow, never knew hitchhiking was so important. What a kind gesture! :)