View Full Version : Movies you would see if they were made...

06-05-2013, 08:23 PM
The title may be deceiving. This isn't necessarily devoted to movies I wish to see made like Batman Beyond or a good Mortal Kombat movie. I stumbled across this Geek Zodiac some time ago and it inspired a few ideas.

The GZ's "constellations" seem to align in rivalries. Clockwise the characters are Robot (read as giant robot or mobile suit), Wizard, Alien, Superhero, Undead/Slayer (read as either or), Pirate (read as character who cheats to obtain awesome things for despicable purposes), Daikaiju (read as giant monster), Time Traveler (read as mad inventor), Spy, Astronaut, Ninja/Samurai (read as either or), and Treasure Hunter (read as character who quests to obtain awesome things for documentation).

The rivalries I've already seen in movies are Robot vs Monster (I also hope to hit theaters for Pacific Rim this summer), Wizard vs Scientist (plenty of comics superheroes contain a magical figure vs a scientist), Pirate vs Treasure Hunter (Indiana Jones is the treasure hunter and the dudes he's against are the pirates).

I've never seen Spy vs Alien, Superhuman vs Astronaut, or Ninja/Samurai vs Undead Slayer (at least none I can remember as good, i.e. I've possibly seen Slayer versus Ninja particularly undead Ninja or undead Samurai, and there may have been some kind of Ninja/Samurai versus Undead "B movie").

I suppose the original Total Recall could qualify as Spy (Schwarzenegger) vs Alien (all of the martians), but... no not really.

I wonder if anyone can suggest other combinations from this list. Movies you think they should make or movies they have made that you thought were good. Keep in mind, the idea is that the versus is the premise of the movie. Do not include movies that happened to contain a spy at some point and an alien at some point etc. like Avengers.

There ya go. Contribute.

06-06-2013, 01:10 PM
Any adult film that opens with Pontus slathered in creamed corn wearing a tutu.....

06-06-2013, 03:26 PM

Saga of the Seven Suns made into films. Fuck yeah.

06-06-2013, 04:11 PM
I would love for them to go back and re-make the first His Dark Materials movie, as well as making The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass.

I'd love to also see The Thirteenth Tale made into a movie (although I'm not 100% sure if it'd translate well to film.)