View Full Version : What would excite you about the Final Fantasy franchise?

Del Murder
11-07-2013, 03:01 AM
Obviously the announcement of FFXV is pretty exciting, but what else? It could be something to do with FFXV or something in the future.

For me, a 'true' FF game for a handheld system using 2D sprites and getting the full developmental treatment would be pretty cool.

11-07-2013, 06:23 AM
Parties with 5 characters or more at a time. Think of the possibilities!
An Africa-inspired setting. The only game that did this (that I know of) was Guild Wars: Nightfall and it worked brilliantly. Bonus points if it's not depicted as especially impoverished (another nod to Nightfall).
A revamped turn-based battle system as opposed to a more action-based
Return to character classes or a job system (especially if the characters have jobs exclusive to them.)
A more mature look and story without turning into a ridiculous testosterone-fest a la Gears of War.
Some limited non-linear elements, like factions, a semi-open world, or a relationship system. Xenoblade Chronicles anyone?

Basically Final Fantasy needs to win back their old audience before trying to garner a new one. If the fans can't recommend a franchise, who will?

11-07-2013, 09:29 AM
I'd be fine if the party was just back to 4, but also if a new battle system is done well it doesn't have to be turn based for me. Wouldn't mind a game's story to be based in a world closer to the classics or FFIX either.

Loony BoB
11-07-2013, 01:42 PM
Moments that make my jaw drop and just generally amazing gameplay with a fantastic story.

A creative magic system where you could combine weapons and magic to 'create' attacks or defenses would be neat, too. In XIV, I'm fairly certain the very first trailer involved two characters combining their strengths to create a unique attack. I would love it if that could happen. It was briefly touched upon with Vivi and Steiner, but I'd like to see it expanded to extreme lengths so that you could genuinely get creative in ways the devs didn't even anticipate. Throw a grenade, freeze it in a block of ice, let the grenade explode and ice shards spear into your enemies. Stuff like that. :D

11-07-2013, 01:46 PM
FFVII Remake.

11-07-2013, 03:17 PM
Return of the job system aka a new FF V with some improvements.

11-07-2013, 04:46 PM
Return of the job system aka a new FF V with some improvements.

So... FFX-2? ;)

11-07-2013, 09:11 PM
I would like to see a more fantasy based game. We had IX and X had more fantasy elements but I feel there's too much focus on urban fantasy. I'd like to see some more knights and less guns.

11-07-2013, 10:55 PM
Return of the job system aka a new FF V with some improvements.

So... FFX-2? ;)

Ohh, haven't played that one yet, but you got me excited! :lol:

11-08-2013, 12:51 AM
I would like to see a more fantasy based game. We had IX and X had more fantasy elements but I feel there's too much focus on urban fantasy. I'd like to see some more knights and less guns.

I think it's time for another one of this nature too. I'm fine with Urban Fantasy when it isn't toooo much, but would really love a new game based in a traditional fantasy world.

Del Murder
11-08-2013, 01:42 AM
Return of the job system aka a new FF V with some improvements.

So... FFX-2? ;)

Ohh, haven't played that one yet, but you got me excited! :lol:
If you don't mind the coat of paint they put on it, FFX-2 is a great implementation of the job and ATB systems.

11-08-2013, 01:58 AM
The removal of voice acting.

11-10-2013, 02:47 AM
Interesting dungeons with puzzles, traps and maybe even a Co op element.

A beautiful cell shaded style like Dragon Quest viii or valkyria chronicles.

Any game involving Hiroyuko Ito or Hiroshi Minagawa or Yatsumi Matsuno.

ATB-like ATB with full party control and menus required.

Pre-rendered backgrounds.

Pretty much anything they do on console or handheld.

11-10-2013, 01:12 PM
Fantasy setting

Yoshitaka Amano art style

In-game graphics look like this:

At least 4 characters in the party during battle

Yatsunori Mitsuda does character themes and area themes, Uematsu does all battle themes and themes for special cutscenes

Expanded job system from V

Return of the ATB

Seamless transition to battle (like Chrono Trigger, how has it been almost 20 years and Square STILL hasn't put out a 3D turn-based RPG with a battle system like Trigger's?)

Storyline that isn't too caught up in melodrama, but is still able to have its serious moments (ex. VI, VII)

Massive world map to explore, with lots of hidden dungeons

A flyable airship

11-11-2013, 09:37 PM
More interesting art design. I feel like all the games pretty much look the same now. It would be neat if they tried something different or new.
Puppies. And in general, more cute trout.
A Final Fantasy game that is a musical. With choreographed dancing and song numbers.
A more interactive world. Where you can go into the buildings and take clothes out of closets and pick up chairs and move them around.
More humor and whimsy.
Fun and interesting new ways for characters to travel.

11-11-2013, 09:38 PM
Being able to change your character's costume (like Lightning Returns) would be cool.

11-11-2013, 10:25 PM

11-12-2013, 01:24 AM
Being able to change your character's costume (like Lightning Returns) would be cool.

Are you sure they aren't going to be charging money for this through the DLC, or whatever though?

11-12-2013, 01:46 AM
I don't know. I was just saying a feature I thought would be cool to implement! I think DLC is stupid, and I think SE will keep making DLC as long as people continue to buy them.

11-12-2013, 05:47 PM
Co-opAbso-fucking-lutely. This is the big one right here. And I don't mean the "one player controls a couple of dudes in battle" co-op that I think IX had.

For me, I've grown up. Gaming used to be me as a teenager in my bedroom. Now it's something I do with friends. I think it'd be cool to explore new worlds together. I could be Cloud, one friend could be Barret, another Tifa. At towns, you can split up. Barret wants to go to the bar, Tifa wanders off to buy new materia and Cloud just rummages through people's houses. You all meet up later for story events and what have you.

Everything's more fun with friends. (But it shouldn't penalise those that don't have them too! :p)

black orb
12-01-2013, 08:01 PM
>>> A transgender main character?.

I dont think it has been done before (Cloud in drag does not count), that would be a hit..:luca:

12-01-2013, 08:51 PM
Just... no.

black orb
12-01-2013, 09:48 PM
Just... no.
>>> Ok, then how about a hot transgender main character?..:luca:

No one would complain to that..:monster:

12-04-2013, 01:08 AM
I would love a new turn-based FF that could be played with choice of single or multi players making alternative endings because You choose the Main character. (who's story do you want to hear)
I like the idea of raiding the village homes for clothes(maybe take your enemies armor as they sleep for a quick upgrade) or taking a uniform for later enemy infiltration.
I also love the battle axe. It would be great to choose the weapon (battle axe) you wanted and just earn upgrades for it or be able to customize it through the whole game.
I am not a fan of micro trans actions (elitist-game-capitalism) because if I paid for the ($50) whole game and fantasy experience I feel it's different than if I bought a ($5) half a game with ($.99) ala-carte junk on the side.


Black Magic Shopkeeper
12-04-2013, 04:30 AM
- Going back to its roots and doing a more traditional-feeling fantasy.
- Background designs derived from watercolors, like the good old days
- intricate fleshed out characters that aren't all two-dimensional, including an older guy with a bad attitude and a broad jaw, and perhaps a non-human playable character howabouts
-music that doesn't make twinkly sounds all the time and has a consistent recurring tune (or two).
...Mostly just going back to the roots stylistically.

12-04-2013, 08:18 AM
I'll admit if they came out with a remake to Final Fantasy VII I'd jizz in my pants.

Then I'd be paralyzed with fear that they screwed it up.

12-05-2013, 06:00 PM
I definitely think the series needs more humor and whimsy...it seems to take itself way too seriously now.

I miss non-human playable characters. Humans are boooooriiiing. Give me a Cait Sith. A Quina. Hell even a Gau would be cool, even though he's human.

More Chocobos and Moogles!

12-06-2013, 07:20 PM
Co-opAbso-smurfing-lutely. This is the big one right here. And I don't mean the "one player controls a couple of dudes in battle" co-op that I think IX had.

For me, I've grown up. Gaming used to be me as a teenager in my bedroom. Now it's something I do with friends. I think it'd be cool to explore new worlds together. I could be Cloud, one friend could be Barret, another Tifa. At towns, you can split up. Barret wants to go to the bar, Tifa wanders off to buy new materia and Cloud just rummages through people's houses. You all meet up later for story events and what have you.

Everything's more fun with friends. (But it shouldn't penalise those that don't have them too! :p)
That would actually be awesome. But only if it were local. There is not enough local multiplayer games coming out these days :( I miss sharing a couch with friends and talking about everything in the game together.

12-06-2013, 07:45 PM
Geomancer class/character

Lone Wolf Leonhart
12-10-2013, 10:59 AM
I like finding little notes lying around. For example in FFIX you can see feedback in the Lindblum Inn guestbook. There's no purpose to this other than getting a laugh for observing the counter and I really enjoy things like that.


Black Magic Shopkeeper
12-10-2013, 03:01 PM
I definitely think the series needs more humor and whimsy...it seems to take itself way too seriously now.

I miss non-human playable characters. Humans are boooooriiiing. Give me a Cait Sith. A Quina. Hell even a Gau would be cool, even though he's human.

More Chocobos and Moogles!

It would be great if they had some racial variety again. I'd be absolutely astounded if a non-human character took front-and-center instead of some woobie gorgeous human guy/girl.
I miss the good old moogles, too. They keep changing them up to look all derpy...

12-10-2013, 08:38 PM
FF7 remake :monster:

05-12-2024, 12:27 PM
FF7 remake :monster:

This bloke's dream came true.