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09-22-2013, 02:46 AM
kawaii ryukishi was my hero

09-22-2013, 08:40 AM
then what happened

09-22-2013, 02:57 PM
I got banned lmao.

but a bit besides the point, didnt he used to bless this place with the most far out explanations?

and I remember there being an old kishi appreciation thread and thats not really where Im going with this, but Id appreciate if I still got to see some more modern posts from him.

and cl_out too, what happened to that guy!

09-22-2013, 08:25 PM
Oh dear. We've had another form of crazy in our midst lately. Cannot talk about it though.

IDK either of those ppl, but .... Yeah.

09-22-2013, 10:07 PM
I'll let him know, Mr. Numbars.

09-23-2013, 03:32 AM
I miss the quality posters too.

09-23-2013, 11:51 AM
I miss the quality posters too.You just did 'em on the first date.

09-23-2013, 01:23 PM
I'll let him know, Mr. Numbars.

yer the best

edit: why is there a reply button if it doesnt jsut come with the quote? doesnt that make orderly conversation confusing?

09-23-2013, 06:04 PM
I miss the quality posters too.

what the hell man? I'm quality poster! XD

09-25-2013, 03:19 AM
Are we speculating about what's happened to Kishi? I'm going with "swallowed by whale".

09-26-2013, 06:53 AM
He has returned to the ooze.

Quindiana Jones
09-26-2013, 07:08 AM
Hey, what happened to your face?

09-26-2013, 07:24 AM
Are we speculating about what's happened to Kishi? I'm going with "swallowed by whale"."got bored"


I mean

"arrested for tentacle rape". I actually wonder if, in the future when there will be human mutations, tentacle rape will be classed as a separate offence to regular vanilla rape.

09-26-2013, 07:30 PM
What do you mean future? There's human mutants living as we speak.

10-18-2013, 05:50 AM
on the Uchiha Madara tip, I just stole Kawaii Ryukishi's identity on twitter. no one else had it so

10-18-2013, 05:55 AM
Who let Eric out of #eoff?!