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View Full Version : So let's talk Moogles

09-02-2013, 04:07 AM
Am I crazy, or am I the only person who thinks that moogles should have remained with their FFXII designs for the current incarnations. I just can't help but snicker whenever I see Serrah and Noel interact with Mog. I guess it's just the dissonance between realistic characters and cartoony creatures that I can't get over. You didn't see moogles in VIII or X because of those games's graphical style.

09-02-2013, 09:06 AM
Yes and No ? The Final Fantasy XII Moogles were a nice change, but I don't think that they should remove the original Moogle designs because they look really cute imo.

It would be nice to see the XII Moogle design return but at the moment they seem to be only within the Tactics universe. And I don't want another XII game.


Awwwwwwwwhs <3

There needs to be a both/ not sure option on the poll.

09-02-2013, 10:08 AM
I do like Ivalice Moogles, but I also enjoy the cutesy moogles from the rest of the main series. I agree with maybee, there should have been a choice for both.

Quindiana Jones
09-02-2013, 02:38 PM
I think that any Moogle that isn't Montblanc is an inferior Moogle. :colbert:

09-10-2013, 02:13 PM
I like them no matter how they look or act like. in my opinion the ones from IX are the best because they're realistic, yet keep their furry tendencies and the adorable pom pom. in 12 they were probably too realistic, wearing clothes and stuff

Quindiana Jones
07-16-2022, 12:54 AM
I think that any Moogle that isn't Montblanc is an inferior Moogle. :colbert:

Not sure what I was smoking here, because I know for a fact I knew that Stiltzkin existed.

I want an FF off-shoot game that is Stiltzkin and Montblanc going on monster hunting and new worlds exploration adventures.

Mr Gashtacular
09-05-2022, 06:24 PM
i dislike the FF12 moogles. i prefer the cuter ones like in 9

09-21-2022, 12:05 AM
I thought the FFXII Moogles were fitting for the Ivalice universe. It was nice to see a change! And they were a much better design than Mog in XIII-2. He was just creepy and annoying �� FFVI, IX, and XIV Moogles are my favourite, kupo. Praise be to King Moggle Mog!

Mr Gashtacular
09-21-2022, 08:47 AM
they fit that universe because that universe sucks

Quindiana Jones
09-21-2022, 02:31 PM
fucken fight me, gash, i'll burst ye

Mr Gashtacular
09-21-2022, 04:26 PM
mon then :bou::bou::bou::bou: ill turn u upside down and inside out so u can finally dribble with ur feet not ur gob you fuckin relic

Quindiana Jones
09-22-2022, 08:31 PM
square go then, ye chubby wank

Wolf Kanno
09-23-2022, 02:15 AM
I prefer their older designs, but I do like the Ivalice designs as well.

10-26-2022, 02:37 PM
I am in the camp where I like all the moogle designs.

My favorite is fat mog though.

11-18-2022, 03:16 PM
I am in the camp where I like all the moogle designs.

My favorite is fat mog though.

Thank you.

Quindiana Jones
01-26-2023, 02:59 AM
I want an FF off-shoot game that is Stiltzkin and Montblanc going on monster hunting and new worlds exploration adventures.

God damn I really want this game.

Vincent, Thunder God
02-17-2023, 08:51 AM
So what exactly DEFINES a moogle?

I mean if we were to go into the details.

What would lead us to ASSUME that WE KNOW what a moogle really IS! Do we know - what they are not? Or indeed What THEY ARE.

Let me paraphrase.

We have no knowledge of moogles. But THEY have knowledge of US!

DSM-VII C.A.D. Celebrity Attachment Disorder

Or perhaps Cartoon Addiction Disorder!