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View Full Version : The WEAPONS....

Shinwa Tsuki
08-29-2013, 08:20 AM
I'm hoping for theories and reasons for the WEAPONS, I am asking for why there were created, and how there were created. I'd also like the names and appearances of the Weapons as well as which "team" dealt with which WEAPON and in what manner was that WEAPON dealt with.

The reason why I'm asking is because I wish to "create" my own WEAPON for the characters (that I have created) of my FF7 fanfiction to deal with. (The fanfiction in question starts about three years after Dirge of Cerberos has happened.)

To paraphrase, here is what I am asking:
• Why were the WEAPONS created?
• How were they created?
• Who crated them?
• What do the WEAPONS look like? Include the primary color and its general shape.
• What are the individual names of them?
• Which "team" of AVALANCHE dealt with them? How?
• Was there another group that dealt with them? How?
• Where did each WEAPON reside?

Could any of you answer these? Or at least give me theories and reasons.

Be sure to include any and all WEAPONS that can be found within the official Compilation (Which means, besides the Final Fantasy VII itself, Before Crisis, Crisis Core, Advent Children, and Dirge of Cerberos.)

08-29-2013, 08:32 AM
I thought about typing up a long answer, but I'm on my phone right now. So this is easier.

WEAPONS (FFVII) (http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Weapon_(Final_Fantasy_VII)).

Shinwa Tsuki
08-29-2013, 09:25 AM
I have looked at that, yet I can't find the theories that I am also looking for......

08-29-2013, 01:39 PM
There are no theories. The game flat-out tells you where they come from. The Planet made them to protect itself. They were created from the Lifestream.

I like to think of them as part of the Planet's immune system.

08-29-2013, 05:42 PM

Did you actually -play- FFVII? 'Cuz the game -does- tell you exactly everything.

This article is actually right.

There's Sapphire, Ultimate, Diamond, Ruby, and Emerald in the main FFVII.

The planet created the WEAPONS to protect itself - they came from the life stream. JENOVA was a threat, so the planet spawned them.

As far as who actually fought the main story WEAPONS, I think you could pick a party for the initial fight with the Sapphire Weapon in Junon - don't quote me on that though. Also, ShinRa blew off Sapphire's head with the mako cannon. Then you fight Diamond Weapon, and I think it's Cloud, Barret, & Tifa who fight it in Midgar and I don't think it's an option. Again, ShinRa uses the Mako Cannon, which they've upgraded, to blow up Diamond Weapon.

The other weapons are only optional bosses in FFVII. I've never played Crisis Core or any other of the 7 games, so IDK about them.

Shinwa Tsuki
08-29-2013, 10:59 PM
I must be quite spacy when I read that article.

Let me ask you this than: Would there be another reason for a WEAPON to be created by "Mother Gaia"?

08-30-2013, 12:12 AM
If the life cycle of the planet was threatened I believe it could create another weapon the same way it created the first ones.

08-30-2013, 05:57 AM
I must be quite spacy when I read that article.

Let me ask you this than: Would there be another reason for a WEAPON to be created by "Mother Gaia"?

I don't believe so. They're built to combat threats to the planet, but as far as I know, all of them, including Omega (which is the WEAPON introduced in Dirge of Cerberus as a "last resort" weapon meant to carry away the Planet's Lifestream if there was no other way to safeguard it) were created ages ago and merely sleep within the core of the Planet, waiting to be woken up.

What can happen is that you can have another one wake up for pretty much any reason you want. Which is why they keep showing up in games like Before Crisis and Dirge of Cerberus, because they're responding to whatever threat arises then.

Just invent a threat to the Planet, or the Lifestream, and then introduce a WEAPON that was created long ago as a contingency for that problem.

Shinwa Tsuki
08-31-2013, 12:32 AM
Ah, okay.

So I can have a WEAPON wake up because of a threat.... The threat of Meteor wiping out life on Gaia... what were the threats in Before Crisis, Crisis Core, and Dirge of Cerberos? I can't seem to recall why.

Hm... When I reread the WEAPON article on Final Fantasy Wikia, I don't have a good grasp of the physical appearance of the known WEAPONs. Could any of you give me a better description of the WEAPONs that are known to us?

I should tell you this: The WEAPON I plan to use will be named Onyx WEAPON. Here is what I have written about it.
The Onyx Weapon appears to be made out of black onyx with a purple shine. This Weapon has the overall appearance of a black mechanical ryuu (snake-like dragon of Asian myth) with vibrant red eyes.
Should I give this one an Elemental weakness and an Elemental strength?

08-31-2013, 04:19 AM
I don't remember the WEAPONs having such things. Try for more of unique statistics. For example, I think the Emerald WEAPONs MP would restore after each turn. The Ruby WEAPON had those godforsaken finger tentacles that could glitch the game if not dealt with properly (though I don't think that was intentional). I think you could make it so his physical defense increases when physically attacked while his magical defense decreases; his magical defense increases when magically attacked while his physical defense decreases. So using the hack-hack strategy won't work.

And yeah, you could give the WEAPONs any name you want. The names which would be the closest in connection with the original game would be based on Birthstones like Garnet/Bloodstone, Topaz/Sunstone, Pearl/Moonstone etc. or Greek Alphabet (as in the Omega WEAPON), or Latin terminology (i.e. Ultima WEAPON)

Shinwa Tsuki
08-31-2013, 08:17 PM
The name Onyx comes from the fact that the rest (excluding the Omega WEAPON and the Ultima WEAPON) have names related to gemstones.

Seeing as I can't work with game mechanics as my WEAPON would be in a story. I'm working with that and give it some things that could help make it separate yet still combatable and defeatable.

Hm...It is not going to land on the ground, but it will be capable of swimming though the sea. So... I could make my WEAPON immune to Earth-based magics (Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3, and and an Earth-based summon like Titan), would that be best?

08-31-2013, 09:25 PM
Just because you can't utilize the game mechanics doesn't mean you can't work them into the story.

Davis struck the Onyx WEAPON with his Limit Break attack. It shrieked in pain.
"That's it! Keep it up!"
The group continued to assault Onyx with physical attacks, but it quickly became apparent that it wasn't working anymore.
"What's going on?"
"Maybe we should shake things up."
Chloe cast a powerful fire spell which elicited a deafening roar from Onyx.
"I think that did it."
"I think it's pissed."

Something like that.

Shinwa Tsuki
09-01-2013, 08:59 AM
Hm... I will have to take back this statement: Seeing as I can't work with game mechanics as my WEAPON would be in a story.

I can work the Elemental weaknesses and strengths of the creatures, some of the items into the story (Ink is one of the items), and other things. What I cannot incorporate are like the AI script like that found with Cactuar (http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Cactuar_%28Final_Fantasy_VII%29)s of FF7, I might use the statistics in some fashion. (Although, I don't have a clue how to deal with the items and Gil that the creatures drop.)

So, could I work Elemental weaknesses and strengths into Onyx WEAPON? I already mentioned that I could make it immune to Earth-based magic, I could also make it immune to Water-based magics as well as making it weak to Ice-based magics and have it absorb an Element like Wind magics. Would those work?