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View Full Version : I (do not) HAVE THE POWERRRR!

09-24-2013, 07:03 PM
We had yet another power outage here, probably because the house is a new build on a new estate. I guess electricity is something we take for granted. Or at least, I do.

What do you get up to when there's no more juice? Here is what I did:

Tipped out every document regarding the home and appliances on the floor to figure out if there was anything I could do with the circuit breaker. Nope! Wasn't us with the problem!
Attempted to use the bathroom in the dark (no window) and ended up dual wielding my phone and iPod for light.
Traumatised the cat by chasing it around, playing ring tones at it. The cat (probably) likes this, cat lovers, don't go setting fire to me!
Thought about making a thread about it on Eyes on Final Fantasy.
Fixed the door chain screw thing, achieved by hammering it into the wall, yelling profanities, and collapsing in a heap on the stairs.
Sobbing. Like, a whole lot. Couldn't stop them tears.

I am clearly a blithering idiot, but at least I achieved something in fixing up something around the home! What do you do to pass the time when the power is out?

09-24-2013, 07:14 PM
Made a phone call to the electric company, watched the cat for a bit, and walked around.

Normally I just use one of my handhelds (phone, DS) or laptop until they die and when they do I just read a book or sit by the window enjoying the silence. If the power outage goes into the night I just go to bed with a flashlight nearby.

09-24-2013, 07:21 PM
I haven't had a powercut since I moved into the city nearly 3 years ago. When I used to live in the middle of nowhere, we used to get them all the time and I never knew what to do with myself! Now if it happened, I'd probably just read a book, clean or play games on my iPhone until the power came back on.

09-24-2013, 07:22 PM
I dunno what I'd do now actually. Last time I had a power cut our house was on an estate up the top of a hill, so we used to just go out on the balcony on the roof (these houses had no gardens, just roof balconies) and look out across the town if it was at night. Was really cool being able to see the areas that still had power and those that didn't. Then we deduced that the local Chinese takeaway still had power so we went and got Chinese. Then came back and ate it the dark, illuminating the room with whatever battery powered Christmas decorations or other tat we had.

Now I live in the middle of town I'd probably just stand on the balcony for a bit or run down to the other end of the apartment hallway and hang out with my friends which live on the same floor. Probably tell ghost stories and stuff, cuz, y'know... why not.

09-24-2013, 07:54 PM
These days I have enough battery-powered entertainment to see me through any power outage I'm likely to experience. If all else fails, I have books!

09-24-2013, 09:50 PM
Power outages usually happen during storms and usually at night for me. I find it difficult to sleep if I don't have either a) someone with me or b) some source of electricity or something on in order to sleep with, so I will usually pull out my ipod to sleep with on.

If I'm awake, though, I think it's fun to run around and light up candles, hurricane lamps and oil lamps, use flashlights and put on a fire if it's cold enough. Last time I was in a power outage, my boyfriend and I put candles around and played two-person Clue (rules have to be changed) and Caravan (can be played live outside of Fallout and it is incredibly fun). Making food and eating by candlelight is also an adventure!

No power with someone else is fun, no power alone is how you end up murdered.

09-24-2013, 10:00 PM
I honestly don't know what I'd do because I don't think I've been stuck with a power outage while awake in more than ten years.

09-25-2013, 12:27 AM
I use my phone until the battery is dead. What do I do after the battery is dead? Hopefully it'll never come to that.

09-25-2013, 12:36 AM
This hasn't happened in my condo yet, but I imagine I'll probably sit on the balcony if the weather is good.

09-25-2013, 02:27 AM
I get pissed because that means when it comes back on my alarm system for my apartment will go off and this usually happens when I'm sleeping. If i'm awake I play my electronics until they die. then i sleep a lot

09-25-2013, 02:29 AM
Last time the power went out and we lost internet as a resulting factor, I figured I'd just go ahead and play my save file of Ocarina of Time until internet came back on. I got the Nintendo 64 plugged in, and ready to go, went to turn on the tv...finally realized what I was doing.

09-25-2013, 02:31 AM
This happened all the time when I lived in Rubesville, Nowhere a few years ago. I would start to play cards with other members of the household, but that smurfery gets ugly fast, ya know? And don't even try Monopoly. I'd go to sleep and wait eventually. It's somewhat impressive how fast I can force myself into sleep.

Also, this thing of you chasing around a cat... For some reason, I'm really laughing quite a lot about it. Some day, when I have a blackout on the inside, I will think of that and it will lift my spirits. Some deep, awkward trout for me in this thread.

09-25-2013, 07:32 AM
Also, this thing of you chasing around a cat... For some reason, I'm really laughing quite a lot about it. Some day, when I have a blackout on the inside, I will think of that and it will lift my spirits. Some deep, awkward trout for me in this thread.If it helps, the cat's name is Riley but I call her King Robert because I am a gigantic dork.

I tell you what pisses me off about powercuts actually. Having to set all of the fucking clocks such as the microwave and my alarm clock again.

09-25-2013, 08:21 AM
If I'm with my parents, we just hook the RV to the generator on my dad's big truck. :p .... Which happened over Giftmas this past year cuz it snowed and it never snows in New Boston, Texas apparently so like every transformer in town exploded or whatevs.

And because everyone there is inbred and/or on drugs, these dumbasses kept coming over to try and get on the internet. Duh.

09-25-2013, 09:36 AM
Last time there was a power outage I went outside and talked to my neighbors while I waited for my friend to pick me up to go gamble. We heard there was working air conditioning at the casino (pretty much the whole of San Diego was out of juice).

09-25-2013, 10:45 AM
I play with candles when there's a blackout. Or like, go outside (whatever that means).