View Full Version : The X-Men as Shinigami

07-25-2013, 01:18 AM
This concept was inspired by this DA pic: Edo Marvel: The Men of Tendai by ~Red-Rum-18 on deviantART (http://red-rum-18.deviantart.com/art/Edo-Marvel-The-Men-of-Tendai-184280741)

So basically, everyone's bankai (save one) causes their katana to disappear. Several members express physical changes: the Xavier who loses the use of his legs, Cyclops who loses the use of his eyes, Iceman whose skin freezes over, Colossus whose skin turns to steel, Nightcrawler whose skin turn blue and furry, Shadowcat who grows a tail, and Wolverine whose claws are physically a part of him.
The only members whose bankai transforms their katana into a new weapon (or other) are Gambit, Archangel, and technically Wolverine. Out of them all, only Shadowcat retains the use of her katana.

The shinigami X-Men have names better fitting with the Soul Society.

Xavier is Shiro Shimizu whose bankai manifests as Enveloping Telepathy allowing him such power as to control the actions of other people, Shinigami, Arrancar, etc. (anyone with a sentient mind)
Scott is Soutirisu Chourido whose bankai manifests as Punishing Cataracts which forces him to shut his eyes when not wishing to use the devastating energy they would otherwise unleash
Jean is Yami Hiaro whose bankai manifests as Molecular Entropy allowing her to manipulate literally all physical matter
McCoy is Hanori Mako whose bankai manifests as Primal Release granting him bestial endurance, strength, speed, flexibility, agility, sensory perception, and balance
Bobby is Beppu Ryuga, his bankai manifesting as Cryomorphosis allowing him to generate layers of ice over his skin, onto others, and over landscapes
Will is Wen Huan, his bankai is rather simple as it manifests in the shape of a pair of metallic wings, the Freedom Wing, which allows him to fly and also acts as a shield-cloak and independently controlled weapons
Logan is Xiao whose nameless bankai is extremely painful to manifest as his katana becomes a metal that coats his bones and extends from his knuckles as claws
"Peter" is Rei Jin whose bankai, Dermis Ex Machina, produces a nigh-impenetrable metallic skin that coats his frame increasing his weight and attack strength
Ororo is Otren Kanda whose bankai, Sorceress of Heaven, allows her to control lightning, wind, and rain as well as to fly
Remi is Cheo Luong whose bankai manifests as a pair of bo-staves as well as the ability to charge non-biological objects with enough kinetic energy to cause them to explode
Marie is Nikku and her bankai transforms her into a human leach, sucking energy from others on contact and allowing her to duplicate their powers and even their bankai
Kurt is Gitsune who is granted the ability to teleport using his bankai, Instant Transcision, which creates a gate through an alternate dimension which he inhabits for less than a second before reappearing anywhere he wishes
Kitty is Koneko whose bankai, Molecular Displacement, allows her to phase through others as well as walls, floors, weapons, and bankai

07-25-2013, 01:25 AM

07-25-2013, 01:33 AM
i knew you made this thread before even clicking on it

storm as big boob lady

i couldnst stand bleach the anime

couldnst stand the manga after they started going dragon ball z

07-25-2013, 02:38 AM
Well, my name is under the thread title.
American superheroes would never be able to compete with characters from manga because American superheroes have a set power limit, whereas manga characters continually increase their power output through intensive training. That's something that occurred to me when I saw a question posted wondering who would win in a fight: X-Men or BLEACH Shinigami and also Justice League or BLEACH Shinigami. Possible exceptions could be DC characters like Batman who rely on intensive training since they have no special powers.

07-25-2013, 03:58 AM
saw the thread on homepage or soemthing and your name wasn't there

you're right anime power levels are correlated with the sales