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06-11-2013, 10:59 AM
So, I just shot myself in the foot.
Every year or so, Colorado gets hit with a short burst of Miller Moth infestation.
Once it gets dark out they find every nook and cranny in your house/car/barn whatever and they pile up by the crap-ton.

Earlier, at about 3:15am I decided that it was about time I should take a shower. Walked in, and there were just miller moths everywhere (okay, exaggeration... only like 4 or 5 but it was still terrifying okay?) and they scared the crap out of me.
Apparently I forgot to close the window earlier that day. Now I'm definitely going to have to wait for that shower. :sweat:

Miller Moths don't even do anything. They cause no damage to furniture or anything, they dont reproduce indoors, they dont bite or anything. They're just a gigantic nuisance that on bad years can be far more than the 4 I described. (There are currently roughly 30+ moths in our barn outside, now THAT was absolutely terrifying :whaaa:)
For some reason though, even though they're harmless, moths scare the absolute crap out of me and just give me the goosebumps.

What kind of bugs just drive you up the wall with fear or frustration, and what creative ways have you acquired over the years to kill them?

Loony BoB
06-11-2013, 11:28 AM
Wasps. :erm: I hate them so much. Anything that can fly into my flat without being invited and sting me when I try to get it out, let alone call it's pals over to help him out... this kind of thing is NOT COOL. >=(

Also, I have a minor fear of very large numbers of ants. A few? No problem. A full massive load of them, covering a good area so that you can't see anything beneath them but more ants? Particularly, the door knob to my house? :stare:

06-11-2013, 11:50 AM
Lice. Never had them but even the thought makes my head itch.

I also don't particularly like the idea of intenstinal worms, or any othe invasive parasite.

06-11-2013, 01:44 PM
Wasps. I don't believe in the devil but if anything is the spawn of the devil it's - WASPS. They serve no purpose other than to fuck shit up.

Spiders. *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeK*

06-11-2013, 03:27 PM
ffffffffffslkgh;laisasdfj I hate moths. They are the worst thing in the entire world. I just looked up that Miller Moth in your OP and it is absolutely terrifying, I swear I will lose my shit completely if I ever run into one

Night Fury
06-11-2013, 03:42 PM
ffffffffffslkgh;laisasdfj I hate moths. They are the worst thing in the entire world. I just looked up that Miller Moth in your OP and it is absolutely terrifying, I swear I will lose my trout completely if I ever run into one

06-11-2013, 05:34 PM
Bugs don't normally freak me out, but infestations do. Fleas, ticks, lice, ants and whatever else.

Scorpions are in their own ring, though. I am terrified of those smurfers and have had more than enough close calls with them. Give me spiders, give me earwigs, give me centipedes, give me wasps. No fucking scorpions.

06-11-2013, 09:08 PM
I hate spiders. I hate them. And snakes. I think I got bit by a spider the other night. On my booty. There's like a big 'ole lump/sore and it hurts. I think I'm gonna die. 'Cuz I'm dramatic like that.

OMG. 1 night, in my apartment, I was changing Peeper's diaper and putting her in bed and I go back to my laptop and there's this crazy ass bug on my chair.. IDK wth it was, but it was like grey with spackled-y spots and really long antennae and I think it flew and... It was really really scary gross. I took a picture of it and even my friend Joe was like "Dude.. That's something from a whole other dimension. Seriously"..

I'm also afraid of invasive parasites. After seeing this episode of "Crazy ER Visits" or whatever and this woman had gotten these worm-like parasites -under- her scalp. *Shivers*.. I'm not a fan of ticks. They're disgusting, but I'm not afraid of them necessarily. Or fleas.

06-11-2013, 09:38 PM
If I could live The House of Moths, I would.

Unbreakable Will
06-11-2013, 09:48 PM
I'll just leave this here;

THE SOFT LANDING - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlZfuQsU2kU)

06-12-2013, 01:52 AM
Not sure why some of you have such a problem with a Miller Moth. All they want to do is chill and share a beer, man.


06-12-2013, 02:13 AM
Bugs of pretty much any sort really, really repulse me. I do not deal well with them. Any sort of insectoid creature, be it a spider, ant, or even a ladybug (actually, ladybugs are ok, as long as they're not indoors or crawling on me) just wig me out. I don't really know why, I just hate them.

Madame Adequate
06-12-2013, 03:42 AM
I'm not a big fan of spiders, but I can usually deal with them.

Centipedes and millipedes break me. They flick some sort of switch in the base of my brain and I lose all rationality. I never used to think anything of them and then I saw one in real life, and something about it sent me completely round the bend. It ran across my desk so I dressed myself in gloves and boots and shit like I was going outdoors in a blizzard in Winterhold and then I spent 45 minutes hunting for the thing. Eventually Murphy found it, which makes him the most heroic cat in my book.

Rebellious Eagle
06-12-2013, 03:55 AM
I agree with the moths and the wasps - they're creepy and gross and serve no purpose to me at all. Oh, and silverfish. I found one of those in a shower early in the morning while I was staying in a college dorm for summer camp...ugh.

06-12-2013, 06:08 AM

Once in the middle of the night I was partially awake or something, idk, and I was dreaming about this big smurfing black beetle crawling over my thumb and across the my hand, which was hanging down between the bed and the wall. I woke up, realized that something was indeed crawling on my smurfing hand, and then proceeded to scream bloody murder and flick the smurfing thing across the room. My boyfriend woke up as freaked out as possible and I made him go find it because I couldn't go back to sleep with a minion from Satan in the room.

When he found a silverfish instead of the huge, monstrous, black death rhino beetle from my dream, you can imagine that I was somewhat less than amused. :colbert:

06-12-2013, 07:14 AM
That reminds me of when I had a hamster.... In AZ.. lulz.. She knew how to break out of her cage and my ex would -not- let my poodle sleep on my bed with us... I felt something on my chest and I was like "fuhhhh" thinking it was my dog and he was gonna flip.. Open my eyes, the hamster is staring me in the face. It was quite funny, really. I eventually just gave up and left her cage door open. I only lived in a studio apt anyway, so it's not like she'd get lost. She liked to steal my dog's food and pile it in the bathroom in a corner.

06-12-2013, 09:01 AM
Yeah, don't like Moths either. I think it's because they can be so smurfing large and just fly around you ad fly in your face and just can creep you out and sometimes they come in packs so it's like 4-5 large Moths flying in your face.

No thankyou.

Though I have to admit that some of the fluffy ones do look sort of less... creepy. But only a little bit.

However my youngest Cat just loves to bring in the biggest Moths he can find to bring me for a gift. Gheez. Thanks. He doesn't kill him either, just puts one in this mouth and just watches it move around on the ground and fly. :freak:

06-12-2013, 09:07 AM
I hate um. What're those things called? Cicadas. Yep. Hate 'em.

06-12-2013, 09:36 AM
ffffffffffslkgh;laisasdfj I hate moths. They are the worst thing in the entire world. I just looked up that Miller Moth in your OP and it is absolutely terrifying, I swear I will lose my trout completely if I ever run into one
I've lost my trout enough for the both of us. It's absolutely hilarious to everyone else in the house.

I agree with the moths and the wasps - they're creepy and gross and serve no purpose to me at all. Oh, and silverfish. I found one of those in a shower early in the morning while I was staying in a college dorm for summer camp...ugh.

Dear god no... make them go away. I've never seen a silverfish before and I hope I never have to. That crap is terrifying.

Also, one miller moth flew into my fan earlier. Pfft, now that was just amazing to watch. :bigsmile: