View Full Version : Doing something nice (when you don't really want to).

05-09-2013, 03:58 AM
I went to visit my folk's earlier today. While I was there my mom told me that dad was having a rough day and was in a awful mood based on earlier text messages. I also knew that he planned on mowing the lawn when he got home from work.

So even though I absolutely loathe doing any form of yard work, even something simple as mowing the lawn, I busted out the mower and did the whole thing.

You have to understand that when I did live with my folks in my youth, that was a constant struggle between him and myself. It seemed that he always wanted the lawn mowed right when I was going to go somewhere, and when I did do it, he would harp on minor details that I got wrong.

Obviously I grew up over the years and realized I was being a whiny, entitled kid who was making a big deal out of a simple chore.

Anyway, on top of my instinct to stay away from yard work, I also been very tired and burnt out from work, both physically and mentally. However, I just rose above it all, put my cynicism aside that my dad would only pick at minor flaws as he did back in the day, and got the job done, like I said.

When my father did come home, I could tell that he was very relieved that he didn't have to now it himself, and I think I helped him turn his mood around, which is no small accomplishment when he's in a bad spot like that.

So anyway, when is the last time you did something nice/helpful, but you really, really didn't want to do it?

Quindiana Jones
05-09-2013, 04:07 AM
I work as an English teacher in China. God damn every day. xD

It's a great moment when you realise what a little twat you were when you were younger. I remember being just as spiteful and lame when it came to helping round the house, just because I was, as you say, a whiny, entitled little kid.

Unbreakable Will
05-09-2013, 05:11 AM
I tend to go out of my way to make people I care about feel better when they're down. A lot of the time it's during my days off when I'd much rather be doing my own thing but I try and help out anyway.

As for an example a family member of mine was in a tough spot the other day and needed someone to watch their kids, I really didn't feel like it due to a headache and it being my only afternoon to myself but... I'm a nice guy.

05-09-2013, 07:42 AM
So anyway, when is the last time you did something nice/helpful, but you really, really didn't want to do it?

Anytime work asks me to stay late or come in at midnight or something which is happening a lot lately. I can't say no :(

05-09-2013, 12:34 PM
I am a grumpy sod. I don't like doing things for others. More specifically I feel awkward being thanked. I prefer people to think I'm the grumpy bastard so doing nice things is a sign of weakness.

Secretly of course I love being nice and being thanked and being liked I just don't have the balls to admit it

05-09-2013, 01:02 PM
When I was drove my friends to their homes. Although it was not too bothersome. But because I had to take them on a motorcycle. And I ride three people. Very heavy haha :D Moreover, my bike including the types of sport bike. May not include sport bike as well hehe :D The distance is very far, I think :confused:
I just do not want ticketed by police. Moreover, I have not got a driving license yet hehe :| Plus, my bike exhaust including the racing exhaust.
But that's what friends are for. Because we also include friends as well. Good friends there in good times and bad. Although a lot of bad times hahaha. But without friend I will never understand what the meaning of a friendship itself, right? :)