View Full Version : The Punisher: What's your problem?

06-17-2013, 05:23 AM
I've heard a lot of people tear down the Thomas Jane version of The Punisher. Surprisingly, I've heard nearly those same people give props to the Warzone version of the Punisher. Warzone was simply a horrible movie while the Punisher made the character seem interesting. I don't know exactly where you're brain has to be located to think Warzone is better than Punisher. I mean, people are entitled to their opinions about the first movie, but to say that Warzone was better..? I'm going to go on and assume that you and I are going to be disagreeing on a lot in life.

This is a genuine question about how you feel toward these films and why and also whether you think a decent Punisher movie is still yet to come. If you like (if you even know it exists) you can also talk about the Dolph Lundgren Punisher... I've never seen it and can't be arsed to track down a copy since it's not available at my local library. But if you've seen it and have to something to say about it, feel free.