View Full Version : Keeping in touch

06-02-2013, 10:34 PM
So I just got home after revisiting my college for a the past few days for its Alumni Weekend celebration. I went to meet up with four of my old college friends, though three of our old group couldn't make it. Those seven people are really the only people I keep in touch with from college (beyond simply being FB friends), and we try to meet up somewhere once or twice a year. I really only keep in touch consistently with one person from law school and no one from high school or earlier.

Do you keep in contact with anyone from back in college or high school (or for those of you who are still babies in school, from elementary school or, perhaps, daycare)? Are you good at keeping in touch with people generally, or are you lazy and forgetful?

I'm terrible about keeping in touch with people. As I said, only one group of college friends, and that is largely because of their effort.

06-02-2013, 10:37 PM
I don't really keep up with anyone from Wyoming. They all sucked and were mean :( Why would I want to keep in contact with them?

06-02-2013, 10:45 PM
High School... not so much. We all went our (it helps that they planned a trip to a theme park without me) after leaving school, seems we really only had school holding us together. I tried inviting them to things I was doing, to keep them involved in my life, but in the end there wasn't enough effort from their end.

I keep in good enough contact with my friends from uni. It's more difficult now that I'm working, and many of them are not and are still lazy students. But, we still make an effort to hang out and do stuff. Who knows how long this will keep up as our lives begin to diverge further and further apart. One of my friends had a goodbye party today as he's heading back down south. I feel these things will occur more frequently as time progresses. xD

I feel like I'm fairly okay at keeping in contact, but I often find that I'm the one doing all the planning for doing stuff, which isn't great. Eh. Such is life, I am getting better at not clinging to friendships when this is the case. xD

Agent Proto
06-02-2013, 10:55 PM
Have I kept in touch with anyone from my high school days?... No I haven't. Should I? I guess I could, but it really hurts that I lost contact with them, but that's just how it goes.

06-02-2013, 10:58 PM
I am lazy and forgetful. People often text me when I'm in the middle of something or sleeping and I don't read it and then I forget to respond to them. I feel about about this because I feel like it's dropped off a lot of already distant friendships. We keep up on facebook instead because I am bad at phones.

My best best friend is someone I've been friends with for about a decade now. We obviously keep up, and through her I keep up with other friends. When I go back home, there are select people who I make a point to see from back then but for the most part, I avoid a good many people I went to school with.

06-02-2013, 11:01 PM
No, none. I'm glad of it, though. Not that I didn't have friends, I'd just rather keep my mind focused straight ahead, and I can't do that if I have ghosts roaming about.

06-02-2013, 11:39 PM
My best friends are my friends from growing up. I met Jeff when I was 16 I was a sophomore he was a freshman. Brandon was in my first class as a Freshman. I believe it was English. And my other best friend Marshal has been my friend since 5th grade.

06-03-2013, 12:50 AM
Only on Facebook. I think I have a small handful of high school friends on FB and a very slightly larger number of college friends on it. Most of them don't post very often anyway.

06-03-2013, 12:53 AM
I am still friends with people from my middle school and high school. We keep in touch quite a bit. As far as other people from high school yes, but mostly only through Facebook or my phone. There are other people I have on FB from high school that I really only just read their statuses occasionally, but not much else. Still I guess it's good to see what they're up to from afar. As for college friends, I just graduated recently so yes I do still keep in contact with a lot of them as well.

06-03-2013, 01:35 AM
Strangely, I keep up more with people I went to elementary school (this includes church) and my first high school (where I was bullied and tortured) than I do the high school I graduated from.

06-03-2013, 02:12 AM
I keep in contact with only one person that I went to high school with. He currently lives in Germany, so he seems to be the only other person from my graduating class that chose to do something other than getting really fat or getting really married or getting really knocked up.

College is a bit different, considering I am still enrolled... But there are a few friends who have graduated that still try to keep contact with me.

06-03-2013, 02:33 AM
There's 1 person that I bother to keep in touch with from my childhood days - my bff, Siobhan. And even her, keeping in touch is hard to do - sometimes we're really good about it, but then one of us will change our number or move or something and then we go months without talking.

I have FB, but I don't have my real last name, birth year, or location on it. Simply because I don't like the idea of people finding me that I don't want finding me - regardless of the option of declining their friend requests.

As I've said several times, I was bullied hardcore all through grade school & high school. When I opened my first FB account, a -bunch- of the popular kids from both schools like found me & friend requested me. Like, we weren't friends back then, why would I want you on my friends list?

And -then-, super weird. Some random like sent me a message saying hi, and I said hi back, and that was it. I started community college like a month later and my first class was COM 101 (*GAG!*).. I don't know anyone in the town that I worked & went to school in - I generally keep to myself. So upon leaving I hear a foreign accent yelling my name in the hallway. I'm like "Wtf?" .... It was that guy that had messaged me on FB. We ended up being in the same class. It was -so- weird. Thankfully, he ended up transferring to MTSU like a week later.

After all that, I deleted my original FB account and didn't have one for like 3 yrs. The only reason I made the account I have now was so I could see recent pictures of my close friend Matt & his son.

Dr. rydrum2112
06-03-2013, 02:59 AM
College (especially living on campus) is such a unique environment in the way you are surrounded by peers full time, experiencing the same exact thing you are. The "real world" is not set up in such a way, so even with the best of intentions it is almost impossible to maintain the lifestyle of having such large groups of friends and acquaintances full time.

06-03-2013, 03:08 AM
The only person from my high school I actively see on a regular basis is my best friend. He's been my best friend now for 15+ years which is a hell of a long time to put up with the likes of me so I guess I can't be all that bad.

I'm not really in touch with people from my college years so much, I hang out with a girl called Sophie every now and then and my best mate was there too (doesn't really count though). Then again it wasn't so much that the college people went their separate ways though from the looks of this for the most part that is certainly true. I think in my case in particular what made it so clear cut and complete was the little bit of time where I essentially imploded on myself mentally and to salvage what was left, to rebuild and recover I decided every little thing that tied me to those people had to go. It wasn't until years later on Facebook Sophie amongst a few others got in touch with me again and thought to ask me how I was.

06-03-2013, 03:34 AM
I have been friends with my closest friends for over twenty years. We've been friends since childhood and were friends in school. Other of my close friends are people I met in college, after college or on EoFF.

I have a really, really small social circle, so it sucks a bunch when people move or get busy but I manage. I have a lot of people on facebook but that's mostly because I like to spy on people.

06-03-2013, 05:55 AM
I sometimes get close to co-workers after I start a new job, but the downside to that is when one of us stops working there for whatever reason and then we just stop talking. I've had that happen many times.

06-03-2013, 01:56 PM
Nah, I'm terrible for keeping up with people. Unless they're close friends or people I see on a regular basis I don't communicate with them because I'm afraid that it is a bother to them.

Loony BoB
06-03-2013, 03:32 PM
Just one - Nicky (Calliope). Beyond her, I have friends that comment on my Facebook or me on theirs on random occasions, and there have been some emails (few and far between)... but that's about it, really. Geography has been the major factor in the loss of contact, since I moved away from NZ shortly after finishing high school. Nicky I have stayed in touch with mostly through here, LJ and Facebook but also through phonecalls which are about as regular as my phonecalls with my family (ie, few and far between, but still at least yearly).

I've kept in closer touch with people from EoFF that have left EoFF ten years ago than I have most of the rest of my high school friends.

06-03-2013, 04:56 PM
Only on Facebook. I think I have a small handful of high school friends on FB and a very slightly larger number of college friends on it. Most of them don't post very often anyway.
Oh yeah I forgot about people on fb. I keep up with them that way? Still could care less though. Maybe a handful... like one....