View Full Version : [Art] Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #34

Agent Proto
05-10-2013, 05:26 AM
Hello there! Welcome to a new week of Final Fantasy fanarts. This week appears to be a busy time for fan artists, and we have a full showcase for your viewing pleasure! Because of this, my comments for each artwork will be kept simple. I hope that won't be much of a problem for anyone. If you find something you like, please be sure to visit the source and send the artist a comment or compliment. Eyes on FF takes no credit for the artwork in this showcase, and all credit goes to the respective artists of each fanart. I hope you enjoy this week's showcase! :)

Srta-Uchiha @ DA (http://fav.me/d64g9n7)
My Little Doll

A Kefka and Terra fanart. Wop wop wop!

piratesduciel @ DA (http://fav.me/d64ctbz)

Full body image of our resident cowboy from Final Fantasy VIII. Looking good there, Irvine.

Ri-m @ DA (http://fav.me/d64gwxl)

A nice portrait of Tifa. Very cute.

SoulEaterSaku90 @ DA (http://fav.me/d64mp8r)
Freya Crescent

A pretty badass picture of Freya. I love how it appears she's summoning a dragon here. What, isn't she a Dragoon?

Scarlet-Adrianne @ DA (http://fav.me/d64a73o)
Terra Branford

A simple sketch of Terra done with Prismacolors. Quite nice!

Ninjificus @ DA (http://fav.me/d64i2rx)
Robin Williams as Cid Kramer from Final Fantasy VIII

I'm pretty sure many noticed the resemblance between the actor and Cid Kramer, here Ninjificus manages to portray the actor as one of our favorite Cids!

Arilya21 @ DA (http://fav.me/d647a82)
Tifa Lockhart Chibi ~

A chibi version of Tifa! So kawaii~

blacsam @ DA (http://fav.me/d64el56)
Vanille and Serah

A pretty simple picture of Vanille and Serah. Could do with a background, I think.

onedayiwillbe @ DA (http://fav.me/d64nbkh)
Final Fantasy IX

Wow! What a great picture! Very detailed to have so many characters fit in the picture. Must have been quite challenging!

lauriya4318 @ DA (http://fav.me/d648hi1)
Terra Brandford

And finally, a great picture of Terra brandishing a sword. Nice coloring!

And thus that ends this week's big turnout of a showcase. That's ten amazing fanarts, and that's quite rare. Most weeks we usually would have about six or seven, but this week has been rather special. I hope that you all could pop by our group in DeviantART (http://"http://eyesonff.deviantart.com) to see more great fanarts, or maybe fanfiction is more of your forte? We also include written stories, so if you have any fanfics you want to share with us, we'll accept them in our galleries just as well! :)

05-10-2013, 06:39 AM
nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

No way in the world I can vote. It's just not fair. Can't even choose which Terra is my fave, let alone pick between all of them.

Agent Proto
05-10-2013, 06:41 AM
Who said anything about voting? :p

Loony BoB
05-10-2013, 03:13 PM
Really tough to pick between the works by Srta-Uchiha and lauriya4318. Both are incredible.

Double Tifa this week, and in one of them you simply can't say her boobs are anywhere close to as big as her head. :p

05-11-2013, 03:18 AM
Robin Williams as Cid. Amazing!

05-11-2013, 09:17 PM
Great works! There should be more! MORE! :D
Loved the Robin Williams as Cid pic!

Agent Proto
05-11-2013, 09:34 PM
Yeah, there were actually more great art, but ten's the limit for a showcase. :)