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View Full Version : Small Little Victories

06-25-2013, 11:51 PM
Sometimes through life we all have those moments when something relatively minor to everyone else happens that is absolutely huge for you. Today was one of those days.

I've always been prudish. Like, ultra-prudish. Whenever I've gone to the beach, I kept all shoes on, and the most skin I'd expose is my forearm while wearing a t-shirt. I was that bad. I just couldn't bear to undress. This is for multitude of reasons that I don't particularly want to get into, but long story short: I'm very self-conscious, especially in public.

Roll the clock to today, and I had a breakthrough! I was with close friends, and I was finally able to pluck up enough courage to take off my shoes and socks and roll my jeans legs up. To everyone else, that is nothing but an afterthought. Why not? You're on the beach damn it! But no seriously for me that was a weird and new thing for me.

It was strange feeling the sand for the first time, and I finally got to realise just how cold the sea water is in England.

But that's enough about me. What 'small' victories have you had that were actually fairly special, at least to you?

06-26-2013, 12:03 AM
My small victory recently is being able to keep my clothes on. So kinda similar.

06-26-2013, 12:15 AM
I got my resume updated, and I've applied for about 15 jobs in the last two days.