View Full Version : Have your character preferences changed over time?

06-21-2013, 01:48 AM
So I've recently been replaying Final Fantasy VII and my party way back when I first played it was nearly always Cloud, Barret and Aerith - with Aerith being replaced by Red XIII from disc 2 onward. For some reason I just never really liked the other characters that much.

However, replaying it some 15 years later I'm now finding I find Tifa's story more interesting, that I actually find Cid hilarious and can even... shockingly... sort of tolerate Yuffie.

The same is true of FFVIII where I used to really not like Selphie but now she's a staple member of my party.

So my question is - as you've gotten older (and perhaps wiser) have you grown to like any characters you originally disliked?

Depression Moon
06-21-2013, 04:14 AM
Nope. Only character that I never liked was Edward and there's no reason for me to change my mind unless my copy of FFIV will magically make him a better combatant.

Tardar Sauce
06-21-2013, 05:03 AM
I hated them all.

But when playing in VII my staple team is Cloud Cid and Tifa, used to be Cloud, Nanaki and Cid cause that's what the person whom acquainted me with VII used all the time... but then I realised how sucky Nanaki's final limit break was I shimmied him out for Tifa cause you know... bewbs... unless I am doing a challenge.

06-25-2013, 05:33 PM
Yes and no? It's circumstantial for me anyways. I've grown more tolerant of some characters (like Tifa), but my favorites are generally still the same. Any time I pick up FFVII I still want my party to be Cloud, Aerith and usually Cid. Post disc 1, it's usually Cloud, and rotate through everyone else to get a good balance.

I always prefer the gruff snarky or comedic characters, and I probably always will. Lets just blame Han Solo, and Malcolm Reynolds for that.

06-25-2013, 06:31 PM
My favorite characters are still my favorite characters, though I think as I have grown older I now appreciate the story arcs of some that I never cared about before.

06-25-2013, 06:35 PM
Yeah they do. Like for example when I first played VIII, Rinoa was my favorite and now she's closer to the bottom. I still like her, just nowhere near as much. Same thing for Garnet from IX. And Steiner has boosted up in the rankings.

Vincent, Thunder God
06-26-2013, 05:19 AM

Aeris was always my favorite, however Tifa saves Cloud, virtually singlehandedly, from a vital and shocking discovery -

Hold on, I haven't played this game recently!


No no




*I edited this part*

I still like Barret a lot.