View Full Version : Blitzball players with bad stats you still use anyway

Lone Wolf Leonhart
12-11-2013, 10:59 PM
My post is about the first game but X-2 is welcome as well:

Whenever I play this game I always go to Luca and pick up Zev Ronso. I don't know why. He's always a staple for me. Maybe his NPC text is witty? I can't remember. But after the first playthrough I just kept going back and getting him.

I also use Wakka because of his familiarity, even though his stats aren't the best.

12-12-2013, 02:31 AM
I usually just keep all the Aurochs and Recruit Wakka

12-12-2013, 10:23 AM
I usually keep all the Aurochs, but add in Brother and Wakka (despite his low stats). Brother + Tidus = ultimate winning. It doesn't even matter about the rest of the Aurochs being awful!

12-12-2013, 11:03 AM
I never paid attention to the stats and only really played that one mandatory time since I was so crap at it anyway. Didn't know you could do any recruiting.

12-12-2013, 05:29 PM
Brother and Tidus are all I need to reach success. So, I keep the rest of the Aurochs and Wakka just because I feel like they deserve to be a part of a winning team despite not being good.

12-14-2013, 08:20 PM
Same as most of you guys, as long as Brother is in the team it really doesn't matter who else is present.

12-14-2013, 08:46 PM
Is there an art Blitzball? I was never good at it at all. Major suxor. I doubt I ever won a game.

12-14-2013, 09:44 PM
Not that I remember, I lost a lot of the early games before putting together a half decent team (read: bought Brother). Before long I was seeing how far away I could score from, it's one of those weird ones that goes from ridiculously hard to ridiculously easy very quickly. I'm kinda hoping they tweak the game slightly in the upcoming HD version but I'm not getting my hopes up.

12-14-2013, 10:32 PM
There was a guado guy i always got. Don't remember his name though. Oops

12-16-2013, 10:34 AM
You all may remember Bickson of the Luca Goers. If you've had the pleasure if forgetting, he's the snooty piece of sputum who taunts and mocks the Aurochs in the build up to the tournament at Luca.

Well, once got released by them which I thought was hilarious and just had to sign him up for the Aurochs he so despised. His stats were okay, not as impressive as they are when Blitzball kicks off.

I should probably point out I immediately fired him too :jess:

12-16-2013, 04:28 PM
Jokes on you he still got paid

Lone Wolf Leonhart
12-19-2013, 07:46 AM
"You want a handshake? How about I just swing on you."

12-19-2013, 07:55 AM
I always have some special players but once i have Tidus' second Jecht Shot I only need him and no one else. This move is broken.

For X-2 Abes' Ace since it is Tidus, the Gullwings and Wakka and some otherss.

12-19-2013, 12:18 PM
I used to get that Crusader chick (Miyu maybe?) as my goalie. She wasn't great but was a damn sight better than Keepa at the start. I got a Guado fella too, but I don't remember.

After my first couple (attempted) playthroughs I just decided to stick with the Aurochs 'cause they're only mostly rubbish and grow into good players. Wedge usually makes an appearance though, and maybe Biggs, though Biggs is kind of trout tier by comparison.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
12-20-2013, 12:24 AM
I also get Biggs and Wedge on occasion for the namesake.

Forsaken Lover
12-20-2013, 12:34 AM
Bickson's the man. He's voiced by Quinton Flynn

to Tidus at the Killika Temple: The name's Bickson. Got it memorized?

12-21-2013, 05:37 PM
Jokes on you he still got paidI'd gladly pay him money to deliver a hearty fuck you.

Also Miyu was my keeper too, Jiro, and I didn't think she was so bad.