View Full Version : [Art] My Stuffs ^_^

08-24-2013, 04:49 AM
4706747068470694707047071These are some of my works ^_^ I have more on my Deviant Art profile, but some are too big to upload + I don't have them stored in the laptop I'm using atm :3 I plan to continue working to go from taking the pencil drawings to the graphical stages :)

Agent Proto
08-24-2013, 05:05 AM
Really nice shading with the pencil works! I used to be pretty good with that, but I've been focusing way more on using Photoshop and improving my skills with it that I lost my touch with the pencils. It usually requires a lot of time and patience, and both are something I lack thereof! Your Viera piece looks great!

08-24-2013, 05:47 AM
Ty! :) I said I wanted to go from pencil > graphical, but what I really meant was digital graphics like what you've been doing, I am a little nervous to take the leap but I think with a little hard work I'll get the hang of it ^_^ What photoshop programs do you usually use and do you know of any tutorial guides that might be good?

Agent Proto
08-24-2013, 06:49 AM
I have Photoshop CS2 which I managed to snag a free copy of. It's not bad, but the learning curve is pretty steep, so it may take some time to get used to. I'm still learning how to make the most out of it myself. If you're willing to shell out some money or can get a cracked copy, I would recommend Paint Tool SAI as your graphical tool of choice. It's pretty easy to learn and use

08-24-2013, 02:59 PM
4718347184This what I worked on today :)

08-25-2013, 11:42 AM
Looking very good. :} 'specially like that Sailor Moon one. ;)

Hope to see more of your stuff!

08-26-2013, 11:49 AM
Ty! :3 here is something I whipped up before bed :)47201

Loony BoB
08-26-2013, 11:57 AM
I'd seen the Vieira one (bottom of your first post) before on your DA account, but I just want to say that the chocobos? I love them. :love: Fantastic!

Pete for President
08-27-2013, 06:46 AM
Looking pretty good! One thing I'm wondering; do you set the colour levels of your scans at all? They seem to have a pretty high grey-value and low contrast. When making photo's/scans of my drawings/sketches, I always make sure to up the contrast and make the paper show as white. There's an easy function for it in Photoshop. Might be personal preference, but it always helps me make the drawing stand out from the paper more.

Edit: this could be the result :0


08-27-2013, 10:41 AM
So far I have only been using my pretty average phone's camera to get my drawings uploaded. I wasn't aware I could get those kind of results from changing the contrast settings in the camera, I'm definitely going to try it! I do use Online image editor pixlr free - fix photos direct in your browser (http://pixlr.com/express/) to edit things after I'm done. Eventually I will be buying a scanner and some real software, that is when I will also start trying my hand using line art to convert to digital graphic/art soon :3 I still have much to learn so thank you very much for the tip! :)

08-28-2013, 01:43 PM
MOAR STUFFS! (this is probably going to keep happening until i finishing saving up for new pc and get ffxiv) :347242

09-07-2013, 01:27 PM
For one of my favorite FFXI friends Dtrainious :3 Some of his favorite phrases included; "BLM ASSEMBLE!" and "GET troutTED ON!"

09-08-2013, 03:10 PM
T_T does anyone know how to get rid of the attachment on my last past? I am so un-forum savvy! XD

09-12-2013, 03:48 PM

09-16-2013, 02:34 AM
I will just keep posting away as I keep pooping out ff related art work xD

06-02-2014, 02:40 PM

This is my newest fan art :3 I had to provide link only since the file is so huge ... :3 I hope you all like it!

Loony BoB
06-02-2014, 02:44 PM
Nice work! Probably your best so far. :)

I love the unique effects you used on that turtle pic you posted earlier, by the way. Dunno why. Just think it's cool!

06-03-2014, 01:26 AM
I'm very impressed! I really like your style! It's cute :3

06-03-2014, 11:30 AM
Tyvm guys, it means a lot! ^_^

06-03-2014, 11:32 AM
These are awesome. I especially like the Sailor Moon, Chocobo and war turtle (I have no idea what it's called) ones.