View Full Version : Final Fantasy Numbers: what if they never changed?

12-08-2013, 02:19 AM
When Final Fantasy first came out in the states we were unable to get the original II and III so we just renumbered IV to II. The same thing occurred with VI by making it III. By the time VII came out we decided to just keep the numbering the same, but what if we didn't? o.o

What if Final Fantasy VII was Final Fantasy IV?
Final Fantasy VIII was Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy IX was Final Fantasy VI (teehee)

Imagine the insanity, imagine the confusion and imagine all the hilarious American versus Japanese gamers who would argue over the correct numbering on the internet and the cool cats in the West who would boast their correct knowing of the original numbers.

I wonder if that alternate universe is the darkest of all...

12-08-2013, 02:29 AM
Final Fantasy VII was the very first in Europe and such so it was okay to do it the right. Way. Either way it would have been called Final Fantasy there, Final Fantasy IV in the US and correctly Final Fantasy VII in Japan. That is the Trinity of Weirdness.